Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Back from the Dead!


Crazy Never Looked this Good
Hello everyone new, old and in-between. I've been gone for....well a really, really long time. I do apologize to any and all who I've missed or who was in the middle of a thread with or whatever. A lot happen within the past few months, the biggest issue being that I was sort of losing my feel for rping. It was just because I had a lot of issue IRL to deal with, mainly trying to find a job. Thankfully they've been dealt with and I'm starting to get back ito the swing of things.

So if there's anyone who needs to remind me of what I've missed with them, or what I've missed in general let me know. I do intend to do a few threads soon, hopefully to sort of re-establish my characters into the world. Again all can be dissuced here or via PM.
Jenna Templar said:

*tackle hug*

I missed you, you lovable, blue criminal you! lol. How have you been? How've the Raven's been? How's everything been? XD
Gooooooooood! *big hugs*

I stepped down as Faction Owner of the Red Ravens due to time constraints. The faction is now in Chiasa's capable orange hands :)

IC Cryax betrayed the Ravens, fled their space and is now working out of the Coruscant Underground, as well as became a full-fledged member of the One Sith.

You know, as you do.


Crazy Never Looked this Good
[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]

Great to hear. I know we had somethig with Nimue and you happening at one point, right?

[member="Cryax Bane"]

Wow. So a lot DID happen lol. Well at least you've gone through some interesting developments. That being said I'm sure we should try and pick things up where we left off at some point. I think it was Nimue and Deborah Waller you were dealing with, right?
[member="Jenna Templar"]

Nimue would probably be the best for him to RP with. IC he's not on friendly terms with the Red Ravens anymore.

I have to clear off a few threads before I start any new ones, but yeah, we should thread :)


Crazy Never Looked this Good
[member="Cryax Bane"]

True, I'm not sure what Deborah's situation would be with the Ravens at this point. Idk how things might've changed after the big event that went down after I left.

But yeah, Cryax and Nimue should meet up again. Especially if he's with the One Sith and she's a Fringe member. They're still on good enough terms, right?


Crazy Never Looked this Good
[member="Chiasa Kritivaas"]

I inted to do just that lol. Congrats on the promotion, btw. Figured you had what it took to run the Ravens if Cryax stepped down. How've they been?
[member="Jenna Templar"]


Haha, but for real, the Ravens have a lot of action right now!
We're enemies with the One Sith, we allied with the Rebel Alliance.
Lysle isn't dead but he is kind of doing his own thing
We have the most posted to Flagship thread on the board so far and the next stage of that when I start it is going to be awesome.
There are like, four Dominions currently, one of which just started and is also going to be super fun and wind up with us getting fun faction things.
There's some heat going down between us and the ACA, or as I like to call them, the Southern Sith.




Crazy Never Looked this Good
[member="Chiasa Kritivaas"]

Wow. lol. Well hopefully Deborah and her gang ca step in and help if need be. Though we may have to do something where they've been underground or just out of sight for a while, which would explain thier absence during everything. Maybe we could do a thread where she finally comes back to the Ravens and sees how much everything's changed since she and her boys have been away.
[member="Jenna Templar"]

Oh! Its the perfect excuse for you to have been gone actually!
Netherworld was like, half the galaxy got sent to literal hell. Just disappeared
But there were portals out, so you could say you'd been in hell and just escaped, or were looking for folks who disappeared or whatevs.

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