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Approved Tech B00-Series Companion Droid

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Intent: To create a small, yet deceptively versatile basic droid.
Image Source: Rafal Brozyniak
Canon Link: Probe Droid
Permissions: N/A
Primary Source: N/A


Affiliation: Open Market
Model: B00-Series Companion Droid
Modularity: Yes. Outer shell may be customised according to specific need or personal taste. Various components may also be replaced or installed with time.
Production: Limited
Material: Cortosis-Weave, Glasteel, Isotope 5, Protective Liquid Coating, Terenthium-Desh Alloy, Misc Droid Components


Classification: Hybrid
Weight: Very Light
Height: Very Small
Movement: Repulsorlift
Armaments: Audio-Radial Stunner
Misc. Equipment:


Energy (And other Blaster type weapons: High
Kinetic: High
Lightsabers: High
Other: Average



Inquisitive: B00-series are designed with a deep learning functionality, becoming more complex, creative and even evolving as a companion through experience.
Modularity: B00-Series has a relatively simple design that is easily modified and upgraded given time and equipment. Due to the relatively common nature of its components, it is also fairly easy to repair or replace them if damaged beyond the capabilities of its internal repair unit. The only exception being the power core and the central ‘brain’ core.


Flaw of Resistance: Like many droids, exposure to EMP/Ion can quickly disable and render this series inactive with very little trouble.
Flaw of Movement: Relies exclusively on repulsorlift for movement. If this should be jammed, disabled or otherwise interfered with, these droids won’t be going anywhere fast.
Flaw of Individuality: To enable its intuitive learning functionality, the B00-Series purposefully does not have a creativity damper or a memory wipe function as standard. This results in units developing personalities which can be temperamental and even counterproductive if the owner is not careful.


While originally the byproduct of a much more expansive and ongoing project delving into the deep learning capabilities of droids, for something scaled down for the open market the B00-Series Companion Droid is nevertheless a small packaged marvel in its own right. Designed to form an attachment with its owner, it quickly and intuitively begins to learn from both their example and the environment it is exposed to, effectively upgrading and evolving itself cognitively to provide the perfect support partner over time.
To further augment the customizability of the model, almost every internal component can be easily removed, modified or even replaced to suit the owner’s requirements. The outer shell is also highly modifiable, with several official appearance mods existing on the market and open sourced information being supplied to promote the user's own experimentation to find that perfect aesthetic.
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