Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Awaken the Dragon's Maw

Hoth. A worthless frozen hell on the farthest end of the universe, where everything was covered by at least three inches of ice. According to the holo histories, the Rebels once had a base on this world. Irony had a sense of humor it seems as Colonel Alexander Ienovo oversaw the last section that the techs were installing. This network of caves which once housed the enemies of the Empire would be the new home of its strongest warriors.

Coughing harshly, he nearly doubled over from the wrenching pain gripping his chest. When he removed his hand, he could see flecks of blood on his gauntlet. The cancer was spreading rapidly, the doctors said. They wanted to operate but he refused. Ever since his Isabella and the twins were gone. All the reason for living was gone as well. All that was left was honor and duty.

Now he and the men of the Dragon's Maw, the elite commando force of the Imperial Army, were about to enter cryosleep. To await for reactivation once the ravages of the Gulag plague have finally burned out. With one last glance at the men and women sleeping in the preservation tanks, Alex Ienovo offered a silent prayer before laying his head back and the flood of coolants entered his sleeping chamber.

Sleep. The sleep of the innocent and free. How long has he been sleeping? How long had he been standing in the field of white snow? Then without warning a sudden surge of power pulsed through his heart.

His eyes flashed open as he tried to scream. Standing in front of him was a man in white coat, middle aged, a pistol snugly resting on his hip holster. An disembodied female voice said, "Subject Alpha has emerged from cryosleep. All vitals as normal."

"Welcome back-uhg!" Whatever he was going to say was cut off when Alexander balled his fist and punched him in the solar plexus. In one smooth motion, he drew the pistol and flipped the man around to use as meat shield.

"What is the password?" He asked, his voice rough and gravelly from disuse and from the abuse his smoking and drinking had taken over the years.

"Beliphigor. The password is Beliphigor. Please release me."

The password was correct. Either this was an elaborate ruse or the Empire was in need again of her finest soldiers. Releasing his hostage but keeping the weapon, Alexander said, "What is your name son?"

"Chief Medical Specialist Martell, Sir!"

"So the Dragon's Maw has been reactivated once more?"

"That is correct sir. My order of the Imperial Remnant, the Dragon's Maw is called to active duty, sir!"

Alexander frowned, the Imperial what? But before he could ask any more questions, the darkness quickly closed in and he fell forward unconscious. The last few words he heard were......

"Get me a crash cart stat! Activate the rest of the pods."

Yes, once more the Dragon's Maw will march and strike terror in the hearts of their foes.
Viera smiled as she walked through the old base, it had been ages since anyone had been here, she was suprised the scientist's and doctor's could do anything. She had found records reporting that this place had the empire's finest frozen in storage and she had to find it. It had taken a good month but they had found the base and got the power running for more than the cryo chambers. She walked through the infirmary and looked over the men, her eyes resting on one in paticular. She wondered if he still had it in him. Viera got closer, looking at the man that led these men and had cause so much fret. He seemed to have a smoking problem among other things, He was a wreck when the doctors first saw him. They had done their job and he should be feeling better than ever, yet he wouldn't wake up yet. She hoped the man wasn't in a coma or something...
Biting back the urge to spit out the creamy flavored swill they called coffee, Alexander grunted took another sip. As lousy as the taste was, it felt good to have something warm going down his throat. But for the love of all that is holy, didn't anyone in this day and age know how to make a proper cup of Jarva?

Sighing softly, he ignored the doctors and nurses as the poked and prodded him with their instruments and fingers. It would take him at least 24 hours before he was cleared for active duty but he wasn't the kind to just sit still. Already he was pacing back and forth, much to the dismay of the doctors who wished their patient to remain lying down.

Sensing someone was watching him he turned his gaze in that direction and looked appreciatively at the young woman in uniform. "Can I help you ma'am?"
She smiled and looked up from the man she had been watching. What did she want, she was here to check in on the status of this elite bunch of soldiers but looking at their health she wasn't so sure if that was going to help them. Viera looked the man over with a critical eye, clearly giving him the one over. He was old and fit the last known description of the man who trained this group. "Yes, you can explain to me your last orders, and plans for serving the Imperial Remnant or not. I understand that time has taken its toll and wouldn't blame you if you want to retire. " She said wondering his reaction. She had a smirk to her face as she said that last word, 'retire' She knew this man wouldn't be the type to retire, Well hoped she was right or else she was down one of the better generals.
"I retire when I'm dead, ma'am. The Dragon's Maw is the Fist of the Empire, we get sent where we get needed the most. Live Strong, Die Free." He replied stating their notorious battle cry. "If you think a little cold is going to stop me....perhaps a little demo is in order. Corporal." Pointing to an aide of one of the doctors.

The man was huge, a rough 6'11" with a muscle mass clearly indicating a strong brawling background. "You look like you would do. So would you say you are a fair fighter?"

Smiling the man displayed a missing tooth as he replied, "I can hold my own sir."

"Well how about you try hitting an old man?"

"Pardon sir? That's a court martial offense."

"Son. I just gave you a direct order. Hit me if you can."

The soldier tentatively swung at Alexander, but he already ducked and landed a couple of blows to the man's side and kidneys before dancing back. Again and again he repeated it, showing a remarkable spring for a man his age but still his breaths were getting a bit labored.

"Thank you son for being a good sport. Carry on with your duties."

Going back to his companion, she could see that sweat had beaded on his forehead and quickly frozen into tiny drops. "The docs gave me a new lung and liver. Said I probably need a kidney replacement as well. Screw that, get me into armor and I probably outpace a man half my age."

"Now tell me what is the current situation that requires the reactivation of the Dragon's Maw, Ma'am?"
" I am impressed, you certainly still have it in you. Anything you and your men need will be at your disposal. I have some missons in mind for a group as good as the Dragon's Maw. " She looked him over one last time. " The Imperial Remnant is about to officially form, We are a group of what remains of the true empire. Many former lower ranked officers have joined in with the sith to make a Sith Empire, and of course we are dogged by the Republic. Your reactivated to serve the Imperial Remnant, and to carry out its directives. We need to make sure that the Empire still makes it mark in this galaxy so recently ravaged by the Gulag virus. We have Bastion as as our only safe haven at the moment. I am not going to lie, That virus reduced the Empire to almost nothing. We are hurting for men and we need your and yours. "
"So basically our back is to the wall and surrounded by the enemy on all sides. Well the Dragon's Maw have been through worst and we still come out on top." Clamping his teeth on down, he pondered, "I would need full authority to rebuild the corps to my standard. My team is the cream of the crop, all volunteers who left family and lives behind because I asked them to. But they won't be enough, if we're facing that many enemies. The Dragon's Maw will report directly to you I assume. No oversight committee, no one looking my shoulder playing backseat general. I will have full access to any and all military records including those accumulated by Imperial Intelligence. The Maw would be open to all imperial citizens regardless of specie, as long as they are willing to serve the Empire for the duration of their duties. Other than that I see no other problems, Ma'am. We live to serve." Snapping a sharp imperial salute to recognize her authority over his unit.
" I like the way you work, of course you have full authority, and access. I of course expect you to report directly to me," she gives the salute back to him in a quick fashion, and then continues. " I also want to ensure that you only report to me, There is a man who deems himself the Emperor but he holds no more power than I let him, understand that and we are good, " She gave him the glare that she was ready to have them all killed or whatever it took. " Also the head of Imperial Intelligence gave me this, which I think might interest you. " She holds a datapad, which holds the data of anyone that would fit the man's standards. Going over the records of the current men it became fairly obvious that General Ienovo demanded the best, and in this datapad were people that not even she could get to join the army. She wished him all the luck in the word. With that she would only hand it to him if he agreed to her demand. It was a tough one, to ignore the Emperor, in the past one that could end your career, but she knew that he only held it in name. She didn't care what he called himself, She answered to herself only. She wasn't a lightweight and could probably at least stand a chance against the man, perhaps not much of one but she was ready, the general might consider this treason. The Emperor was suppose to be Supreme Commander of the military when he deemed fit, and she was asking him to ignore him. She needed loyal troops and if she had the Dragon's Maw she would have a nice card to play. She hated that somehow the agreement had to end with him as emperor, but what was done was done.
He didn't even flinch under her gaze as he replied, "My loyalty is to the Empire not to any single man. For the Empire we serve, no matter who sits on the throne." Alexander was savvy enough to know if this woman had the pull to reactivate his unit, then she was far more powerful than any person who claimed the crown of the Empire. With those words he sealed his and his unit's loyalty to her and her alone.

Taking the data pad, he glanced on the list of possible candidates, grunting on occassion as he previewed the files given to him. "These would suffice to begin with. With your permission, the Maw would like permission to conduct a series of readiness preparedness mock exercises to evaluate the existing condition of our forces. On paper it would seem like we have the manpower to defend ourselves, I want to be sure that the reality backs it up. Combat is the worst place to find out that the readiness report does not the reality of the situation. Ma'am."
She smiled, and responded. " Of course, feel free to, and also feel free to refine your requirements with Imperial Intelligence. I can not agree more, please evaluate the existing condition of our forces, they need a kick in the butt. " She said with a laugh, Viera liked this man, he knew how the imperial system worked, " And if you ever want to command more than the Dragon's Maw, let me know, it can happen." He was a man who knew how to get things done and she needed more men like that. She only hoped that she could get the loyalty of other men as easily, She had the loyalty of her Flagship, but the rest of the fleet was anyones gamble.
"Thank you for your confidence in the Maw. Should you need us, we are at your command." There were ways to get things done in the Imperial Armed Forces, knowing whose back to scratch paid off dividends down the line, usually when it matters. Now he had his orders and he had to prepare his unit to return to full active status.
Viera returned to her temporary office, she had holed up here on hoth, until she was ready to return to the discussions. She just hoped it was enough, this gambit was a big one. You don't set up a man to be empreror in name only without truely knowing it is in name only.

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