Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Awaken the Banshee

In a lab somewhere....

Sammy (the one with the butterfly for a face)


I had brought my creation, Sammy, here to help her. My last (so far) and greatest creation. She had been a clone that had been fatally malformed. I had modified her to keep her alive. She'd become what most people would call a monster. But she was mine. I taught her about the galaxy. Taught her about the horrors and benefits of war and peace and government. I'd helped her when she was attacked for her appearance.

Then she had developed an odd kind of power, similar to a high-power Force Scream, and began to show signs of strong telekinetic powers. The Hapan government investigated her, found out I was behind her creation, and exiled me.

When the disease had hit my fleet, she suddenly slipped into a coma. Along with the rest of my crew, she had gone into stasis for over 800 years, and she was still unable to wake up....

"... So I have come to you for help, Lady Circe. Your work is amazing. And now I need your abilities to help me reawaken Sammy."

In Umbris Potestas Est
[member="Cross Ikon"]

"I see..." She stroked her chin, curious. All she had heard of this "sammy" was that it was a horrifyingly mutated amalgamation of human and insectoid flesh, its corruption nearly permeating. "So you created a genetic abomination, got booted into the middle of nowhere, and ended up waking up with her and the rest of your crew in shambles."

She stood up. "And what would you give me in response for resurrecting your torpid monstrosity?"
I shrugged. I didn't really have anything that would satisfy her, most likely. Except.....

"I have information on Miss Homura, my lady. As well as that beautiful vampiress you created for her. That's all I really have that would interest you."

My face tightened a bit, as I realized that she could kill me right here... And nobody would ever know. Not Ogen, not Kelli, not the people under my command, and certainly not Rik'tani. My hands twitched as I resisted the urge to reach for my gun... Or go crazy and blast away at her.


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