Upon reading his concerned message, the gears started to turn once again in her head.
"Ain't this just perfect. I got my own Jedi knight in shinin' armour to look out for me." She teased with an overly dramatic voice as she bumped against his shoulder. Though her movements were rather careful as she swayed and shifted beside him. Her chin rested on his shoulder when he started to type again, this time making a very valid argument.
"Okay, yeah, fair enough." She admitted as she looked at her hands for a moment. Probably the only thing that kept her grounded, the fear of seriously injuring or losing her hands. Hands were everything. Her ability to work on her pod, her ability to excel as a Jedi (theoretically), and the only way of being able to feel-
That was getting a bit carried away. She needed to check herself. They were still relative strangers, no need to already get funky thoughts.
"Definitely can't end up with my hands in casts or something. How else am I gonna make you squirm then?" She teased, poking at his side as she snickered away. She had a bunch of questions she wanted to ask him, lots of topics she wanted to discuss with him. But one glance at his datapad deterred her entirely, she didn't wanna punish him like that. Once again her mind started to drift to the idea of learning telepathy in order to communicate easier... but even that was a terrible idea, given both of their inexperience in the Force. Eventually her train of thought crashed into oblivion and she leaned back against him, taking a deep breath.
She was reminded of why she constantly wanted to hang out with him. The peace and quiet, the silence between them devoid of awkward stares or forced words. A peaceful silence that somehow had her feeling closer to him than anyone else.
{"That we did, and it reminds me... are you free this evening?"}
"OH kriff, you mean-" She instantly shut her mouth as a sense of excitement set in. Her cheeks burned up as she looked around them for a moment with the realisation that he was actually
asking her out. The fact that she was the one who instigated it was conveniently tossed aside as she looked at him with a bright, busted grin.
"For you, definitely." She nodded happily. Realizing that it was likely going to get awkward really quickly, she got up from her seat next to him and tried to dust herself off.
"So I'll be seeing you tonight, then?" She asked with a smile.
"Just send me the details, I'll be there."
And just like that, she left. The reality of how bad it looked only hit her when she was on her way to her room, and her nerves started to boil over. She looked back, wondering if she needed to go back and try to explain that she wasn't trying to be rude about it... but that would only make it weirder. She could explain it to him later...
A while later, Ara was done with her studies and other duties, and found herself loafing on her bed. She didn't know what to do with herself, the thought of going on a date had her mind running all over the place. Primarily around the thought that she probably forced him into the whole thing. He was a reserved guy, after all... did she pressure him into this?
She rummaged through her robes on her bed until she found her datapad.
:: Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ::
No, scrap that.
She stared at his name at the top of the messenger for a moment, unsure of what to say or send.
:: Hey whats up, cat got your tongue? ::
Really bad joke.
:: Hey wachu doing? :: She finally sent him. Probably best to start it out casually.
Kyell Laysel