Droid Representative
NAME: B1-5K2
FACTION: Currrently in None
RANK: Representative
SPECIES: B1-class droid
AGE: 800+ years
SEX: Masculine Programming
HEIGHT: 1.93 Meters
WEIGHT: 143 Pounds
EYES: Mechanical Black Sensors
HAIR: None
SKIN: The Character is entirely Metal with the Color Tan and a Blue Chest Plate
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
B1-5K2 is very effective in bartering, negotiating, and trading. He is also able to understand how to talk politely and understand how others feel. However, his skills as a fighter is considered very weak and doesn't carry any weapons with him. B1-5K2 also gets very stressed and scared when threatened
The appearance is almost exactly alike to a B1 unit, however it does have some battle scars across its surface. This droid also has a blue chest plate to color code its position as Representative.
In the late Clone Wars, more systems were needed to keep the CIS running, so many B1 units became representatives to constantly influence neutral systems. B1-5K2 helped convince 3 systems to join the CIS and influenced other colonies. Since Super TD-T47 was working at the Outer Rims, B1-5K2 was sent to represent the CIS and check on his status. However when he got there, the shut down was ordered by Anakin Skywalker. Luckily he was reactivated by Super TD-T47 and now represents him as a permanent lawyer and representative.
B1-5K2 works aboard the Third Luck, an Ex-Separatist controlled Lucrehulk Droid Control Ship. The engines are all made by the Rendili Stardrive Company. (More information at Super TD-T47’s character creation)
FACTION: Currrently in None
RANK: Representative
SPECIES: B1-class droid
AGE: 800+ years
SEX: Masculine Programming
HEIGHT: 1.93 Meters
WEIGHT: 143 Pounds
EYES: Mechanical Black Sensors
HAIR: None
SKIN: The Character is entirely Metal with the Color Tan and a Blue Chest Plate
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
B1-5K2 is very effective in bartering, negotiating, and trading. He is also able to understand how to talk politely and understand how others feel. However, his skills as a fighter is considered very weak and doesn't carry any weapons with him. B1-5K2 also gets very stressed and scared when threatened
The appearance is almost exactly alike to a B1 unit, however it does have some battle scars across its surface. This droid also has a blue chest plate to color code its position as Representative.
In the late Clone Wars, more systems were needed to keep the CIS running, so many B1 units became representatives to constantly influence neutral systems. B1-5K2 helped convince 3 systems to join the CIS and influenced other colonies. Since Super TD-T47 was working at the Outer Rims, B1-5K2 was sent to represent the CIS and check on his status. However when he got there, the shut down was ordered by Anakin Skywalker. Luckily he was reactivated by Super TD-T47 and now represents him as a permanent lawyer and representative.
B1-5K2 works aboard the Third Luck, an Ex-Separatist controlled Lucrehulk Droid Control Ship. The engines are all made by the Rendili Stardrive Company. (More information at Super TD-T47’s character creation)