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Approved Species Axine

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[SIZE=12pt]Out of Character Information:[/SIZE]
Intent: To create a quadrupedal species native to Rimos
Image Credit: LINK | Resize by myself
Canon: N/A
Links: N/A

[SIZE=12pt]General Information:[/SIZE]
Name: Axine (Singular and Plural)
Designation: Non-Sentient
Origins: Rimos (LINK)
Average Lifespan: 48 years
Estimated Population: Planetary
Description: Axine are large sized quadrupedal fauna native to the world of Rimos. These beasts are often seen in various shades of black and gray, with even carrying bluish hues. They have four eyes and one of their more unique features are the four horns that jut out in angles at the rear of their jawline. The Axine are generally docile in nature and are commonly domesticated by the local Rimans and used as mounts and companions.

[SIZE=12pt]Physical Information:[/SIZE]
Breathes: Type I
Average Height of Adults: 1.8 meters
Average Length of Adults: 3.7 meters
Skin Color: Various shades of black and gray, some with bluish hues
Hair Color: N/A
Distinctions: Axine are large sized quadrupedal fauna that come in various shades of black and gray with bluish undertones. They are predominantly pack animals with an alpha male and alpha female that lead the herd. They communicate through a series of snorts and tones made from both their nostrils and their mouths. Axine reach adulthood in three years, growing an extraordinary amount in that time. Like many reptilian species, the Axine are birthed from eggs. The eggs are large and have a polished, stone-like appearance. They have pointed ears and talons that protrude from elbow/knee joints of all four legs. There are four talons that branch out from their feet.
Races: N/A
Force Sensitivity: Non-Sensitive

  • Strength in Numbers (the Axine are pack animals and rely on there numbers to avoid aggressive predators)
  • Strong Legs (they have strong legs to carry them about. They also will use this strength in the form of powerful kicks to defend themselves if necessary)
  • Stamina (their stamina has been heightened through years and years of evolution. Along with their strength, their cardio is their strongest physical feature. They are also moderately fast)
  • Utility (these creatures can be domesticated with relative ease and made into trusty mounts or steeds to use in a number of different areas, such as pulling trailer or plows)
  • Gentle (these creatures have a docile and trusting nature toward the unknown or the unaggressive. This could allow for the Axine to be the subject of a predatory ambush)
  • Alone and Afraid (when separated from their pack, or herd, these creatures are easily best and will seek out every opportunity to flee)
  • Diet (the Axine have a particular need for consuming massive amounts of food to sustain their high metabolism. Because of this, they are nearly always seen grazing in the wild)
  • Cold’s A Killer (the Axine have evolved for temperate to tropical climates. If brought to an icy environment, they would quickly wither away and die out.

Diet: Herbivore
Communication: A series of barks, yips and snorts
Technology Level: N/A
Religion/Beliefs: N/A
General Behavior: Axine are pack animals, communing of herds of up to thirty Axine adults and a number of adolescent offspring usually ranging from ten to fifteen young. The herd in led by the combination of an alpha male and alpha female (who are a mated pair). Within the herds, the animals form pairs which are together for life. They also are nomadic grazers that travel the lands in search of the next field to graze upon.

[SIZE=12pt]Historical Information:[/SIZE]
The Axine are a quadrupedal species native to only the planet of Rimos. They are various prominent in number, and can be seen spread across most of the planet’s more temperate regions. Within Riman culture, these creatures have been domesticated and turned into mounts and farm animals in recent years.

Because of the remoteness of the planet Rimos, the Axine have not been able to spread out into the greater galaxy and instead only can be found on the planet’s surface in great abundance. In theory, so long as the Axine has access to an adequate food supply for a herbivore diet, they would be able to travel and spread to any temperate planet as they would thrive in any environment with plentiful vegetation and moderate to tropical temperatures.
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