Ayrenn Gahthiri
| "If you want to lose ten pounds of ugly fat, I'd be happy to chop your head off." |
Name: Ayrenn Gahthiri
- Bladed Soldier
Rank: Soldier
Homeworld: Thustra
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Marital Status: Single
Languages Known:
- Galactic Basic: Broken - Semi-Fluent - Fluent - Native
- Low Basic: Broken - Semi-Fluent - Fluent - Native
- High Basic: Broken - Semi-Fluent - Fluent - Native
Theme: [x]
| Physical Information |
Current Form: Human x Sephi Hybrid
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Height: 5 Feet 7 Inches
Weight: 180 Pounds
Eye Color: Green
Hair: Auburn
Skin: Tan
| The Force |
Force Sensitive: Yes
Force Rank: Knight
Force Alignment: Neutral
| Traits |
[+] Perceptive
[+] Adventurous
[+] Excellent Melee Fighter
[=] Sarcastic
[--] Strong Headed
[--] Unstable Magic