Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Avner Obasi


NAME: Avner Obasi
FACTION: Commenor Systems Alliance
RANK: None
AGE: 36
SEX: Male
WEIGHT: 180lbs
EYES: Dark brown
HAIR: Dark brown
SKIN: Slightly tanned


[+] You Have My Word: When Avner says he’s going to do something, he’s going to do it. When he gives his “word”, those that know him can rely on Avner following through. This makes him one of the most dependable people his comrades know.
[+] Changing Up The Tempo: Adaptability. Avner can change plans on the fly, keeping him one step ahead of those that would want to do him harm.
[+] Forged By Fire: Due to his extensive experience with covert operations groups, Avner is skilled in most forms of combat, including explosive devices and firearms, hand to hand combat, apprehension avoidance (escaping from confinement), covert channels, surreptitious entry operations (picking or otherwise bypassing locks), extreme survival and wilderness training, combat EMS medical training, tactical communications, and tracking.

[-] This Ain’t the Wild West: Despite his restraint in most situations, Avner is usually quicker than most to resort to direct action in order to complete an objective, violent or otherwise.
[-] Lone Wolf: While having to work with teams in the past, Avner works best on his own. Knowing this, he finds it difficult to work with others unless he can absolutely trust them.
[-] The Innocent Must Walk Free: Avner goes out of his way to protect innocent life, whether that’s the life of civilians, police, or military. Some may see this as a lack of will to do what is “necessary” to get the job done.

Avner is a handsome, yet battle-hardened man. A keen eye would be able to see that he’s served in the military in some sort of capacity, from the way he moves to the way he speaks. A somber expression occupies his face most of the time.

Avner’s homeworld is Commenor, and lived there all of his life before he decided to join the Republic military. From the start, it was clear to Avner’s superiors that he wouldn’t just be a grunt. He displayed an intelligence and aptitude for combat far beyond that of a typical soldier. As such, he was placed on a specialized covert operations task force. The unit was never given a name, only indicated as a “task force” in redacted documents.

All of the missions and assignments Avner went on are not a matter of public record, and probably never will be.

After the Republic fell, Avner returned to Commenor, disheartened. He was further discouraged by the fact that his home had changed. Commenor was now under the rule of a Queen who had taken power by rather suspicious means. Avner left once again, hoping to forge a new path in the galaxy. Rather than become a mercenary, he decided to start hauling freight, mostly relief and medical supplies to those that needed it. He ended up fighting a number of slavers, traffickers, and criminals along the way, racking up more than a few bounties in a few short years.

Friends of his living in what was now the CSA began to relate to him their apprehension in living under the rule of someone who wasn’t a publically elected official. Avner wasn’t too concerned at first, as the CSA had been touted as a successor to the Republic from others. However, the more he heard, the more he began to worry. The Senate was dissolved. Friendships were being made with the First Order and Galactic Empire. Matters were made worse when the King, Veiere Arenais, turned to the dark side of the Force and attacked a Jedi Enclave on Deneba.

Avner had spent his entire life fighting oppression and protecting the rights of people. To him, his home had the potential of becoming a totalitarian society.

An unmodified YV-100 light freighter for hauling cargo and as a mobile base, if need be.






Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Srina Talon"]

Haha, alright two works ;) I may even have to sleep with one eye open. But then again, that's what security is for. And bodyguards.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Srina Talon"]

LOL I'm married. Sure my husband is in a cell right now, but that's beside the point. Avner is dangerous to me and my gov't.

Caedyn Arenais

[member="Srina Talon"]

...We must thread together >.>

[member="Avner Obasi"]

Nice to meet you Sir !

Don't cause trouble for my Mom !!


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Srina Talon"]

A breakout? I put him in there. He'll be let out some day. But not right now. The people want justice.....

[member="Caedyn Arenais"]

Yes. That means that you have to clean up after it too. Like it's poop! Good thing Lori isn't around. I'm sure that you'd make her do it.

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