Reen Lorgon
Pilot. Smuggler. Incredibly handsome. I got it all

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Affiliation: Personal
Manufacturer: Core Galaxy Systems -
Model: Dynamic-class freighter
Modularity: No
Production: Unique
Material: Durasteel hull
Classification: Personal Transport
Length: 27.24 meters
Width: 25.94 meters
Height: 6.40 meters
Rating 16
2 light turbolaser turrents
2 heavy laser cannons
2 F-4 medium ion cannons
1 Proton torpedo launcher
Rating 12
Reinforced Durasteel hull
Protecto-net shields
Hanger: 0 squadrons
Special Features:
Procecto-net shields
2 F-4 medium ion cannons
Proton torpedo launcher
Galaxy-15 ion engines
4 smuggler compartments
Maneuverability Rating: 10
Speed Rating: 8
Hyperdrive Class: 3.0
+ Upgraded weapon systems and defenses allow the Azura's Star to last longer in combat, and upgraded engines help it make speedy getaways if needed.
+ Smuggling compartments allow for the hiding of goods or people.
- Extra weight due to upgrades means the ship isn't as fast as it once was, making it more of a target.
- Faulty hyperdrive needs constant maintenance.
Description: The Aruza's Star began it career as a smuggling ship when Reen Lorgon stole it from a ship merchant on Tatooine. After this daring feat, Reen decided that the ship needed to be upgraded to survive the harsh galaxy around them. So, after many jobs, Reen finally managed to get enough credits to pay for the upgrades, which were bought off of the black market. Apart from the upgrades to the offensive and defensive aspects of the ship, Reen also added a Dejarik table, sofa, and mini bar to the main area of the ship, whilst converting the starboard quarters into his own, removing the 4 bunks and adding a double bed instead. The ship can take 4 passengers, plus its Captain, and can carry 60 tons of cargo. It has enough supplies to last 2 standard months. The optimal crew for the ship is 4 people: 2 pilots and 2 gunners, however it can be manned by 1 person.
Development thread: None
Intent: For use by Reen Lorgon to smuggle goods across the galaxy. Also for use in the Galactic Republic Navy, as Reen is a Captain within it.
Who can use it: @Reen Lorgon