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Character B/U-400 "Lisette" [WIP]

B/U-400 "Lisette"


Name: Lisette
Operating Number: B/U-400

Nicknames and Aliases:
  • Lissie
  • Butterfly 400
Affiliation: Empire of the Lost
Service Branch: New Imperial Security Bureau - Butterfly Unit
Rank: N/A - Asset

Species: Atrisian Human - EVC
Age: Young Adult
Sex: Female

Primary Allegiance: Empire of the Lost
Current Status: Active
Birthworld: New Alderaan
Residential Addresses / Living Situation: Transient Deployment

Languages Known:
Languages Spoken:
  • Galactic Basic - Native
  • Imperial Basic - Native
Force Sensitivity: None - Void in the Force
Midi-Chlorian Count: N/A
Marital Status: Single
Parents: N/A

Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color - Head: Black
Hair Color - Eyebrows: Black
Skin Color: Pale Creamy
Lip Color: Pink
Scars: None


Cast into existence from a vat on New Alderaan, B/U-400 was created via Engineered Variance Cloning, with the majority of her DNA being from Akiya Orime while the rest was drawn from a pool of Atrisian Human donors. In this regard, she is a Butterfly clone—a genetically-enhanced specialist created to serve the Empire of the Lost and by extension, the interests of Emperor Velran Kilran. B/U-400 (or Lisette, as she eventually came to be known) demonstrated outstanding skills in intelligence analysis during the early stages of her training, scoring near the top of her class in the corresponding scenarios. As such, with her extreme attention to detail and quiet nature, Lisette was marked for to undergo training as an assassin. However, she was known for her tendency to seemingly disappear at unexpected moments, often while in immediate proximity to the people who had suddenly and inexplicably lost track of her. Initially dismissed as a quirk of her shy personality, it was not until later, while undergoing a medical exam, that the true reason behind these all too incidents was discovered.

She was a void.

With the revelation of this aspect of her nature, Lisette caught the immediate attention of her overseers and the New Imperial Security Bureau. Thus, after her graduation from the Butterfly Unit Basic Training Program, she was put through additional training, under the tutelage of a former Operative of the defunct SHADOW Program—Major Vinon Harcourt.

Under Vinon Harcourt’s instruction, Lisette soon learned to modulate her void nature, so that she could disappear and reappear at will. In addition, Harcourt put her through an abbreviated, unofficial version of the SHADOW training course, including instruction in camouflage and concealment, unconventional warfare, martial arts, marksmanship, and yet more.

With the completion of her training under Vinon Harcourt, Lisette was quickly sent out on her first deployment, marked an Asset of the New Imperial Security Bureau, rather than holding any official rank.

Military Training:
Cybernetics and Augmentations:
  • Forget Me - Lisette is extremely difficult to detect via Force sense and its derivative powers. More disturbingly, Lisette can render herself dangerously forgettable to all but the most willful. In this regard, she can neutralize her appearance and aura to such an extent that beings will simply fail to register her presence, often forgetting her the moment she is perceived. By this, she can bypass patrols merely by walking past them. In such cases and more, an individual might see her and immediately forget what they saw, effectively rendering her invisible.
  • Nullifier - As a void, Lisette can counter the Force. In this, she can attenuate or even outright nullify the abilities of Force-sensitive individuals by repelling Force energy. As such, she has the ability to effectively shut off lightsabers and Force-sensitive objects at will.
  • Transhuman Condition - Lisette is thoroughly enhanced via a number of comprehensive packages that serve to improve her reflexes, resilience, mental attributes, physical performance, problem solving capabilities, and regeneration capabilities far beyond any unaugmented human standard. Even with her short-statured frame, she is capable of chest pressing over 850 lb, running a marathon distance in less than two hours, sprinting at speeds over 35 miles per hour, and performing yet more preternatural physical feats. Her mental processing capabilities, problem solving skills, and reaction times are such that unaugmented sapients are extremely sluggish to her, in many cases appearing to think and make decisions in slow motion.
  • Innocent Imperialism - By design, Lisette lacks a broad knowledge of the galaxy beyond the Imperialist understanding. Her education is optimized to hone her into a fierce, devoted adherent of the Imperial way, specifically as mandated by the Empire of the Lost. Unfortunately, this has the side effect of making her rather ignorant regarding other political systems, as she has been conditioned to view them with a mix of revulsion, pity, or outright hostility.
  • Priss - Lisette is naive, inflexible, and (sometimes) prissy. In this regard, she is very particular about doing things in the correct, textbook fashion. While this typically works in her favor, it makes it difficult for her to serve and fight alongside non-clone personnel, who often take more chaotic approaches to solving problems.
  • Synthetic Sight - Droids can see through Lisette’s void capabilities, meaning that they will not forget her, nor will they be susceptible. However, Force-sensitives inhabiting droid or cybernetic bodies, the likes of Iron Knights, will still be susceptible to her void abilities.
  • Efficient
  • Painstaking
  • Naive
  • Shy
  • Prissy
  • Nerdy
  • Superficial
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