Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Baby Got Back (Sophia Walsh)

En route to Csilla aboard the Lady in Waiting

Alderaan had been a glorious sight to behold, the sith had sent the Republic reeling and back again. They had wiped the floors with them the first time and the second had shown why they were stronger. Why the darkside was stronger and the vision of the dark lord. Balaya stood there in her under cloths while she worked the alchemy forge, the touches on several pieces of equipment were being done as she laughed. The heat of the fire cascading away from her hardened pink smooth skin.

Sophia had been so precious, so delicious with her anger. She had wanted to forge her own destiny and as Balaya took the tongs to pick up the pieces of armor she set it on the anvil grabbing a hammer and beginning to pound away with on the armor. Balaya ground her teeth while taking a sharp inhale that brought her attention around to the rest of the rack. The armor upon it gleaming with power and energy as the blood magics of the sith hardened plates of plastoid to make them heavy but protective.

She was busy working on making this for Sophia but she would still have to get her measurements, get her figure contained within a suit of armor forged from the darkside and the sith warlord who now towered over everything stood to her full height. Long muscled legs looking down upon the armor while she continued to work on it and spoke into the comlink of the ship. "Sophia my sweet, come to the forge. I have a surprise for you, something you shall have for what I promised a chance to forge your own path in the galaxy."

Her laugh came after that while Elara stood off to the side continuing to work at the forge, the real surprise was what she was making for her sweet Sophia, a crown forged of the darkside that would reflect all that she was and holding a powerful taint. A powerful enchantment to work on snuffing out that pesky flickers of the lightside from her. All of it was hers to make and this was all for Sophia.... Well nearly all of it there was still the boots sitting in the forge being made.

Turadium took a great deal of time to melt down and reforge into what she needed and there was a great deal of it. Powerful and crafted with bone dust from the valley of the Dark Lords on Coruscant. The ancient sith bones crushed into a fine meal and then poured into the mix to add to it while Balaya worked to invoke and bind that dark taint from ages past into the armor. She wanted the old lords of the eith to empower her while while broughtt the vision of the dark lord and order to the galaxy.

[member="Sophia Walsh"]
A sigh escaped Sophia's lips as she looked out the view point. The woman was still wondering if she had done the right thing. The only thing that mattered was her daughter and she hoped that this would keep her safe. The thought of also being able to keep a planet safe again also appealing to her. She was not only former military but had been a political leader. Here she believed that she could do some good in the galaxy.

It was funny how things were, she never expected to find herself in this position. She always considered herself a lighthearted happy woman whom would never fall for the darkness. Sophia was doing what she had to do in order to keep her daughter safe and that was it. If she was there she could keep a better eye on things. The woman was willing to do what was necessary to get the things she wanted.

Her gaze left the window as she heard her name called. Sophia wasn't sure yet what she thought of [member="Darth Praelior"]. The woman was going to get her set up but at the same time had threatened her daughter. She couldn't stand that but for now she would receive said help and go along with things.

Sighing she turned to meet her at the Forge to see what this gift was. "You rang?" She lightly smiled leaning against the wall.

Had she really just signed a pack with the Devil?
[member="Sophia Walsh"]

Balaya looked up and over at Sophia as she stood there and smiled. Standing tall and crossing her arms under her chest as she spoke moving forward. The sweat coming from her while she enjoyed the small pleasures of it all. Since Alderaan she had grown, the ritual enhancing her further with the darkside until her very blood pulsed with it, the vong biots she had gotten shaped into her body providing plenty of enhancement as the living weapons gave her more even when unarmed. It all came down to what she planned to do with them and right now standing near Sophia and looking down she brought her hand out to touch her with a finger.

"Oh my dear there is so much for you now but I have begun crafting your armor, fit for a queen of the Chiss. Something that will show your authority and." Balaya moved her hand to guide Sophia towards the suit of armor that shined while a wriggling headdress was at the top of it. Bands of metal affixed as Balaya was still shaping some of it. "Your armor, put it on for measurements and to test it. You will find it heavier but that is the alchemy. I have a suit for you and there will be a suit forged for your daughter, she will always be protected with you. The arachnid arms for you will be lighter but able to function with the thoughts. I based it on the jedi's starfighters we captured on Coruscant."
Armor? Wow, she didn't expect that at all. This Sith must really either like her or want her to be queen for one purpose or other. What good did it do another to put someone else on the throne unless you were pulling the strings. Sophia may not be a Jedi anymore but she was not her puppet and she would rule the way she wished. The Sith would find this out one way or another.

"I'm not sure my daughter needs armor. It may be best for me to just let her go and keep her safe from afar." Sophia would never say it outloud but she didn't want her little one tangled up in her affairs or with the other Sith. She couldn't do that to poor Isabelle whom she knew was safe for now at least.

Picking up the armor she managed to put it on with little difficulty. It was as she said heavy but that was something that Sophia would just have to get used to. It fit pretty well though and she didn't not like it. "I don't imagine that the people will just bow to my will. I'm sure they will fight at first."

[member="Darth Praelior"]
[member="Sophia Walsh"]

Balaya looked at Sophia and smiled as she ran a hand over the armor making mental notes with her cybernetics of where it needed to be taken in, where it was snug and where she could improve upon it as she spoke. "If you feel you must send your daughter away then it is as you wish my dear. So long as your loyal to the One Sith she is protected, by the Dark Lord, by me, by her new family. We may not be the nicest people in the galaxy but we are the ones who few choose to mess with." Her smile remained as she slowly took the crown and arms putting them into her. The crown connecting to the armor with the headdress for the shapers wriggling.

"Your armor shall be a reflection of your right to rule, within the One Sith you shall prove yourself a loyal subject of the Darkside, in your role you have shown you are a power naval commander. The Chiss will respect that or else." That was the thing, she had the power to order the blackblades to wipe out chiss until they all agreed she was the better choice. "Now come my dear there is so much more you can do, so much more we must prepare you for." Balaya slid her hand down the length of Sophia's cheek and she tapped her chin. "So pretty, with your Mark of Darkness upon your body there is only one step left."

Balaya stood up and went to a shelf in her forge, Darth Hauntruss had formed the tools needed as she spoke turning with the box. Lowering it enough to look at Sophia and she was going to ensure her sister, this dark child enjoyed herself. "do not be afraid, the initiations to the sith are different. Just enjoy it and if the time ever comes you wish to become one with the order and darkness. The ritual will be here my dear." For now she opened the box and Val'rysses scorpion was there pulsing with the darkside, it moved alng Balaya's hand until it was there on her hand looking at Sophia.

"One must be willing, the tiniest resistance and the venom that mars you are my sister could kill you or worse." Balaya held the creature and removed the section of armor over the chest. "Allow the venom to reach your heart, the darkside will become your allie and so much more. Allow it to give you all that was promised so that when you sit upon the throne of the Chiss your vision shall be that of the Dark Lords, he shall want to make sure his newesr child is ready.

Balaya waited to see what she said while using the force to start casting the mold of her armored legging. The gun bel wasn't on it but there was a great deal going on that others would not see as she started on the armor. Hers beign molded and Sophia's being set to proper measurements. "Come now my sweet we all knew this day was coming. When you gave in and becane an egent of chaos. I want your body strong so that I might see to what you do for your people, these ones not betraying you because of whom you serve. You should have a full suit soon o practice with.
The idea of leaving her only child tore her up inside. Everything she was doing was for her little one and having to give her up was terrible. It was the only thing she could do to keep her away from the Sith.

Sophia had a younger sister whom wasn't Force Sensitive. She could have her care for her daughter and keep her safe from this mess. It was the best for Izzy whom deserved the galaxy. Sophia could watch from afar and support her financially as the little one grew. This world she would take would one day be Isabella's.

"I used to rule over powerful armies and I used to have a planet of my own. I know how to rule and rule well. I want my planet to flourish and it shall."

The people would respect her and she would rule the way she wanted. She may be apart of the Sith however that didn't mean she had to be as nearly as dark as all of them were.
"I don't need to be dark to gain power and loyal subjects. Those whom don't agree will be gone with a snap of my fingers. I have learned the tricks of the trade so to speak. I know how to play the game. You'll see."

A cunning smile appeared on her face as she watched Balaya forge the rest of the armor. She would wear this as she took control of the planet and in time take other worlds along with it.

[member="Darth Praelior"]
[member="Sophia Walsh"]

The ship was still traveling towards the planet, the forge now working overtime as slowly it churned out the armor which was adorning Sophia. She slowly worked to complete the crown and every inch of it was absorbing the black viscous blood. The ritual for alchemy tainting it and pushing it to become harder, tainted and a twisted suit made for her. With a small grin Balaya held the crown up while she looked at Sophia and she held it as it cooled looking far more sinister. "Rule them how you wish, just know you do it in the name of the Dark Lord's vision. You will have an army of sith ready to fight for their queen and a navy few can compete against.

Balaya watched her now as she gave it for her to put on and enjoy the feel of the armor and the darkside pulsing through her. They were heading in as she looked at the mold for her armor that was forming. The hand going over and dropping the blood into it as it slowly hardened with the alchemy. Balaya moved a bit as she stood there and started to attach hook the arms for her. Their pincers and blades retracting until they settled in small V's on her back moving a little and enjoying themselves. Her hand touching the woman's hair as she spoke. "Such a powerful queen you shall be, now try this armor out and use it how you see fit."

She knew most were as it was scared of the Sith and what they could do. Everyone had heard stories of what the Sith were capable of so she was sure she would have no issues getting people to listen or following her.

Sophia knew that nobody would ever understand her choice today but that was alright. She did what she had to in order to keep the ones she truly cared for safe. Hopefully one day her daughter would be strong enough to take all this from her or she would just give it to her. Set everything up and give it to her so she can be the Queen Sophia couldn't be.

Sophia's head and heart were in a whirlwind of emotions. It was hard to know which way to go and what was right and what wasn't the way to go. Hopefully soon her path and what she was to do would become clearer to her. She needed a sign.

"It's beautiful," she quietly stated as she took the armor from her to try it on. She found that it fit well enough. It was weird it in time she would get used to it.

[member="Darth Praelior"]
[member="Sophia Walsh"]

Balaya focused on her now as she put on the armor and slowly brought her hands around to work at it. The alchemically hardened armor under her hand. "As strong as beskar my dear and a little lighter. This will protect you and one day when you have it ready you can pass it to your heir." Slowly Balaya moved her hand up to her hair and crown settling it into place with everything. "The darkside will be your allie in this fight, we don't have all the numbers to officially take it from the regent but your skills with a blade will allow you to as needed." She was looking at the forge and the boots, leggings and stand full of her armor she was slowly recreating.

"Your body will react to it and you know what to do Sophia. You can feel the darkside, use it, feed it, nurture it and it will become your slave. Use it to tear your enemies down and make them bow to you, make the beg to serve you because you are the chosen queen. Let it enter you and turn you into what you were meant to be, a ruler of men and women, not a sheep letting herself be led astray into fighting the servants of order and stability." Balaya pushed more energy into the armor while she ensured it was snug and secured with her full crown. The collar of it wrapping around to protect her neck with the bands of the sith.

She slowly presented a golden ring and slid it onto her finger to let the ensnarement spell push the darkside closer and closer to the surface. "Now come lets see those pretty golden eyes."
She could never give the crown to her heir as that was her youngest and dearest daughter whom she had left. It was for the best that she stay far out of all of this.

The armor as she should have known wasn't just armor. It was laced with darkness as well which seeped within her as it was placed on her. She could feel it fueling the dark hatred she had inside herself for those whom had wronged her.

She could hear the darkness whispering in her ear as if telling her that she was doing all of this wrong. Telling her that the way she had ruled was why she had failed. Sophia needed to rule by strength and currently she was not doing that. She was weak and that as already shown by her loss of everything. She needed to be strong and take the planet by force. The armor made her feel stronger and as if she could do anything.

"It's beautiful, when do we arrive?" She questioned as she looked at herself in the mirror.

[member="Darth Praelior"]
[member="Sophia Walsh"]

Balaya looked at Sophia as her piece of the armor was on its mount slowly being worked on and she spoke. "Soon enough my dear, soon enough we will be there." Balaya looked at her armor and then at Sophia while she was moving to lead the way towards the bridge of the ship. She could see and feel the darkside in her companion, she could feel it with her emotions as the holoprojector for Sophia's new home came up. "Here you go my dear, Csilla the homeworld of the Chiss and one of the strongest navies in the galaxy as well as where the sith secured their assets. When we moved in the planet resisted but we took out a portion of their leaders so they would fall in line... Now with you we are going to take out the rest. I have setup a demonstration as it were to showcase your prowess with the One Sith Navy against theirs. A small fleet of Dark Blades will be there to face their commanders... meanwhile as you stand on the bridge and play wargames with their best commander with his supporters. We are going to make an example of them and show your power both as a leader and a commander."
"I love war games, it was always what I was best at before it was stolen from me." Sophia knew now as she stood on the bridge in her armor that she would never let that type of thing happen again. She would rule this planet the way she did Chroma Zed but this time would not let anyone ever push her around.

Sophia was still a good person inside and wanted the best for her new planet. If she had to Sophia would rule with an iron fist and do what she saw fit as the best thing. A sigh escaped her lips as she turned to the port window to look out at the planet below. "Do we expect there to be a lot of resistance?"

[member="Darth Praelior"]
[member="Sophia Walsh"]

Balaya stood behind her looking at the window while she spoke. "There will be some, there are always ones who try and fight against the tide to be swallowed up. That is why we are here, while you show your skill I will suss out the ones with ill intent and crush them for the display. One queen of this world needs to show strength and slowly as they realize you are the better choice, the only choice to protect them from the dangers of rebellion. the sith will welcome your power and prestige." She continued to smile as the ship moved into position and an immortal with three darkblades waited. The one sith ships there to display of the power the sith could command with Balaya crossing hjer arms as another ship docked with the chiss Sophia would be impressing.

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