Hello. My name is Connor. I was sent by Cyberlife.
- Full name: Manaka Ayumi
- Nickname:
- Alias: The Reaper, The Silent One, The Lone Sniper
- Titles:
- Species: Augmented 1/2 Riben-Jin, 1/2 Energy Vampire
- Homeworld: Concord Dawn
- Faction(s): While Ayumi would work for anyone who could afford her (she has a high price), she is currently working for the Silver Jedi Order. Of course, her allegiance could change at any time.
- Ranks: Supersoldier
- Force Sensitive: No
- Force Alignment: Chaotic Nuetral
Gender: Female
Age: 57 (appears in her mid 20s)
Height: 5'8" (172 cm)
Weight: 134 lbs ( 60 kg)
Complexion: Pale
Eye Color: Light Purple
Hair Color: Silver
Face Claim: Najenda - Akame Ga Kill
Voice Sample:
Appearance Details: Manaka Ayumi is a seemingly young looking woman with light purple eyes and silver hair. Her skin is soft and pale white, and is seemingly void of any scarring. Well, except if you take a look at her back. She has extensive scarring on her back after being caught in a thermal detonator blast. She's tall for a woman, standing at roughly 172 centimeters, and has an athletic, slender build. Her hair takes on a wild, untamed appearance and an ample bust size. At some point in her career, Manaka was stabbed in the eye, and later had a cybernetic replacement.
For clothing, Manaka likes to wear, a lot of black. She is most often seen in a