Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Back After a While

Haven't done anything in 2 years after I don't really know where to start. I really like Cecilia but as far as I can tell the Je'daii faction doesn't exist anymore so I don't really know what to do with her since there was nothing to really justify her leaving while she was still training. Anyways, might try to join some posts again soon and get it sorted out because I remember it being a lot of fun. Once summer starts might look for another faction to roll with.

Caedyn Arenais

Cecilia Wissen Cecilia Wissen

Hey there, I was a Faction Admin for the Je'daii Order run by Asha Hex back then. Unfortunately when the site was upgraded, all of the Factions were deleted. Cotan Sar'andor Cotan Sar'andor who was also a Je'daii, has gone to the Outer Planets Alliance which has a loose affiliation of Force Users under an umbrella title called the Council of the Living Force, a mix of Organizations and some of which hold similarities to the former Je'daii.
Caedyn Arenais Oh that's awesome to hear, I was hoping someone would tell me what happened to everyone. I noticed a decent number of them aren't really active anymore but it's quarantine so I have the time to make new friends. I'll definitely Check out the OPA disc later and see what's on offer for a young aspiring force user!

Caedyn Arenais

Cecilia Wissen Cecilia Wissen

Unfortunately those who were active have moved on. "The Silent Fleet" was a minor faction that was created afterward for members remaining on Chaos but it never really took off. The In-Character story is that the Je'daii took to roaming Deep Space due to the known Galaxy unraveling into Chaos/War and wanting to avoid being swallowed in the politics of it all.

Asha Hex no longer writes actively on Chaos, and she had always been the driving force behind the Je'daii Order; so when she left, the faction fell silent.
Cecilia Wissen Cecilia Wissen Welcome Back! A dream begins with a single dreamer. The Je'daii could find a way back if that's your interest. Course there are many delightful Force Factions out there, Minor or Major, that would welcome you as well. The Confederacy has a Neutral Chapter that might suit as well.

Hope you're able to jump in and have a great time. If you need anything, as you can see, lots of friendly sorts abound.
Hey Cecilia Wissen Cecilia Wissen welcome back! I have not been on chaos long, but I kind of found the Je'daii in the same state you have. Just ask Caedyn Arenais I bugged him about it and Cotan Sar'andor Cotan Sar'andor too. At this point I am just kinda doing my own thing since the interest in Je'daii seems to have waned, if you're interested come hang out on the Confederacy discord and I would be more than happy to share my ideas.

Regardless always nice to see people come back!

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