Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public Back to Formula [Open to Je'daii]

Caedyn Arenais


Location: Tribunal Station.
Apparel: Je'daii Attire.


The Repertoire touched down upon the Hangar floor of the Tribunal Station, a former Space Station of the old Outer Rim Coalition where Caedyn Arenais had once served for a time based out of the Jedi Enclave of Svivren. Maintenance personnel moved to greet the pilot and his droid counterpart, the man draped in the traditional tunic and robe of his former school of dedication, moved towards the far side of the great hangar in search of faces familiar to his past.

It had been years since he had last made contact with the Je'daii Order that he had originally been a member of, and since those days the following years hadn't been kind. Caedyn had turned to the Order of the Silver Jedi when Commenor had been invaded by the Sith Empire, his family outlawed and hunted by the Sith, cementing Caedyn's allegiance to the Jedi against his Master's better judgement, warning him of how the Jedi differed in their methods from the Je'daii. Perhaps inspired or obligated to follow in the footsteps of his father's legacy as a Jedi Master of old, Caedyn had stepped away from his Je'daii training.

At the time Caedyn didn't think much of it, but hindsight was a bitter mistress and in the present days, the former Je'daii Padawan turned Jedi Knight, had taken part in numerous battles and wars where he had been forced to take the lives of others in the line of duty. Twenty years had passed in the time between, and finally, after the end of the Bryn'adul Incursion against the Galaxy, the failed triumvirate alliance had been the final act to cave in the man's confidence on the path he had set before himself.

The greatest tragedies in the Galaxy however had been set in motion with the best of intentions, and while he had once believed the cause to be just, peace was only possible when there were those who knew how to avoid committing to the fight. So many times Caedyn had fought with the notion of protecting or serving the Galaxy. His intentions were not entirely wrong, yet he couldn't be certain that any number of the foes that he had felled, could have been avoided were he able to stay true to the pacifist teachings that his former Master had provided him. As a Jedi, he had often spoken about avoiding the use of the lightsaber, lest it is the last alternative, and yet his hands were bloodied by so many past conflicts.

This was why he had come in search of the Je'daii. To find himself once more. Not the Jedi he had become, but the man that he should have been, were it not for his pride and arrogance of a much younger and impulsive self. He had taken it upon himself to return to formula, to revisit his old Master's legacy and account for the mistakes he had made along the way.

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