Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ayhia Katar

Core Info

Name: Ayhia Vezri Katar
Age: 33(4500ish)
Species: Echani
Gender: Female
Height: 1.89 m
Eyes: Silver​
Hair: silver​
Skin: Pale​
Force sensitive: very


Highly Educated
Astroengineering, Mechanical Design and Fabrication, Physics and Mathematics to the point she could get a great job in any of these fields. Sadly do to her high education she comes off as judgemental of people whom are clearly less intelligent then herself. She also has a problem admitting shes wrong without hard proof.

Soldier by Trade
Ayhia is a soldier and more to the point a sniper. Someone whom can hit targets without reciprocation. Ayhia has also been trained in several styles of hand to hand and weapon arts including Echani martial arts, K'tara and Sholan Kha from a strange woman(later to be know as a Sylphe). She has mastered Juyo and Niman lightsaber forms. Ayhia is not afraid to do what she needs to do to survive, even if it means living off of insects or worse. This sadly make it hard for her to fit into normal civilian life as she is distrustful anyone she does not know making anyone a potential threat in her mind.​
Planned to even the fine details
Ayhia is methodical in nature to the point of things being planned down to the second or accounting exact number of shot required in a operation. While this can be a strong point their is such a thing as to much planning, trying to account for to many variables can make the simplest operation super complicated.​

Force Augmentation
Ayhia was found to be abnormally skilled in enhancement type force powers such as Force Body, Force Speed and other such force powers that only affect her. She subconsciously maintains minor Force Body at all times, when she actively uses the ability it is far more powerful then what other jedi can do. She also has the skill to bend light around herself which seems to be the only none self buffing ability she can use well. Ayhia for some reason is unable to use most other force ability that don't directly affect her with any real skill.​
List of force powers she can use at a enhanced level: Force body, Force speed, Battle mind, Detoxify poison, force jump.​
List of force powers she can use in general: Force push/pull, breath control.​
Any other force powers Ayhia trys to use(other than powers listed above) often misfire or outright fail, the powers she does manage to get of are often under-powered to the point of being useless.

Basic looks
While her race is that of the Echani she prefers to keep this fact to herself, while she does nothing to hid her hair she often is found wearing red or green contacts. She’s well-toned but by no means big in terms of muscles. Her body has many scars ranging from minor nicks to one large scar on her back running from her right shoulder to her left hip, all of these she has acquired from her work as a soldier.

Non-combat dress
Ayhia dress in simple jumpsuits most of the time not caring for the fancy clothing that most civilians tend to wear. If she does have to up dress she will wear a nice button up shirt and some pants but will do nothing with makeup or stuff like that. Even when she feels no need for weapons she carries her Rotary Slug thrower and combat knife at all times.

Combat Dress
Ayhia's combat dress consists of a Black jumpsuit, body armor and a Hud-visor. The jumpsuit has cyber-framing in it that allows all of her equipment to interface with her Hud-visor just by being with in proximity of the suit. The body armor is urban black and has several cords running down the back and arms. The visor covers the upper half of her face and most of the back of her head, where it plugs into the back of her suit.

Loud, rude and crass all of which Ayhia is in spades, while she is what most people avoid at all times she is not someone to deny someone help. While some would think Thinking ahead would be a weak spot for her it quite the opposite Ayhia is methodical to the point of fault, this is reflected in her work where she will do so much planning that ever thing will be planned down to a T. She operates with a effectiveness that rivals that of the most patient jedi. Many people see her as simply another ill-educated soldier, she is very intelligent to the point all of her equipment is custom made by her from the ground up. Ayhia has always had her nose buried in a book since she was a child, always asking how things work and taking things she shouldn't apart.

In the age of myths
Ayhia was born to a Jedi mother and Solder father and was immediately placed in the Jedi Order for training.

Youngling Years
Ayhia lived and trained in the Jedi order, often getting into trouble for disobeying her masters to do other things. Her masters also noted that she had issues keeping her emotions in check often going off on a whim and putting herself or others in danger. She was not removed due to her Aptitude with the force, which she was highly skilled with. During her time as a youngling she studied Mathematics and physics in her free time, sometime when she was supposed to be doing other things.

Padawan Years
At the age of 11 she was take on as a padawan by Jedi Master Soria Esknova, whom had been watching over her for some time. Master Esknova encouraged Ayhia to continue her study's and even helped continue them. It was Master Esknova that peaked Ayhia's interest in Astro-engineering and helped her receive some of the best schooling in it possible. It was during the later years of her training as a padawan that Ayhia grew weary of the Jedi's way of "peace", she felt the it was simply ignoring problems until the got bigger. Master Esknova and Ayhia argued often about the issue, until one day during one of their missions Master Esknova was killed by one such issue they had argued about often. Ayhia went off the deep end and her anger at loosing not only her best friend but the closest thing she had for a mother, as her real mother had remained distant to not cause unnecessary emotion. She made it the doors of the temple when her wrath petered out, she had not seriously hurt anyone yet. Huffing as the Knights surrounded her she laughed. "I quit... your all a joke you claim to help those whom need help... yet do nothing to prevent problems... instead you wait till they get bad enough that someone get hurt or worse killed... pox to that..." She crushed her lightsaber(which she later repaired) and walked away, for what reason she was allowed to just walk away she will never know, but she was not stopped at all.

Adult Years
That same year she Enlisted in the Republic Navy, where she received basic training in marksmanship, tactics and explosive use. Due to her intelligence she was given more advanced training immediately following her graduation from basic. It was here her martial arts skills were expanded and she refined her shooting skills to that of a sniper. Over the next several years Ayhia takes part in several peacekeeping operations where earns the nickname "Reaping Wind" for not only her skills in CQB instances but also her ability to hit targets that most would call impossible shots. It was during this time she caught the attention Haakon squad, a Special Forces unit, where she was not only recruited but received again more specialized training. Ayhia participated in Black ops and many illegal operations that never made it to official records. Most of the missions she she took were kill missions targeting Corrupt politicians, criminals and even a few dark jedi and sith. In the laters years her unit also started taking on covert recon missions against the sith empire. It was her time with Haakon squad Ayhia picked up the trade of Mechanical design and fabrication where she designed her suit, visor and in later her A1-x1 Slug rifle after a blaster blew up in her hands nearly killing her. Ayhia spends the several years fighting in the shadows, targeting key figures and buildings in the The Sith Empire. During this time Haakon squad is slowly reduced to three people Mason Rika, Marion Ekar and Ayhia. During this time Ayhia's nickname changes from "Reaping Wind" to "Reaper".Marion Ekar when she assaulted a sith cruiser alone, where she destroyed the ship and all its crew. The Exact details of what happened on the ship are unknown. Shortly after her mission they are assigned another mission, in transit Mason Rika betrays the republic and sabotages Ayhia and Marions Cryo pods and sets them adrift in space. Marion dies in her pod after it malfunctions, leaving Ayhia alone... drifting in space for over four thousand years.​
Hwk 290​
"Hand of Fate"​
2 fixed blaster cannons on fore of ship​
1 180 degree blaster cannon on aft of ship.​
1 mine launcher set for spatial sound charges.​
Non-standard equipment
Military grade hull plating​
4 cryopods with stim injection systems​
The Hand of fate was a ship given to Haakon squad during the sith war so they could get around without being noticed. The ship looks quite rag-tag, like its barely holding together, which could be nothing farther from the truth. The ship has what was at the time cutting edge tech for its systems,its a war ship in the guise of a trader in other words a Q ship. Inside the ship it has a armory containing cutting edge weapons and supply untouched over forty-four thousand years ago.​

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