Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Back in the Game, New Partnerships.


Active Member
The Grimm Merchant was on his usual rounds inspecting his shipyard's production, when he his company had come up with an urgent proposal. The hutts were interested in his wares for sale, being that this was rather a good chip to cash in. He accepted the request, yet he wouldn't do so until he met with there humble leader that is currently in charge. He wasn't being rude, it was simply that he was contracted under one of the last hutts that was supposedly in charge of the faction. If it wasn't from forces from outside the struggle, it was usually a civil war within itself that caused the rift or change of power.

Boarding a private craft, Grimm would make his way towards the planet Sriluur. It was rather distant from where his base of operations were located, but he could manage to get the products if he intended to purchase them without an issue. A few days later, he was prepared to head to the renown white palace. Landing far from the palace on the vast desert planet, his goals were to make it through this alive. This wasn't your average dealer, but the hutt cartel at work so careful measures are being put into place.

Grimm boarded one of his Safe Cracker models that was his mode of transportation to reach the palace. When he was in range of the palace, he would use the channel given to him to request permission to land within the walls of the palace. Hopefully he was still invited to the palace, the stronghold of the hutt cartel and nesting ground of everything to do with the underworld. How much fun is it going to be? Grimm was thinking as he waited to be greeted by them or by laser fire?

@Sempra the Hutt
In the Deep hallway of the White Palace Sempra was inspecting some of the new paintings that had been delivered to the Palace. It held a Picture of an Hutt in an ancient war armor standing proudly at top of a battle field. Sempra was allowing himself to drift in thoughts and daydreaming about the Hutts glorious past. Times long gone but there were still evidence of its existance. He amused himself by collecting them, and more so it served as an educational Point to those roaming the Palace for one reason or the other.

The pale albino slave at this side tilted his head as his earpiece started to beep.

"Most graceous Master." he began and bowed.

"The merchant from the Starcrest Company has been given permission to land and will be brought to your office."

Sempra had Heard. He knew very Little about this Company but he never refused an opportunity and from what he understood the Company had a small but well maintained Product list to offer.

He made his way to his office and awaited [member="Grimm"] to arrive, settle in and meet him there.


Active Member
When Grimm exited his craft, he was greeted by some body guards to the hutt overlord. He knew his name was Sempra, yet he knew very little of his exploits at this time. It didn't matter to him, since he would was pretty sure that he will be hearing it from him very soon. The guards stated that he come unarmed, so he did just as was listened to the big burly guards with rifles at hand. This was where he told his pilot to stay in the ship, then he followed them into the palace.

He noticed all the paints, refined arts and cultural energy that his palace held being of the hutt line meant it was pretty well regarded. He was admiring the products of such a strong line, when they told him to go into an office for there boss. He only nodded, entering the office with a smile on calm expression on his face. Business was about cooking in the fire, he couldn't let himself fall short or be overrun. Grimm bowed towards the leader of hutt cartel, as a sign of good faith and honor of such a title.

"Sempra the hutt, it is my pleasure to meet such a powerful figure such as yourself." He said in the most respectful tone that he could muster, before standing straight back up waiting for a response.

[member="Sempra the Hutt"]
Sempras eyeslids were half closed as he watched [member="Grimm"] enter his office. Herecognised the smooth and well behaved manner. It was something Sempra appreciated and he gave a slight nod in reply and with a flick of his wrist a tall zabrak female, dressed in a long flowing white gown materialised from the shadows. She bore a plate filled with exotic fruits, drinks and a small amount of spice. The zabrak knelt just to the right of Grimm leveling the tray so it would fit his height to reach the items comfortably.

"Welcome to the White Palace mr Grimm" the hutt started with a dark brooding voice.

"Please help yourself with whatever is your taste and do not hesitate to tell me if your appetite is different then what we offer."

"Now, you are here as a representative of a company with various products I understand it. Could you inform me as little about your company and if you belive you hold products that might interest the cartel in more depth." Sempras voice slithered through the room, its deep vibrant ressonating giving it more weight then most species.


Active Member
Grimm only nodded at the gesture, taking a drink from the plater that the young zabrak was offering. Spare no expense on women, it was always the case for the hutt rulers. He liked the hutt already, he was straight to the point and knew what he wanted. Taking a sip of the aged wine that must be of great quality, he thought of what to say to impress him. Words were strong told of the trade, if one is able to speak the right set at a time.

"I can give you one word to describe my company, Evolution. I want to show the universe a new kind of tomorrow, good or bad. This is what everyone must do or be weeded out by the flow of time." Grimm stated in a proud voice that almost felt like it echoed throughout the room.


"Now for my products, I do believe that they are worthy of your trade. Even if you do not see them as such, I can create more to prove myself. The current products I have are well versed for any of your basic needs, they are well crafted and used for multi-purpose issues that you may come across in the near future. Maybe you would be interested in a free sample that I have brought as a gift for you?" He said without hesitation to Sempra the hutt, he was one that believed in his own products.

[member="Sempra the Hutt"]
Sempra felt himself go into a relaxed posture. To most huits it felt natural when other species behaved submissive to them. It made them feel their superiority and need of displaying their wealth.

"You speak wisely mr @Grimm" Sempra replied and allowed another slave to refil his own cup.

"Bring your gift to me and I will pass judgement on your companies quality and intentions through it." he smiled and siped his drink trying to hide his excitment about the gift offer.


Active Member
"Thank you for your praise, Sempra the hutt." He said with another bow, before he picked himself up.


"Yes, I shall bring you your gift. Do you have an open area that you can watch your gift at work?" Grimm said with a glint of anticipation of what was to come.

[member="Sempra the Hutt"]

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