Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Azmodan




NAME: Akrixes Der Yujai
ALIAS: Azmodan
AGE: 476
SPECIES: Xarix Cyborg
HEIGHT: 8' 3" (2.5m)
WEIGHT: 525 lbs (239 kg)

AFFILIATIONS: The Xarixi Corps, Confederacy of Independent Systems
RANK: High General of the Xarixi Corps


High General Azmodan is a specimen of remarkable size and scope. While the male Xarix are typically smaller than the females, Azmodan has been enhanced through technology. He towers over even most females of his species. His cybernetic limbs are a mesh of flesh and metal extending from his armored torso. Much of Azmodan's head is covered by his massive helmet and cybernetics. Only his cold eyes could be seen of his visage.

  • Cybernetically Enhanced
  • Effective Military Commander
  • Seasoned Warrior
  • Massive size
  • Limited Communication (Needs Vocoder Mask)
  • Feral Bloodlust


Legends tell of a mighty Xarix warlord that once terrorized the Unknown Regions. Countless worlds fell to his might and their people turned into meat for his army.

His name was Azmodan. And his bloodlust found it's spark with the death of his lover.

He was once Akrixes Der Yujai, a Xarix painter. And he was in love. He had found his life partner in a Royal Guard warrior named Milxyta. He would always paint portraits of her. They were glorious paintings depicting her glory in battle. She inspired each of his masterpieces. She loved being his muse. They were perfect for one another.

Akrixes was meat with tragedy very suddenly when his partner had died in battle. The details were largely hidden from him by the Royal Army and the Gryss Royal Family. He was now alone. And in his loneliness, he was immersed in only his grief. It was driving him insane. He only wanted to bury his wife, but they wouldn't let him even see the body. His grief eventually turned into a rage. He needed answers. He was too weak to get them on his own. Too much of a coward.

After some research and well-paid-for information, Akrixes came in contact with a cyberneticist that specialized in combat enhancements. If he couldn't get answers peacefully, he'd fight for them. He met with the cyberneticist Azula Merr Azula Merr aboard her ship. He was ready to pay whatever it took to accomplish his goal. She knew what she needed, but she needed more resources in order to give him what he wanted. Azula and Akrixes then traveled to Csilla to speak with a contact of hers. Sila Sila was a Chiss scientist and member of the Ruling Houses. If anyone had the resources she required, it was her. Sila allowed Azula unrestricted access to her labs and all the personnel and resources that came with it as a favor.

For weeks, Azula worked alongside the Chiss scientists, building something not seen since General Grievous. Akrixes was rebuilt entirely. Flesh and organs were replaced with metal and technology. Soon, he was unrecognizable. A new begin lied upon the several surgery tables needed to hold what Akrixes had become. He was now a titan constructed for war. His ability to survive the extensive amount of cybernetics now within him could be attributed entirely to the rage that has driven him to come this far. Some days after the surgery was completed, Akrixes woke up. When he did, he did not even realize where he was. He just felt angry. Even more than before. Something was amplifying it intensely. As soon as he was able to move, he broke free from the restraints that held him still during surgery and broke out of the labs. Unknown to him, his escape was planned by both Azula and Sila as part of an experiment. While Akrixes was under for surgery, Sila and Azula were contacted by agents of the Confdereacy. At their request, Akrixes was implanted a chip that would subtly influence him to towards the Confederacy. They were watching closely as he would prove to be a great asset to them in the future. First, however, he had loose ends to tie up.

After escaping the labs, Akrixes found his way back to the Royal Fleet. With his newfound abilities, he fought his way through his own people to find answers. And eventually, he did. He raided what files he could and finally found out what happened to his wife. Milxyta had not fallen in battle. She was killed by her superior officers after she was suspected of treason for speaking ill of the royal family. It was no body, but it was an answer. With that, he then escaped, never to return to the Royal Fleet again. They still have a bounty on his head.

After that, Akrixes did eventually find himself in the Confederacy. Whether by free will or the chip is unknown. By then, he had taken on the name Azmodan. Said to be the name of a great beast in the Xarix culture. He brought with him a small legion of male Xarix followers who then were also cybernetically enhanced, though not to the same extent as Azmodan. This formed the core of what would be known as the Xarixi Corps. Azmodan had amassed a considerable army by time of the cataclysm that fractured the Confederacy. With the formation of the Ascendancy, Azmodan broke free of his chip by accident. Though his mind was free, Azmodan was still a loyal member of the Confederacy. However, his resources had become incredibly scarce since the cataclysm. He had gone silent mostly after this, retreating to an unknown world to rebuild and gather what resources he could and lie in wait before returning to the neverending chaos of the galaxy at large.

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