NAME: Original name: Drarux. Accepted name: Azulas Shag (meaning Dangerous Slave in Huttese)
FACTION: Black Sun
RANK: White Hound of The Gallows
AGE: 37
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 1.6 meters
WEIGHT: 72 kg
EYES: Redish Orange
HAIR: Black (shaven)
SKIN: Pale white
FAITH: Blood Covenant, Favors Jaegaris spirit of The Hunt
PETS: Oberon and Tigris
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Mandalorian Training: Azulas was trained by a Mandalorian at a young age, he understands their methods, fighting techniques, and even some of their language.
Marksman Extraordinaire: Decades as a sniper have refined his technique to the point of being somewhat famous for his skills. His regular blaster skills are nothing to scoff at either.
Stealth: Azulas is quite skilled in not being detected.
PTSD: Azulas has experience in war, perhaps too much. He is known to freeze up during combat, especially in high stress situations, suffers from Neurogenic Tremors when away from combat, suffer night terrors, and many other problems commonly associated with PTSD.
Azulas is incredibly pale, albino in fact. Yet this pale skin is a sharp contrast to the tar black tattoos that cover his body, interrupted only by the occasional scar.
Azulas only vaguely remembered his life before the arena. His last memory of that place was his parents selling him to a Hutt for enough money to preserve the rest of his family. He understood the sacrifice they forced upon him, and it was something he bore with pride even if he was so incredibly young at the time. The hutt had bought him as a curiosity, an albino Zabrak. It was decided early that this misfit would be the Hutt's gladiator on Jilrua. It was here where he would meet his mentor, a Mandalorian gladiator who was building a small following of slaves. It was here that this mando was teaching the philosophy and ways of his people, converting the destitute into strong Mandalorians. Azulas had no intention of falling victim to the man's religion and philosophy, yet played along to learn the valuable training of the Mandalorians.
It would be a decade of training, combat within the arena, and determination that would see him thrive within the arena. One of the best, and so when a fellow gladiator of his Tesari was bought by a wealthy aristocrat she brought him along for the ride to help serve. And when that same woman earned her freedom Azulas would follow her into the creation of her mercenary company.
During his time in the gallows, he would be the unlucky one stuck with a particularly dangerous assignment. He and his team of wolves were to infiltrate a military bunker, take out any high level commanders, disable security, and blow the front door for The Gallows to establish a foothold on a planet rebelling against their employers. What was so dangerous about it was that apparently a Jedi and his padawan were stationed at the bunker, helping the rebels obtain their freedom. The Jedi was their first target, and surprisingly was easy to dispatch. A toxin grenade, followed by a flash bang, followed by a hail of blaster fire, slugs, and bullets, all a complete surprise to the man as he was eating lunch. What turned out more difficult, was the padawan. She was vicious, and angry, she managed to put up a fight but dissapeared into the vents as the bunker fell. As The Gallows fought a war over the planet Azulas and his team desperately tried to stop the padawan. It killed his team off one by one, until it was finally just him and her. The padawan had saved her master's saber, and slowly was devolving into the dark side becoming far more vicious and angry with each passing day, wreaking more damage day by day. Eventually, Azulas was thrown into the bunker, and the doors were sealed. Either he would finish her off or she'd die off of starvation.
It took him a week. Days of cat and mouse, he'd get a shot off there and she'd blast him back another day. This went on until Azulas got a lucky shot in. He found her, cowering in a corner in one of the vents. The wound was infected, and she barely had the strength to lift her saber threateningly. He left her like that.. threw some antibiotics at her and fled the bunker. She'd either die or find her way out, he doubted she'd become a problem, she knew she'd been beat.
Unluckily for Azulas, this meant that he was the only one in all The Gallows who had experience fighting force users, and he was promptly deployed to the next area jedi was supposed to be. Years later, he would slowly gain experience on how to kill them. He studied their holocrons, learned their fighting techniques, philosophies, art, everything he could to understand and manipulate them, and soon he became a force killing machine. To this day he is the most experienced member of The Gallows when it comes to jedi and sith, and specializes in dealing with them whenever they become a problem.
SHIP: Star-Claw
Phantom Rail Gun