Azreth Vandic
Dead Man's Captain
Azreth Vandi

NAME: Azreth Vandic
FACTION: Republic Remnant
AGE: 28
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6'2"
WEIGHT: 180 lbs.
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Brown
SKIN: Caucasian
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Loyalty - Though his background can be found with dotted with crimes in his mercenary times, Azreth is loyal to his squad, and allies.
Attitude - Azreth is known to be quick tempered, his buttons are easily pushed.
Combat Ready - Years as a mercenary as given Azreth skills with most military weapons.
PTSD - Sleep comes hard for Azreth, and most loud noises outside the combat zone causes him to freeze, or become lost in a daze. If he does sleep, it's highly possible he will wake up screaming. Booze helps though.
Mercenary - This is a pro and con, his tactics can be whats needed, but sometimes orders are just not to be followed.
Azreth stands tall and muscular, his hair is kept at a medium length instead of a military cut. He wears medium to light armor, usually with a weapon on all the time. Nothing about Azreth really stands out, just your average joe in appearance.
Merc work runs in the Vandic family veins, Azreth was born to Jak Vandic (The Merc with Too Much Time) and Milis Vandic (The Smuggler With The Wrong Merc) and their family were also in the same work. It went pretty far back. Azreth also had a brother, Hinder. Together they made the a lot of money working for criminals, certain military, and companies. It was all going good, they had the right teachers, the right contacts, and enough money to sit back a few years and relax. It wasn't till they took their last job together, a skirmish against the Galactic Empire with the CIS. Stormtroopers had surrounded them, taken them prisoner, and Hinder died from wounds sustained from the battlefield.
Heartbroken, and alone, when Azreth finally was released. All his contacts and assets were taken or left. With nothing left, but his new desire for revenge.
Strapped up and ready, Azreth joined any military that would take him to fight against the governments of oppression.