Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Avery Vaaki: Rookie Galactic Alliance Pilot

Avery Vaaki

Age18 GSY
Height170 cm
Force SensitiveNo Avery is not force sensitive and has no connection at all.


Glancing at Avery, you can tell she came from the upper echelons of Coruscanti society. She is an unrivaled beauty. Her skin seemed flawless, as if it never had any blemishes or markings. Her smile always filled with pearly white teeth, a picture of perfection. The outfits she mainly wore were a mix of both style and technocratic. Every step she took, it was if the crowded streets of the galaxy's largest planet parted to the sides so she wouldn't be disturbed. Avery had a sideshave hairstyle, her black hair having some streaks of silver and white going through it. What was most noticeable was the cybernetics on Avery's face. Though they appeared minimized, her eyes gave it away at how ingrained her enhancements were.


-Galactic Alliance Uniform
-Galactic Alliance Pilot Suit
- Galactic Alliance Sweats


One would expect that based on how Avery looks, that she would be a snobbish elite, with little regard for the people worse off than her. In all reality, Avery is a kind woman despite coming from such a wealthy household. She often finds the corporate politicking and high life to be rather dull and boring, always seeing everyone wearing metaphorical masks as they lie through their teeth to each other. It was a scene she didn't want to be apart of. Avery is adventurous and a bit of a rebel, always going off to do high speed races in the lower levels of Coruscant. While her stunts earned the disapproval of her father, she always made her mother even more upset. Avery was never the traditional type of woman, always interested in starships, and how they worked. She would spend some hours on the day, browsing the various ships that would land in front of the Senate building, before the guards would drive her away.


Cerebral Enhancements- The cybernetics Avery had installed gives her better eyesight, including even an aim assist and also threat detection. The cybernetics also have enhanced her reaction time, allowing her to react quicker to situations.

Knowledge of Starships- While she may not be an engineer, Avery is quite knowledgeable about many common ships that are seen in the galaxy. She has a particular interest in military craft that are public knowledge.

Daring- Avery hardly ever backs down from the potential dangers that might face her. She is willing to step up to the plate and stand tall even when the odds are against her. Risks and all do not concern her.


Vulnerable To EMP's- If Avery is hit with something that affects electronics or machinery, her cybernetics would become faulty unless they are repaired and calibrated. If they are not, Avery runs the risk of being in extreme pain due to how intertwined her enhancements are with her brain and eyes.

Hard Headed- Avery is stubborn, often not changing her mind once it has been made up. This could be difficult when trying to communicate with her about certain issues.


Born on Coruscant, Avery was one of the lucky ones. She didn't experience the hardships of growing in the lower levels, where gangs ruled down there. Instead, Avery's parents were wealthy and lived on the top portion of the city planet. Avery's father was the CEO of a very profitable company that specialized in manufacturing starship parts, for the Galactic Alliance. Her mother was just a socialite, good at hosting parties but seldom in every other department. Avery grew up in a cushy setting, but she never liked living a life of corporate royalty. Always having to act prim and proper, always having to wear these dresses made of the finest garments in the galaxy. Instead she often spent her time, embroiling herself in learning about spacecraft of all kinds. This only fueled her rebellious streak against her parents, soon starting to do high speed races in the lower levels. While Avery officially never got arrested by the police, nor been in trouble with the gangs of the underworld, she lived off the thrill of her races.

Avery often either snuck to the Senate building, to examine the ships parked there, or she would go with her father to visit the foundries where they produced starfighter parts. Business was only booming especially with the war between the Galactic Alliance and the Empire. Her father tried to get Avery to get into the more business side of things, as she was going to inherit his company after he passed. Avery always refused, never wanting to be stuck in that corporate world. Tired of Avery's rebellious nature, her parents had her placed under house arrest on their home in Coruscant. Mercenaries were charged with keeping Avery home at all costs.

Fortunately, or rather unfortunately, the Empire would attack Coruscant. The ensuing chaos would see the city planet become a warzone. The mercenaries guarding her home would disappear, more concerned to escape the carnage if anything. Avery used this chance to try and hide, but unfortunately she was wounded during the conflict. She clinged onto life just long enough for other civilians to pull her to safety. Her parents would find her and take her to a doctor off planet after the battle was over. There Avery got her cybernetics installed, and her parents had planned on taking her away from Coruscant so they flee to safer space.

However, Avery knew that meant her being imprisoned in this elitist lifestyle. Especially when so many lost everything back on Coruscant. So Avery snuck onto a transport bound for the capital of the Galactic Alliance. With no credits and only her holopad, she went straight to the nearest Galactic Alliance recruiting post to sign up to join the Alliance navy as a pilot. From there she would be put through training and pilot school, soon graduating to becoming a new fresh faced pilot for the Alliance.

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