Averin An'Arach

SEX: Male
AGE: 23
HEIGHT: 6’2”
EYES: Green
HAIR: Auburn
FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes, untrained
FACTION: CIS (Nominally)
RANK: Pirate, maybe something more
MARITAL STATUS: Husband of [member="Lola An'Arach"]
Averin is a tall man, standing at six foot two. He has a build equal parts lithe and powerful. Broad shouldered, well muscled, but possessed of an undeniable grace. He moves with a slow, languid, precision, that gives him an undeniable aura of deadly skill. He is a handsome man. With a square cut jaw, straight nose, and prominent cheekbones. His brown eyes are dark and alluring. Sometimes they sparkle with kindness, other times gleaming with baleful intent. His habitual expression is a half smile.
His early years are shrouded in quite a bit of mystery that he is unwilling to expand upon easily. His wife knows his origins but no one else does. What is known is that he was a reluctant member of a pirate crew on a ship known as The Blood of the Stars. He was press-ganged into service when they captured another ship. He served on it for a few years before eventually rigging the hyperdrive to explode. Abandoning ship in an escape pod after jettisoning the rest.
Despite at first being an unwilling pirate after getting his revenge, he fell into the pirate lifestyle. However, without ship or crew, he found himself rather at a loss until he met Lola Wynn. The young woman hired him to perform what seemed an impossible task, retrieving valuable cargo from a shipful of pirates with no help but her. He succeeded and later Lola hired him for another job.
In exchange for his own ship, he agreed to take her to the homeworld of her mother. On the way, it was revealed to him that she'd stolen credits, and their ship, from her father. Suprised but not displeased he decided to turn their ship into a pirate vessel. The two starting a relationship that soon ended with them getting married in a bathtub, by his own supposed authority as captain, while on a tropical planet.
(+) Like a Cat: Well untrained in The Force, barely aware he even has talent, in fact, he has nevertheless learned how to tap into it. This mostly manifests as an unnatural sense of balance and dexterity that has earned him a bit of a reputation.
(+) I'd Follow That Guy: Despite his youth, Averin exudes a natural aura of charisma that many people find alluring. This has often lead to him acquiring willing accomplices for his mad schemes.
(+) The Three C's: Averin lives by a personal creed called the three C's: Composure, Confidence, and Competence. Essentially always act like you know what you are doing, believe you will succeed, and learn as many skills as you can as best you can. This plays into his natural charisma since he is rarely ruffled and seems to possess an astonishing variety of skills.
(+/-) Deeply Truly: Averin loves his wife and will do anything for her. This can be a strength in some situations allowing him to power through where he might fall, it is also a potential weakness.
(-) My Way or The Highway: Averin is stubborn to a fault and has trouble listening to other peoples suggestions and orders. He will do what he likes when he likes and if he gets caught or challenged he tends to just try and power through.
(-) I Thought it Would Work: The three C's can occasionally add a fourth, Cocky. He believes that all his plans will work no matter how crazy and this can lead to him making some truly bad decisions.
SHIP: The Lotus II
ARMOR: Corsair Armor Mark I
SWORD: Light Cutlass
SIDE ARM: The Hand Canon