Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Aximand Haxim


A X I M A N D * H A X I M

  • Faction: The Sith Empire
    Rank: Sith Acolyte
    Titles: N/A
    Species: Human
    Age: 27
    Sex: Male
    Height: 1.78 Meters
    Weight 190 lbs
    Eyes: Blood Red
    Hair: Black
    Skin: Beige (white)
    Force Sensitive: Yes

    Appearance: Aximand is a well built and well kept young man. He often dons Sith robes and a white mask to hide his appearance. He has scars dotting his face from pas conflicts and keeps to himself.

  • S T R E N G T H
    • Respectful
    • Observant

    W E A K N E S S
    • Impatient
    • Hot-tempered

  • Aximand was born from a rich family on a planet in Eternal Empire space, this planet is none other than Kalidan, the capital. From a young age he was a trouble maker, disappointing his parents in anyway possible. They wanted him to have a future in the Eternal Fleet, but of course, he had other plans. At the age of 13 his parents shipped him off to a world outside of Eternal Empire territory, they were officially done with his theatrics.

    One day, a cloaked figure approached him, like all other children, he ran. The cloaked figure was none other than a Sith though, and caught up with ease. Filled with fright, Aximand launched the cloaked figure back with the Force. The Sith took the child in to help him rediscover his latent abilities. The Sith, he learned, was an exiled member of The Sith Order. The Sith's name was Horus Jacov, and he trained Aximand in the ways of the Sith.

    12 years later, Aximand assassinated Horus, and decided to join The Sith Order. His training far outmatched those of regular acolytes, but his hope was he could blend in easily. Another 2 years later, and he joined the The Sith Order and finally became an Acolyte. His story will continue, in the trials.

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