Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Back in buisness (Tugoro)


Inactive Character
Nawd wandered through the alleys of Nar Shadaa, muttering to himself. The streets were not unlike the Coruscanti Underworld, where he'd lived before. Plenty of dark alleys to hide in. Plenty of dumpsters for food. Plenty of people to rob. He felt as if he was just at home... He didn't even remember how he got here, but he didn't paticularly care. He'd been here for a few days, pulling people off the street, into alleys. Beating them to death with a bit of rusty pipe. Just like old times.

So now Nawd wandered through the backalleys of Nar Shadaa, his pipe dragging on the duracrete. What to do... who to mug.... A young couple, a man and a Twi'lek, stepped into the alley. Probably taking a shortcut. On their way somewhere. Nawd grinned under his trunk.

The blur of a rusty pipe. The wet sound of impact on the man's face. The scream of the twi'lek girl, cut off abruptly.

He'd hadn't realized how much he missed this.

[member="Tugoro Taidarious"]
There had been reports of several mugging in this specific area, not to mention the frequent murder allegations that accompanied the robber. Most that encountered this foe did not survive, leaving little information to their description. The crimes were brutal, for several victims had had their heads caved in, with some sort of blunt object. The young Jedi would stride down the streets of Nar Shaddaa, specifically on the lower levels. The brown robe he wore would flow in his wake, as it concealed the armored attire he wore underneath. He expected some sort of conflict to arise shortly, for that was what usually happened when he was dispatched to investigate.

The boy could not help but pause, for a sudden wave of hostility and blood lust washed over the nearby area. The youth's neck would crane to the side quickly, spotting a pair of humanoids walking into a dark alley. Had they not gotten the memo? The Padawan would begin to sprint, pushing his way through the crowds as he advanced on the unsuspecting victims. Hopefully he got there in time. Tugoro's plated boots would slam on to the ground, causing him to skid to a halt as he looked forth at the monstrous beast. The boy's gaze would lift, as he took in the entire height of [member="Nawd"], his jaw hanging agape in awe. Looking to the ground, the boy would grit his teeth, feeling the energy fading away from the two that had been unfortunate enough to cross such a foe. "You're under arrest."


Inactive Character
Nawd slowly glanced up from his two latest victims, blinking several times at [member="Tugoro Taidarious"]. He'd been caught. Run? No, the alley was to narrow. Nawd stared at the Jedi for several moments...

Before suddenly barrelling forwards, raising his pipe suddenly for a blow to the Jedi's face. Violence was the easiest way out, and Nawd's favorite method. It was the easiest. No one cna do anythnig to you if there heads are caved in. If their ribs are ripped fromt heir bodies. If their head is torn off their shoulders. No one can hurt you, if they're dead.

The Cragmoloid let out a bellow of anger that he was caught, anger that someone had interupted him, anger that someone would try to arrest him again, as he swung the metal pipe at the Jedi's face.

Soon, he'd be searching his body for valuables.
The blood lust that emitted from this one was incredible. Tugoro could feel [member="Nawd"]'s anger and negativity through the force, it was indeed plentiful. The youth's arm would move to his waist, allowing his hand to grab at a single saber hilt that hung from his belt. The Padawan could feel the conflict within the creature, however it was more than obvious what he would do. The rather slow elephant like alien would begin to shamble forward, threatening to crush anything in it's path. It was rather intimidating.

However, Tugoro's job as a Jedi was to clear his mind of all emotion, in order to find the solution. He would begin to analyze the situation, noticing that Nawd was strong, but pretty slow. Luckily for the boy, he had gripped his extended blade saber, one that had a longer reach than most. Pulling it from the belt's restraints, Tugoro would activate it's crimson beam, rather disappointed that he still hadn't been able to replace it's crystal. Nevertheless, it was still an effective tool in combat, especially in the fashion he was about to employ it. While bending his legs at the knees, Tugoro would push off of the ground, propelling his body into a force jump, that made him faster than usual. The red beam of pure heat would swipe upwards and at an angle, aiming to sear through the metallic pipe, and sever it into two pieces. If this was done successfully, the attacker might have even suffered from burns.


Inactive Character
(Sorry for the delay)

Nawd's eyes widened at the lightsaber, making an alarmed trumpeting sound through his trunk as the red beam sliced through his pipe, sending little droplets of molten metal onto his hand. It was another one. No, there was only one. It was him again. He was wearing a disquise... Yes, that was it. Just like in the prison. The one who claimed to be a 'Jedi'. All the same person.

Nawd's reaction was immidiete, after seeing the lightsaber. His other hand clenched into a massive fist, swinging it like a wrecking ball into [member="Tugoro Taidarious"]'s temple.

The boy's crimson blade of plasma would swipe upwards, successfully burning through [member="Nawd"]'s metallic pipe. A triumphant grin would spread across his face while he was mid air, as he listened to the materials fall onto the ground. Tugoro figured that the fight would continue, seeing as the creature's anger only increased after being disarmed. A curious expression would dawn on the youth's face, as Nawd screamed violently, as if implying some sort of recognition? They had never met in their entire lives.

"You're sick, I can hel-" the Jedi would begin, hoping to offer some sort of mental assistance. Instead, he was met with a massive fist, one that would swing forward in an attempt to pummel. Lifting up his arms, the boy would place them together, before exerting a barrier of force energy force. The blow would be cushioned, however Tugoro would be sent flying, slamming onto the ground outside of the alley.


Inactive Character
Nawd stepped back. He could run now. Get away from the man that could speak into his mind, that could mvoe things without touching him, the man with the glowing sword. No, he found him before. In the prison, and now here. He'd find him again. He had to kill him. Yes, end the man that was following him. No more... no more glowing sticks.

Nawd barrelled out of the alley, his bulk moving forwards suprisingly fast. Rather then attempt to use what was left os his weapon, Nawd dropped the pipe, and attempted to simply swat Tugoro aside with one massive hand, like a cat with a mouse.

[member="Tugoro Taidarious"]
The boy would begin to turn off of his back, rolling onto his stomach before pushing himself up. After getting back on his feet and groaning his pain, the young Jedi would glance over his shoulder, his eyes widening in surprise as he saw the massive creature just moments away. He had started to move at a faster pace, how was this possible? Before finding the answer, Tugoro would have to act. Leaning his body forward, the Jedi would leap in the direction he had been sent flying, allowing him to just barely dodge the enormous beast's fist. The Padawan would kick his legs mid-air, causing him to rotate and face [member="Nawd"], who was still relatively close.

With his sensing abilities, he would reach out, feeling the force energy within and around the monster. He had potential, though it was rather untrained. Looking to the ground, the boy would notice that one of his sabers had gone flying, too far for either one of them to retrieve it. Instead, he was left with his shoto blade, which would reignite as he regained his posture. It's pink beam of plasma would glow softly, pointing forward at the creature in preparation for another attack. The youth would begin to narrow his vision, squinting his eyelids as he focused on his foe. A sort of tunnel vision would be formed, giving the Jedi a maximized concentration on the task at hand.


Inactive Character
Nawd's eyes widened as he saw the second lightsaber- stopping his charge in order to avoid being skewered. He still had the laser sword. He thought it had gone flying? he had another one. No, he'd only seen one. He could make them appear... He could make them appear from thin air? He had to kill him. Kill him before he killed Nawd. How to get around the laser sword? Run at him? No, he'll kill him. Run away? He'l come back. He's everywhere. Corusaunt, the prison, Nar Shadaa. He's everywhere. He has to kill him... Run at him. Yes, run at him. He won't expect it.

Nawd did just that, swinging his arms like a madman to try and pummel the jedi.

[member="Tugoro Taidarious"]
There was something seriously wrong with this guy. Tugoro couldn't figure out whether [member="Nawd"] was sentient or not, however the emotions of a rage and his exclaimed accusation seemed to be in favor of the former. Holding the pink colored shoto saber close to his body, the young Jedi would begin to move, just as he noticed the large creature make it's own. It seemed set on destroying the Padawan, apparently wanting to charge anything that angered it.

Instead of moving away from the elephant-like alien, Tugoro would dart forward, pushing off of the duracrete ground. The youth's blade arm would thrust forward, releasing it's grip on the shortened saber's hilt. It's pink beam of plasma would soar through the air, and along the length of the creature's arm as it swung. It hoped to burn a fine line into the skin, as a type of warning, for Tugoro did not want to take lethal action. Even though it seemed it would be heading in that way.


Inactive Character
(Sorry for taking so long to reply.)

The Cragmoloid screamed in anger and pain as the saber delicately cut through his arm. The man was like a rat. Jumping around, dodging everything. He had to kill him. Or he'd kill Nawd. The little laser sword. How cdould he stop that thing? Trying to crush him wouldn't work. He'd have to make him drop it. Yes, that's right. Make him. How? A hostage. Yes, a hostage.

Nawd suddenly spun around, and ran in the other direction. Not far away, a small group of teenaged sentients were crouching in the mouth of an alley, watching the fight and placing bets on who'd win. They weren't nearly as interested in being pummeled by a monster, then as seeing a Jedi be pummeled by a monster. They scattered.

One however, a human boy, wasn't fast enough. A huge hand wrapped around his head, and lifted him up in the air, screaming.

Nawd held the boy up, growling a warning at [member="Tugoro Taidarious"].

This would work., He'd drop the laser sword. Then he'd kill him. He'd be dead. No more following him. no more everywhere. He'd be dead.

Tugoro Taidarious' mouth could not help but hang agape in awe. Sure, his shoto saber had been successful in it's arm slicing, however as it flew with telekinesis, back to the boy's palm, he would watch in horror as [member="Nawd"] did the worst thing possible. The Jedi would begin to run forward as he predicted the hostage taking, however he was too late, for the massive elephant had already constricted it's victim. Tugoro only had two weapons left, one was his training saber while the other being the shoto blade that was now held firmly in his hands.

He wasn't sure what Nawd's demands were, so he would stop, and simply call out, "You don't have to do this."


Inactive Character
The young human screamed as Nawd's hand subconciously tightened somewhat with [member="Tugoro Taidarious"]'s words. No He had to do this. Had to kill him. Or he'd come again. And again, and again, and again. On Corusaunt. At the prison. Here. He had to kill him. Had to end him. Nawd sqeezed tighter on the Human's head. Not enough to kill him, that would defeat the purpose. Justenough for tiny hairline fractures to splinter in the bone where Nawd's fingers were. The human screamed louder.


Nawd gestured with the hand holding the human at his lightsaber, causing the human to swing around like a rag doll.
Tugoro had never been in a hostage situation. As he began to speak to the creature [member="Nawd"], his anger seemed to escalate, seeing as he hadn't put his weapons away. The Jedi would watch as the elephant monster started to tighten it's grip, causing the young hostage to scream in pain loudly.

Tugoro Taidarious said:
. Looking to the ground, the boy would notice that one of his sabers had gone flying, too far for either one of them to retrieve it.

Coincidentally enough, the young Padawan's crimson saber of Sith design had gone flying from his grip, due to the powerful blow that had sent him to the ground as well. It had landed nearby Nawd's position, which was about 20 metres away from where the boy's showdown had begun. Boy, had it gone flying. Tugoro would take final steps, as he was trying to get closer to his foe. Even so, he would listen to the warnings given, not wanting the hostage to die. His shoto saber would deactivate, as he threw it over his shoulder, listening as it rolled away. Even while staring towards the criminal, the Jedi would begin to exude a thick sheet of force energy that would glide along the ground, hoping to seek something out.


Inactive Character
Nawd made a grunting sound of relief as he saw the shoto go flying, oblivious to the fact that another saber laid on the ground not far from him. Rather then releasing his hostage, however, Nawd did probably the last thing a sane person would do. Rather then running when he could, when the Jedi was disarmed, Nawd quickly grabbed the hostage's shoulder- so that one hand was sitll over his head, and one on his left shoulder- and pivoted quickly. Effectively swinging the hostage like a baseball bat, feet first, at [member="Tugoro Taidarious"].

The rampaging creature was out of control. Through the force, Tugoro could sense the sheer hostility that leaked off of [member="Nawd"] like a bad odor. Gritting his teeth in determination and resolve, Tugoro would have no choice but to act, hoping to inflict a major wound upon the raging elephant alien. The boy would stare intensely at the lightsaber hilt that lay a few metres away, allowing the force energy he had projected to envelop it completely. The force would begin to leak into the technological weapon, lifting it's entirety into the air before causing it to shoot forward at an impressive speed.

The far reaching blade of crimson would ignite into the air, as the telekinesis Tugoro employed activated it's mechanism. The metallic cylinder would fly towards the creature's arm as he prepared to swing the hostage in a violent matter. The Jedi wanted to prevent this action completely, for it could result in many severe injuries for the innocent hostage. The beam of plasma would attempt to slice through the creature's flesh, before once more falling to the ground beside him. Utilizing the same force energy he had gathered to employ his telekinesis, the Padawan would also expel more, hoping to form it into a powerful force push. The youth's sleeved arms would thrust forward violently, even though they did not connect. Instead, the force would begin to spread forward, attempting to distance the creature from the hostage by pushing it backwards.


Inactive Character
The lightsaber sliced through his flesh and tissue like warm butter. His right arm, and the hostage fell at the same time whil the Cragmoloid let out a bellowing scream. He was going to kill Nawd. If he didn't he'd be eeverywhere. Everywhere. He'd find hima gain. He cut off his arm. His arm. He lost an arm. His laser sword cut off his arm. He had to kill him. Kill the magic man. Kill him, kill him. He had to. Had to kill him.

Nawd had fallen to his knees when his armw as removed, screaming in pain. He had to kill him. Ha dto get him. He'd kill Nawd otherwise. He had to die. Die. Anger, as well as the force, welled up around Nawd. The Cragmoloid, ironically enough, had much the same abilities as the 'Magic man', though untrained. Never trained to use them, he never had. But now, as anger and resentment towards [member="Tugoro Taidarious"] built up around him, the force did as well. Somehow, with one arm severed at the elbow, Nawd managed to stand, the force radiating from him like a raging fire.


The force amplified his scream tenfold as he ran forwards, his rage and pain fueling him, at the Jedi.

(Don't worry... the nutcase'll go out from exghaustion soon)
Tugoro had never been on the receiving end of a force scream. He had no clue as to how devastatingly powerful the ability truly was. The intense negative emotions of [member="Nawd"] had begun to build up over the battle, only being released as the final factor was delivered. Pain. The elephantine creature would bellow loudly, for the sheer sensation of heat the plasma gave off would cause most to pass out from inflicting such an injury. That was not the cause, seeing as Nawd was very unusual and unique. The enormous alien would begin to shamble forward, with a dark side aura that Tugoro could feel through the force.

He knew the sensation all too well, for he had been under the involuntary abilities' influence many times before. Instinctively, the youth's arms would raise, placing their flat palms against his ears. This would do little, other than protect his eardrums from the tremendously powerful sound waves. They would travel through the air, acting as a form of kinetic energy almost, as it slammed against the Padawan in a violent manner. The dark side energy would envelop his body as he was hit, sending him flying across the street. He had gotten quite a few moments of air, for the power that had been unleashed was considerable. The Jedi would smash through a window, crashing into one of the many establishments that lined the streets. Of course, it was a bar, resulting in Tugoro getting soaked in alcohol as he landed on a crowded table. The pain he experienced was incredible, for the impact had been brutal, along with the shards of glass that dug into his vulnerable areas, that were not protected by his armored outfit. The boy would squirm briefly upon the ground, as many of the locals quickly created distance between themselves and the Jedi.

Tugoro would tremble in pain, his hands beginning to push against the ground as he struggled to his feet. His senses had been tampered with, for his vision was blurred and his ears were ringing furiously. The pain and fear he experienced was great, though he was more concerned for the innocent lives, including those that could be the dark sider's future victims. Both of the Padawan's arms would lift, as he aimed them towards Nawd, who was still running furiously. Tugoro was not sure what he could do, however he figured he had to do something in order to save the lives of those around him. Along with the exhaustion that the Elephantine may have been experiencing, the Jedi would hope to cut off his breathing through the force. A stream of telekinetic force energy would float through the air, hoping to wrap around and constrict the dark sider's neck. The boy did not enjoy the methods of telekinesis that he employed, however he deemed it somewhat necessary in most situations. Closing his eyes to allow him mind to concentrate, Tugoro would focus on preventing his emotions of fear and pain on taking control, rather focusing on his truly good intentions. If this aided in stopping the creature, the force choke would be released, not wanting to be the result of any more deaths.


Inactive Character
Nawd literally ran through the wall of the bar, sending bits of drywall and brick flying around the room. Several of the civilians inside screamed, or ran for the exits. Nawd didn't seem to notice. The aura of force energy still surrounded Nawd, fueling off his anger and pain, but blood dripped quickly out of the half cauterized wound of his arm. The grey-brown of his skin was beginning to fade, turning pale, with loss of blood. He couldn't fight much longer. But teh Cragmoloid didn't seem to notice. He was fueled by pain and rage, by anger and bloodlust. Not many things can stop a charging elephant.

However, a force choke can come pretty damn close.

As Nawd lurched forwards towards [member="Tugoro Taidarious"], invisible hands closed around his throat. Nawd stopped in his tracks, giving out another choked scream of rage and pain. He had to kill him. Had to. He was hurt, now. There was glass sticking out every which way. Wounded. He could kill him now. Had to kill him. Hit him with something... Kill him. Kill him. But he couldn't step forwards. He was runningo ut of air. He couldn't breathe. No. Had to kill him. Had to kill him. Nawd slowly dropped to his knees, losing air. No. Kill him! Kill him... The Cragmoloid fell forwards, exghausted from loss of blood, from loss of oxegen, from injury, from his first use of the force. Nawd was no longer a threat.
The boy's body would tremble in pain and fear, as he watched the massive monster lurch forwards. Just the thought of what [member="Nawd"] could do to any regular person, made the youth cringe. Hopefully the creature would be detained successfully, most likely being held in some sort of high-level security facility. The stream of force energy that Tugoro had expelled from his body had wrapped around the elephantine alien's neck, cutting off it's oxygen circulation. Thankfully, the beast stopped dead in it's tracks, after smashing through the bar in a horrifying display of power.

Luckily for Tugoro, he had been able to outlast the creature, his stamina and battle prowess proving to be far greater. Even so, the beast had been a challenge, causing the Padawan to stumble around in pain. Slowly walking over to Nawd's unconscious figure, the boy would take a seat on it's mass, letting his head hang in exhaustion, as blood continued to pour down his body. He would remain silent and unresponsive, until the Republic officials showed up.

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