Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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NAME: B1-449

FACTION: Currrently in None

RANK: Lieutenant

SPECIES: B1-class droid

AGE: 800+ years

SEX: Masculine Programming

HEIGHT: 1.93 Meters

WEIGHT: 143 Pounds

EYES: Mechanical Black Sensors

HAIR: None

SKIN: The Character is entirely Metal with the Color Tan and a Red Chest Plate



STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
B1-449 is over 80+ years old and has been in major battles during the Clone Wars which gives it great leadership. This droid is very effective and efficient in forwarding orders. Since this is still just a simple B1 unit, it is sometimes very stupid in unforeseen scenarios. B1-449 will often leak out some secrets or strategies under great stress, and B1-449 has to be guarded by its own soldiers not to say anything.
The appearance is almost exactly alike to a B1 unit, however it does have some battle scars across its surface. This droid also has a red chest plate to color code its position as Lieutenant.
B1-449 was first deployed in the Battle of Geonosis and then placed in other major battles. He was part in the 293 out of 3,782 survivors in the battle against a Republic fleet. He eventually made his way around to be under the command of Super TD-T47. He was shut down after the droid shutdown by Anakin Skywalker but was reactivated by Super TD-T47 and has served him ever since. B1-449 was the first droid to be reactivated by Super TD-T47 and was quickly given rank of Lieutenant.
B1-449 works aboard the Third Luck, an Ex-Separatist controlled Lucrehulk Droid Control Ship. The engines are all made by the Rendili Stardrive Company. (More information at Super TD-T47’s character creation)

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