Axon Karr

NAME: Axon Karr
FACTION: Galactic Empire
RANK: Captain
SPECIES: Base-Line Human
AGE: 42
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 1.8 meters
WEIGHT: 70 kilograms
EYES: Steely gray
HAIR: Light brown
SKIN: Pale
[+] Tactical Ability: Axon regards himself as a tactical genius, having studied all of the great military minds the Galaxy has ever produced, from Xim the Despot to Mandalore the Indomitable to Thrawn and Tarkin, and trained at a prestigious Imperial Academy, where stratagems and procedure were drilled into him along with loyalty to the Empire.
[+] Shrewd and Ruthless: The residual effects of his upbringing, Axon sees no fine line between politics and warfare, and is willing to play dirty in order to further his own needs and advance in the Empire's rigid hierarchy.
[-] Dogmatic: Although it could be seen in a positive light, Axon's blind faith in the Empire often makes him overestimate Imperial power and underestimate enemy threats, to the point where his fanaticism makes him seem delusional.
[-] By-the-Book: Axon is unwilling to bend or break regulated procedure even in the most dire of situations, and disregards unorthodox strategies and tactics without giving them much thought, making him somewhat more of a predictable and unimaginative adversary.
Standing at around average height for a Human male, Axon Karr holds himself upright in a dignified, aristocratic, and military manner, the aftereffects of both his upper-class upbringing and his training at the Imperial Academy. His uniform is never to be found untidy or with a speck of filth on it; Axon keeps it pristine, as to bring dishonor to the Empire's uniform is to bring dishonor to the Empire itself. Similarly, his face is clean-shaven and his copper-brown hair short and neat. His eyes are steely-gray and hooded, and he can often be found silently scanning a battlefield with them, hand on his chin, mind working at the speed of light.
Axon was born on the lush tropical world of Scarif, which by then had completely recovered from the orbital bombardment it suffered in ancient times. His distant ancestors had been Imperial administrators who'd been forced to flee the Core Worlds after the Empire's fragmentation and had chosen to settle on remote and welcoming Scarif.
Axon's family was a wealthy political and economic dynasty that had a complete stranglehold on Scarif's government and trade; because of their heritage they also harbored pro-Imperial sentiment, and were at one point placed under suspicion by the Galactic Alliance as Imperial sympathizers. From birth Axon was instilled with the idea that he was superior to both lower-class Humans and non-Humans; Human High Culture was a doctrine the Karrs' espoused, molding their son into a xenophobe and a speciest. In addition, Axon was taught to look down upon the Galactic Alliance and to idolize the Galactic Empire, which one day might return to liberate Scarif and restore his family's honor.
When he came of age, Axon was tired of life on the quaint beaches and never-changing archipelagoes of Scarif, and longed to see the Galaxy. He eventually left Scarif with his parents' blessing and slipped undetected into Imperial space, where he joined the Imperial Academy immediately. Scoring high on tests and displaying both martial potential and sycophantic loyalty, Axon was placed on the command track at one of the most illustrious surviving Academies, where his understanding of cutthroat politics would come in handy. Through a combination of hard work, wheedling and sabotage Axon Karr graduated at the top of his class, and, with his new Lieutenant's commission, was assigned to a Star Destroyer.
His skill at political machinations once more carried over into the real world of fleet command, where he was able to rapidly climb the Imperial ladder until he had achieved the rank of Captain and, after undergoing a baptism of fire during one particularly harrowing battle, was given command of his own Star Destroyer, a feat which he considers his crowning achievement.
A Pellaeon-class Star Destroyer, the Typhon.