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Character Azurine Varek (WIP)

"I don't know who I am anymore."

Azurine Varek

Music ThemeONE | TWO
Lyer 3 (Old rebel code name)
Class(es)•Force User
•Martial Artist
BirthplaceIridonia, Malidris
(Capital City)
Personality Traits•Brave
•Strong willed
•"Spitfire" ~Kynn Jarmin
Education TraitsLIST
Lifestyle TraitsLIST
Rank(s)•Jedi Apprentice
•Co-Pilot/Ace Pilot (Outlyer 5BBY to 2BBY)
•Co-Founder of The Hole (Rebel cell base, Utapau, 4BBY to 2BBY)
Faction(s)•Partisans/Saw Gerrera's Militia
•Outlyer Crew
•Rebel Alliance of Classic Era
•Galactic Alliance/New Jedi Order (As of current)
SpeciesIridonian Zabrak
Languages•Galactic Basic

GenderFemale (She/Her)
Force SensitiveYes
Character Alignment•Chaotic Good
Accent ReferenceONE | TWO

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    Requiem on Raxis Prime
    (This one was written by the head of the game which Azzie came from, so I'm a little bit hesitant to post it publicly. Maybe once I am more comfortable here.)

    The Blockade of Iridonia
    • Part One: An Unexpected Homecoming

    • Part Two: Value in Perspective

    • Part Three: The Path to Freedom

    • Part Four: Currently Untitled

    (Parts 3 and 4 were never fully finished as the game I was playing died out and I was too out of focus at the time to finish it. I do hope to finish them in the near future now that I have renewed passion for the character again!)



    "My father was a military head. Headstrong, ran life like a drill. It's because of him that I was fighting by the time I could stand. My mother was the diplomatic advisor to the planet's council. Gran used to say that she didn't have a drop of Iridonian blood in her veins with how she preferred to solve conflict through words. The way she used to talk ... reminds me a lot of you, Kynn."
    Azurine Varek (Azzie) was a rebel fighter and jedi apprentice during the time of the first Galactic Empire. Orphaned at a young age due to her family clan's involvement in the Iridonian Government, Azzie would eventually become a member of the Partisans and then one of the seven co-founders of The Hole rebel cell base on Utapau by time she reached 18 years old. This group of ragtag rebels would become the family to her that she needed.

    Though Azzie had shown a strength in the force since she was s very small child, her family had done everything they could to actively suppress that side of her and hide it from the world (and even herself) to keep her safe since the end of the Clone Wars brought dangerous times for anyone found to be force sensitive. Despite this, she knew she was different. Things would happen around her that she didn't know how to explain, like how objects around her would rumble when she was mad, and how easily she could convince someone to do something or not just by asking them. Through a combination of denial and fear, she convinced herself that these experiences were all in her head, until she became part of the Outlyer crew and these odd occurrences were noticed by the others. During this time, she would be taken on as an apprentice by the Pantoran Jedi in hiding Kynn Jarmin, who had barely escaped the great purge via stasis, when he fully realized the strength of her force sensitivity was more than just a fluke. Their connection to each other would come to a major turning point on a mission gone wrong. Azzie was nearly killed by a frag grenade explosion that resulted in the loss of one of her two hearts. Unwilling to leave her side even after she was transferred to bacta, Kynn had used his own life force in desperation to keep her alive, forging their force bond and essentially tying their souls together.

    (Still working on pulling all of her history together properly here, WIP)

    Azzie was born in the year 23BBY to Commander Praz'ra Varek, head of Political Security for the Iridonian Council, and Keth Varek, former Jedi knight who left the order and became a diplomatic advisor to the council. The Varek family clan had been highly ranked members of the Iridonian Navy for generations, and as such there was a target painted on their backs then the newly formed Empire came demanding loyalty and planetary occupation. When the Iridonian people didn't fully comply given the strong willed and fighting nature of the Zabrak species, Azzie's family clan was systematically exterminated along with other key players or citizens with any amount of sway in the planets government, leaving her orphaned at the age of 10. She learned to survive on the Malidris city streets and in the harsh rocky canyons around it, watching from the shadows as the oppression took it's toll on herself and others. Eventually, her stubborn desire to fight back got the better of her. She joined the Partisans at age 14 where she learned and developed skills with more than one blade at once, applying her proficiency of traditional Iridonian hand-to-hand and Zhaboka fighting to it. She left the group, however, after being involved in the destruction of a civilian curser that also killed her close friend whom she'd made within, a Rodian named Temal, and forced to confront the true darkness of the militias actions. Feeling lost and desperate, she spent time as a mercenary to pay her way.

    A Thorn in the Imperials' Side

    Force Bonded Souls

    Tie Fighter Facility of Narr Shadda

    Weight of Life and Death

    Face to Face with Darkness

    Can't Lose You

    Collecting Starships

    The Blockade of Iridonia

    Constructing the Alliance

    Escaping the Devil

    The End of the Beginning

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    Hair ColorSkin ColorEye ColorBuild
    BlackNeutral FairAmethyst purpleAcrobatic gymnast

    Dominant HandTattoosScarsNotable Features
    AmbidextrousTraditional Zabrak tattooingVisible: Small on eyebrow and lip•Horns circling head crown
    •Cybernetic right arm


    Azzie has fair colored skin that is marred by the suns of a hundred battles, made tough by the blood of her species and the rigors of a life lived on the edge of civilization. It is also a canvas for the tapestry of twisting geometric tattoos that dance across her cheeks and neck and seem to blend into her skin using a dark tan color. Each marking is not just a decoration but a traditional mark of her family clan's history permanently etched into her skin, worn with a sense of honor and defiance. A cybernetic arm sits with unpolished, scratched, silvery metal in place of where her right one had once been, a stark contrast to her raven hair and the rough scars around the shoulder where the original limb was lost. Her eyes, a piercing mixed shade of amethyst and violet purples, are ever-curious yet filled with the storm of almost weariness of a soul that had seen too much already in their short life. At the middle and top of her forehead circling around her head are two rough, firmly rooted crowns of horns that lend her an almost darkened regal presence. Her barely shoulder-length black hair is meticulously braided into three small horizontal braids close to her scalp on the left side while the rest is left down, adorned with subtle starlight silver strands that occasionally catch the light with movement. Despite her smaller stature and more acrobatic body build compared to most Zabrak women, she exudes power and resilience, with a smattering of scars speaking silent tales of her battles and adventures. Across her right eyebrow, two faint scars trace a line like a miniature constellation, and her bottom lip on the right side holds a solitary mark of a past struggle.

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    "My mistakes are my own, and I'll live with them the rest of my life, but I'll be fed to a Rancor before I let those mistakes decide who I am or keep me from doing what's right."

    Azzie is frequently described as a fiery heart of strength, passion, and empathy, having a high sense of justice to go along with it. Being strong-willed and, frankly, a bit stubborn, by nature is a trait that has saved her more times than she cares to admit, as it fuels her indomitable will to push through opposition. However, her stubbornness can be a double-edged sword. Once she sets her mind to something, she can sometimes blind herself to the cost of the pursuit, making her push herself beyond reasonable limits and prone to unintended clashes with others.

    Her courage and passion burn as brightly as the sun of her home world and her fiery spirit is matched only by her sharp tongue, which often lands her in trouble (though she'd say it's all part of her charm). She wields a shield of sarcastic wit with the same deftness as her dual swords, but beneath the banter is a soul that craves companionship and belonging. Though her Zabrak heritage makes her body more tough and resilient, Azzie is incredibly empathetic, feeling the pain of others as if it were her own. She is loyal to the point of near self detriment when it pertains to those considered friends, making deep connections rather easily, and would lay down her life for them without hesitation. This compassion fuels her desire to make the galaxy a better place for all its inhabitants, regardless of their flesh or metal.

    She is adept at inspiring those around her to push beyond their limits and strive for greatness. Her unyielding spirit and unshakable will have earned her the respect of her comrades. Even her enemies have been known to grudgingly admire her tenacity. In battle, she is a whirlwind of motion and acrobatic movement, incorporating the traditional techniques of Zhaboka combat into her dual-blade mastery. She fights with a passion that is both terrifying and awe-inspiring, a force to be reckoned with. Yet, when the dust settles, she is quick to lend a helping hand or share a warm smile with those in need. Her journey has taught her the value of compassion and the weight of loss, and she carries these lessons with her wherever she goes.

  • -----

    Honesty | Puzzles | Gathering Information | Flying | Sunsets | Dancing

    Bullies | High self importance | No sense of humor | Sewers | Overly cold/humid air



    + Zabrak Physical Fortitude:

    + Martial Combat:

    + Stealth:

    + Natural Leader:

    + Piloting:

    + Strength in the Force:

    - Missing Heart:

    - Forms Intense Bonds Easily:

    - Suceptible to Mental Corruption:

    - Fear of Loss:

    - Haunted by the Past:

    +/- Incredibly Curious:

    +/- Strong-willed:

    +/- 'Robinhood' Morality:

    +/- Strong Sense of Justice:

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    Strength (Low/Medium/High), Training (Untrained, Intermediate, Proficient, Master).
    **Click name for description

    High, Untrained.

    High, Intermediate.
    **Proficent Variant: Battle Precognition

    Mind Trick
    High, Untrained.

    Force Cloak
    High, Proficient.

    Force Sense
    High, Proficient.

    Force Jump
    Medium, Proficient.

    Medium, Untrained.

    Medium, Intermediate.

    Induce Sleep
    Medium, Intermediate.

    Medium, Untrained.

    *Need to know here

    Traditional Zhaboka Combat
    High, Master.
    **See also Double-Bladed Sword and Jar'Kai (though use in context of dual non lightsaber blades)

    Iridonian Martial Arts
    Medium, Proficient.

    Lightsaber Form IV (Ataru)
    High, Intermediate.

    Lightsaber Form VI (Niman)
    Low, Intermediate.

  • -----


    Will make this more detailed later but the general info:
    • Lightsaber that was made for and given to her by her former master, Kynn (Never got the chance to learn to make her own given the time she lived)
    • Standard Vibroblade
    • R3-E5 Astromech Droid (Rees)
    • Cybernetic right arm prosthetic
    • Tan vest cloak that belonged to her mother

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    Requiem of Life and Rebirth
    Azurine is awoken from a 900 year carbonite stasis by Grandmaster Valery Nobel with the aid of the force ghost of her former master, Kynn Jarmin (who's remaining energy is tied directly to her own soul). Now, she must face the difficult fact that even though the Rebels had won her war, everything she's ever known and loved is long gone, a truth that could break her to her core.
    Valery Noble Valery Noble | Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

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    Praz'ra VarekFather.
    Military commander in charge of security.
    Keth VarekMother.
    Former jedi, became planetary diplomatic adviser.
    Talkar VarekGrandfather.
    Grand Admiral Iridonian Navy
    Orena VarekGrandmother.
    General Iridonian Navy



    Kynn JarminPantoran. Former Jedi Master. Force Bonded. Meant the galaxy to her and more.
    BaineQuarren. Surrogate Father Figure. Guardian of the Whills. Took care of her when she needed it most.
    Raeth CallowayHuman. Got on each others nerves, but thought of him like a brother and someone she'd always pick to have her six in a fight.
    Archibald YustapirMandalorian. The reason she learned Mando'a. "Azzie doesn't count, she's one of us." ~Arch on the subject of Jedi
    Astin CayneHuman. First piloting instructor. Had many laughs in the cockpit.
    Rowen SunfellPlaceholder





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