Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Awkward Plot Threading People Needed

So I'm really awkward when asking people if they'd like to role-play with me. I know this. Normally its because I'm in such a big community with people whom I don't really know, I think it's understandable. But I'm really in need of a small group of people, even one person who would like to do some long term development not only for Tobasu but for his younger brother, an alt I'm working on. Indefinitely, I'm being selfish to develop one of my own characters more but I'm willing to help someone do there's in the same set of threads. To me, developing a character takes a multitude of threads, role-plays and interactions, forming and severing bonds, and so on. I honestly I have no set in stone ideas yet I would like my two characters to end up fighting one another, the younger brother trying to bring him back from the corruption and passion etc. Kind cliché, but it's what I wanted with Tobasu, and it's quite evident if you have read my profile.

It's not like I haven't approached people, just I feel like I'm imposing, by asking them when they don't know me. So I'll ask everyone in general if people would like a long term plot driven set of threads that will flesh your and my own characters out. I'm really up for anything in terms of how it happens so just shoot me a pm and we can organise something. Plus I just finished my first term of Uni since I started early and I'm on break so I really want to write and play video games. ; < Thanks for the time!
Problem is currently there are no relationships to shatter, they would need to build such a thing first. Something like that, if you have any ideas message me I'm going to read your bio since its one of the few I havent read it ;w;

Hello there! I'd be happy to roleplay with you. :)

I like the overall plot idea, is there room for any dark Force-User to fit in there, though?
Basically Tobasu currently is just him, neutral in everything with a uncontrollable feelings and passion. He is force sensitive unknowingly and I'd like to expand on the idea of finding out he is force sensitive, finding out what the force exactly is and how to use it. It could go either 2 ways, he is corrupted or rather taught by sith or he turns from good to evil. I prefer the first option, so its a lot of development of attachments, feelings and training in terms of what kind of role-play it is. Currently Tobasu will be joining the Arcin Star Kingdom, in which icly is happening soon (thread started). But besides from that I'm lost as to how to achieve the goals, meeting sith lords, dark jedi and anyone who is questionably morally gray will help the development of Tobasu himself. In terms of loyalty, you would need to think of him as a wild animal that needs to be tamed, he wouldn't just bow to anyone.

I hope this helps, @[member="Paega Anginous"] , @[member="Tegaea Alcori"] , @[member="Shinjū Aÿasha"] , @[member="Lucien Cordel"] . I also read all your characters and would love to get the chance to thread with you all if you'd be willing to have me c:

Noah Corek

Cocked, Locked and a Smoking Barrel
She wasn't joking. :mellow:
But if you want to RP,send me a RP and maybe we can get something together,I'm waiting for someone to return and I'm trying to get back in the swing of things.
Tegaea Alcori said:
So you want to go Dark Side regardless?
Pretty much, only because the character is just designed to be like that. I really didnt intend then half way im like dam, he be a bad boy. Also sorry for such a long wait for a reply my notifications arent working or something idk. @[member="Tegaea Alcori"]

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