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Approved Tech Azurine's Prosthetic Arm

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Manufacturer: Kaleleon Selare
Type: Cybernetic
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Unique
Weight: Average
Size: Average
Good Men Don't Need Rules

Art Source

  • Reflec, Nightshadow Coating, and Taozin Amulet all work in tandem to prevent scanning of the arm on sensors, Visibly changing it's coloration and outline to blend in with the environment, as well as hiding any signature in the force. Triple thread Stealth.
  • Forearm and back of the hand have Cortosis shields, comparable to those of the Imperial Remnant from years before in which can shut off lightsabers.
  • Construction of the rest of the arm with a Desh-Terenthium Alloy provide a very durable fabrication, and frame, without having the arm be heavy or unwieldy.
  • Duraplast is used for the outer "Shell" of the arm to protect it from EMP/Ionic Weaponry, as well as being resilient to blaster weaponry, small arms fire, and maybe a glancing blow of a lightsaber.
  • Has a small housing in the forearm for a Lightsaber
  • Triple Threat Stealth Technologies.
  • Cortosis Shielding to shut off lightsabers
  • Lightweight - comparable to biological arm weight.
  • No Sensory technology. Meaning it can be difficult to feel how much pressure the hand is imparting on grip strength, or how hard a punch would be. Can be damaging things that would otherwise not want to be.
  • Arm is rated to defend against small arms weaponry. Anything larger can damage or destroy the arm.
  • EMP/Ionic weaponry that is powerful and meant to take out larger groups, cities, or even take down ships can shut down functionality with the arm. Making it go limp until connection is reestablished.
Commissioned by Kale, An arm was created for Azurine in which was a replacement for her biological arm. Something that would be useful for her to use in combat, just as much as it would be for her in the force. Kale was given a host of freedom to work on the arm in which would benefit her. Taking some time to draw up the blueprints, it was very clear that Cortosis was a must. As well as Reinforced Duraplast so that it could resist lightsabers, and conventional weaponry. With that in mind, the rest of it fell into place so that she could use it with her more stealthy abilities in the force. More over, a small compartment was made in the forearm to house a Lightsaber, which in conjunction with the Taozin Amulet, and Nightshadow coating can hide it and prevent others from discovering that she is armed.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: Codify a prosthetic arm
Image Source(s):
Canon Link: N/A
Permissions: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: Azurine Varek
Modular: Yes
Material: Reflec, Nightshadow, Taozin Amulet, Cortosis, Desh, Terenthium, Reinforced Duraplast
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Kaleleon Kaleleon

Very cool! The Image source field is broken, I would like to ask you to add the image source link to the template (others usually put it under the art). Thank you for your understanding!
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