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Azura Umbar (WIP)

Azura Umbar

Azura Umbar


Arkanian offshoot (Arkanian-Seraphi)
of the
Order of the Silver Jedi
18 years of age

Pure white skin
Long, white hair
Pale gray-gold eyes
1.8 meters (5' 9")
63 kilograms (140 lbs)

Force sensitive

Azura is the average height for an Arkanian Offshoot species, standing at five feet and nine inches tall and weighing 140 lbs. She has the same white skin and hair as all of her species, completing her color palette with pale gray-gold eyes. Her hair, which is naturally long, is generally kept in a braid, which is kept up in a bun to keep it out of her face. A few years back, when she was more reckless and more of a teenager than she is now, Azura got blue tattoos on her face to commemorate her first 'kill'.

In contrast to the pale white coloration of her species, Azura wears mostly black. Black boots, black pants, black close-fitting long-sleeved shirt, black gloves, black body armor. Her helmet isn't black, but that's only because she hasn't found a helmet yet. Her saberstaff - stolen saberstaff - has blue crystals in it. She practices a lot, usually somewhere nobody can find her. She has yet to face a real opponent with it, however.




Azura is force-sensitive. Last I checked, this was a good thing. (Strength)

Azura has spent her life being active, whether it's running around like a maniac, jumping off things for the adrenaline rush, or...well, doing everything for the adrenaline rush, really. (Strength)

Azura isn't a superstar when it comes to mechanics, but she is certainly capable and often thinks up ideas that she doesn't have the skill to build. (Strength)

Limited Life Span
Azura's kind only live to an average of fifty-five years. While this means she has less time to get things done, thus motivating her to follow her goals aggressively, it also means she begins her decay earlier than most. (Neutral Quality)

Azura is a daredevil. There's no other way to put it. She does crazy things for the adrenaline rush - like climbing the trees of Kashyyyk or raced a geyser in Eol Sha. While this means that bravery won't be a problem, she also runs a high risk of getting herself killed. (Neutral Quality)

Azura has far too much confidence in her abilities for it to be in any way considered healthy. She's also rash, impulsive, and will often jump into things without thinking first. (Weakness)

Questionable Sanity
Azura isn't stupid - she's actually pretty smart. She is, however, just a little nuts. She often does things just for the lolz, especially if the people who are negatively affected by it she doesn't like very much. Pain also doesn't quite register properly - she knows when she'd being hurt, but there's a kind of detachment, like she doesn't think it's really happening. (Weakness)

Azura was an Arkanian experiment in an attempt to 'fix' the Offshoot Question. She lived a mostly normal life, until her twelfth birthday, when the officials came and took her to a place where they tried to figure out how to manipulate her genes. She wasn't the only Offshoot there, and they were treated decently - if only to preserve their specimens - but the only way to get by with the other Offshoots was to be just a little more ruthless and a little smarter than the one sitting next to you. Fights weren't common, but they were a regular enough occurrence that she learned to fight within two or so years.

The scientists didn't preform any experiments, mostly just taking gene samples and experimenting with those until they reached a satisfactory level, and they kept the two genders separated. Azura's problems were never with the scientists. Azura's problems were with the other Offshoots.

Azura had never been good at fitting in, and this was horribly evident when she was brought to the lab-place. Eventually, when Azura was fifteen, she managed to get released by purposely badly breaking her arm. They sent her to another building to fix her arm, but Azura managed to run away and steal a ship - their security was a general disgrace between buildings.

And with that, Azura made for the planets she'd wanted to see. She started with Ithor - getting help for her arm and admiring the trees for a few days before moving on to Kashyyyk - where she acquired a grappling line and climbed the trees to see how high she could get, then Iego - where she bought a blaster and explored the wastelands and canyons, then Mon Calamari - to match her wits and skill against a krakana, then Mirial - where she challenged herself to survive for a week on just the terrain and her newly acquired vibroknife, and concluding her tour with Eol Sha - for no reason at all other than she wanted to see if she could outrun the geysers.

After her self-guided tour, Azura started work as a vengeance-for-hire. An employer of Laser-Guided Karma, the more dangerous the job, the happier she was. People would seek her out if they wanted an overly competitive coworker put out of commission for a few days, or they wanted a rival business's supply lines (Azura stuck to businesses that were limited to a single planet) to be interrupted. It was this line of work that brought her to the Jedi.

Well, he wasn't a Jedi, but Azura initially thought he was, and challenged herself to follow him without being seen or noticed.

A one-person hyperspace capable ship of unknown classification Azura named Question.

Grappling line
Blaster pistol

A guy with a lightsaber who didn't know how to use it. Force sensitive? Debatable.




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