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Character B/U-800 “Evelina” [WIP]


Name: B/U-800 “Evelina”
Nicknames and Aliases:

  • Butterfly 800
  • Eve
Affiliation: Empire of the Lost
Service Branch: Butterfly Unit
Rank: N/A - Butterfly

Species: Atrisian Human-Hapan Hybrid - EVC
Age: Young Adult
Sex: Female
Occupation: Assassin
Primary Allegiance: Empire of the Lost
Current Status: Active
Birthworld: New Alderaan
Residential Addresses / Living Situation: Transient Deployment
Languages Known:

Languages Spoken:
  • Galactic Basic - Native
  • Imperial Basic - Native
Force Sensitivity: None
Midi-Chlorian Count: 1000 Midi-Chlorian:Cell
Marital Status: Single
Parents: N/A

Height: 4'8"

Eye Color: Lime Green
Hair Color - Head: Deep Red
Hair Color - Eyebrows: Dark Brown
Skin Color: Warm Peach
Lip Color: Cherry Red
Scars: None


Military Training:
Cybernetics and Augmentations:
  • Ghost - TBA
  • Transhuman Condition - Evelina is thoroughly enhanced via a number of comprehensive packages that serve to improve her reflexes, resilience, mental attributes, physical performance, problem solving capabilities, and regeneration capabilities far beyond any unaugmented human standard. Even with her short-statured frame, she is capable of chest pressing over 850 lb, running a marathon distance in less than two hours, sprinting at speeds over 35 miles per hour, and performing yet more superhuman physical feats. Her mental processing capabilities, problem solving skills, and reaction times are such that unaugmented sapients are extremely sluggish to her, in many cases appearing to think and make decisions in slow motion.
  • Chakram Dancer - Evelina is a virtual prodigy at wielding chakrams, discblades, and similar types of weapons. Her ability is such that she can impart a precise spin on her throws, allowing her to curve chakrams in flight to hit targets behind cover. In addition, she can strike a bullseye with her throws at ranges in excess of 250 meters. Finally, she is also quite proficient at using such weapons in melee and hand-to-hand combat.
  • TBA - TBA
  • Innocent Imperialism - By design, Evelina lacks a broad knowledge of the galaxy beyond the Imperialist understanding. Her conditioning is optimized to hone her into a fierce, devoted adherent of the Imperial way, specifically as mandated by the Empire of the Lost. Unfortunately, this has the side effect of making her rather ignorant regarding other political systems, as she has been conditioned to view them with a mix of revulsion, pity, or outright hostility.​
  • Efficient
  • Painstaking
  • Naive
  • Shy
  • Prissy
  • Nerdy
  • Superficial
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