Bombshell Genius
Because laying siege to the capital of Tartarus, the Machine, was taking longer than expected, she couldn't provide any support to the Silver forces engaging the Sith Empire on Mirial. Then again, perhaps her curious strategical choice in engaging the Contingency on Tartarus was part of the big reasons for why they couldn't attack Kol Huro instead of Mirial. However, if any intelligence about the Sith Empire was correct, they tended to keep any significant forces to a handful of planets, such as Serenno, Kol Huro, Muunilinst and, of course, Bastion. Their main weakness was that qualified command-level personnel was in very short supply. Yet none of those operational considerations was going to be important, as she was to meet with one [member="Paige Blossom"] for the first time. I guess, Taygeta wanted some independence in her training, and I trusted her enough for that. I hope Paige will be a diligent padawan, she thought, while seeing Paige making her approach towards Jaminere's polar landscape in the Force. New to the Silver Jedi, Paige could probably learn a thing or two from her. Exactly what Paige would learn remains unclear; she would need to know exactly what she knows and her learning objectives. She began to look at Paige prior to introducing herself, while this new refugee camp was being built in the north polar region of Jaminere to accommodate those refugees from Ossus as well as Kulthis to a lesser extent (Odacer-Faustin was unaffected by war):
"Hello, dear padawan. My name is Jessica Med-Beq, and I'm going to be your trainer today, with potentially an option for me to become your titular master. I have a few questions for you before we begin: first, do you have any idea what sort of Jedi you wish to become? Second, what did you already learn about the Force?"
"Hello, dear padawan. My name is Jessica Med-Beq, and I'm going to be your trainer today, with potentially an option for me to become your titular master. I have a few questions for you before we begin: first, do you have any idea what sort of Jedi you wish to become? Second, what did you already learn about the Force?"