Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Away, Slow Posting

Due to irl issues like legal stuff and summer for the kids, the next few weeks will be a bit slow for me. Hopefully, when the legal issue passes I will be completely done with something that has been weighing on my muse for a long time.

At the moment, things are slow as it stands but I will try to maintain what I can and my responsibilities in character as needed. I apologize for any who might be effected by this.

For the most part - I am going to be able to set these legal issues aside as it's now completely out of my hands.

Other issues have been let go - hopefully can get moving on with ideas and stories again - maybe heal some in-character wounds, beyond that I am looking forward to writing again.

Thanks all to have dealt with the past two months of chaotic on and off - it's done now.

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