Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Away for the weekend

Hi, folks. This is probably - no, this is definitely the worst time to take off, but I'm taking off anyway because I'm nice like that. :p

It's nothing particularly drastic, but I'm going away with my family over the weekend and since it's a pretty rare and special occasion, I'm making an effort to not get sucked away on my laptop being antisocial. I'm posting this partly to stop myself from getting glued to my screen all weekend, but since in all likelihood I won't be posting more than a few times over the weekend I thought I'd let everybody know.

I'm going to try and get through all of the posts I owe tonight, but we leave at British midday tomorrow and from then til some point on Sunday I'll probably only be on my phone to check in. I should probably also take this chance to apologize to those I've totally neglected while writing Aria's *ahem* fall to the Dark Side - starting next week, I'll be more regular, I promise.

My goodness, I'm rambling. We're done now, don't worry.

[member="Darth Vitium"] [member="Tirdarius"] [member="Théodred Heavenshield"] can all take their time if need be.

[member="Sorel Crieff"] [member="Darth Abyss"] [member="Jamie Pyne"] [member="Lassiter"] [member="Joza Perl"] if I don't get to you guys tonight, then just hang on a little longer.

Connor Harrison

[member="Aria Vale"] Didn't even tag me in this. What a croc.

Have fun. Whatever.


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