Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Back to the frost, back to the cold.


<Coming out of hyperspace at this location>
Galactic Location: kelsier
System Location: Orbiting above Kelsier V
Physical Location: On board the Doppelgangers Lament's bridge.

He sat next to a table in the conference room of the Lament, ahead of him were two other sith, [member="Darth Rapax"] and his friend [member="Lord Mythos"]. He had invited them aboard and then without telling them he had initiated the jump to hyperspace and had then decided to tell them of why he had done so in the first place. "Gentlemen, I have and Idea which would benefit all of us and given the vast resources the three of us have mustered as well." He said as he pressed a button and a rough schematic of a structure came up on the table in between all of them.
It was a large citidel but with a few major differences, it would be a large space-station capable of atmospheric flight and landing on a planet's surface. "I call it the Citadel of the three kings and as such we would become those three kings it would be named after. As I know Lord mythos is already the king of Atrisia and I am planning to have my own planet as well, those plans are already in the making as we speak in fact. Darth Rapax however rules eclipse and could be considered it's king." He then leaned back into his seat and allowed the other two to speak and voice their opinions.
It wasn't unheard of in the one sith that a group of sith would come together to form a secret group or society though they rarely lasted very long, but Erebos was determined for this to change and be different.
This planet that they oversaw was familiar to Mythos, it was the planet where he attained the jewels for lady Fantana, the lightsaber crystal his blade held inside and the stygium needed for his ship, the cortan blade who now laid in ruins thanks to a sky warden over the skies of Taloraan. Mythos sat before his friend Erebos and his former apprentice Rapax in silent contemplation. This planet offered Mythos an idea beyond what Erebos had thought, a mine of Stygium manned by Zuguruk and Warforged inc. as well as a base of operation far prom prying eyes and armed with the greatest of soldiers Atrisia had to offer... not too many... as many would notice the absence of more than a Legion.
"Your ventures have never been disappointing to me Erebos... " Mythos said as he looked upon the schematics of the so called "Citadel of three Kings" with more than a passing interest. Mythos already had a few qualms about the design, the lack of firepower and defenses as well as the lack of a hangar big enough to house a stardestroyer...however these were small quirks he would see ironed out if he got possession of enough resources to do so.

"However this.... citadel of yours is monumental, even with the resources of Zuguruk, Warforged, Eclipse and Atrisia we will be hard pressed to see this done and I estimate the cost to be in the billions... How will we recover that investment?" Mythos had a feeling he knew the answer but he wanted to see if He and Erebos were on the same tracked mind on this. Rapax he knew would be more than eager to begin work as ambition had always been part of his persona...Mythos lately was forced to think more on par with economy.

Mythos had come aboard the doppelgangers lament with something else in mind, a training session or perhaps even another stygium raid but Erebos had surprised him with a more ambitious plan. Mythos had already exhausted many resources in the realm of construction, to fully commit himself to this he would need to divert men from the statue he was constructing of the woman he loved, that was not something he was willing to do at the moment...not when he was so close of finalizing it's construction. He could however... call upon Galicus, the muun had already helped Erebos with the start of his company and he had resources that were beyond measure.

With the new slave lines from the Hutt Cartel from Warforged Inc.'s new trade deal, the work force was suddenly replenished and Mythos could leave the construction of the statue while still having some workforce to deal with here.

[member="Darth Rapax"] [member="Darth Erebos"]


He listened to the proposal [member="Darth Erebos"] had for them their own station out of the eyes of the sith and the other factions... a place where he and erebos and [member="Lord Mythos"] can plan and create what they please to use it for what they want without the consent of the main sith body which will make his life alot easier in creation without having the lords breathing down his neck but he wanted to hear was erebos has to say to Mythos's question
Erebos noted [member="Darth Rapax"]'s silence and then continued on to answer [member="Lord Mythos"]'s question. "If you recall our previous trip to this planet, this planet is rich in stygium ore and if we find the largest mine and place our citadel on top of it we will have a monopoly of the ore." He said this with a smile as he only wore his plain sith robes and neither did he have his mask on. The two before him were among the only sith he had a semblance of trust towards, Mythos was his friend and most likely the only friend he had and given Mythos's trust towards Rapax and his own actions gave him quite a wide berth when it came to the benefit of the doubt.
"This would hold everything we would need, from alchemical wings dedicated to a certain aspect of alchemy to a grand library were we could hoard our knowledge and pool it together. However when it comes to our apprentices I would like to have them come and go to this station only with us and never knowing the coordinates to it either. That way we can be certain that it's location will never leak to any of the other sith and at worst it will only become a rumor and at best a myth." He said this with a smile as he pressed a few more buttons and the hologram began to highlight different sections and show what they were supposed to be, chief of which were the whisperdrive engines, the vault, grand library and the stealth generator.
The sith lord threw himself back in the chair admiring the hologram before him yet also admiring the doppelgangers lament from the inside for the first time. The ship was impressive and his friends plan was ambitious and cunning. The citadel above the planet would be undoubtedly strong as well as strategically placed as to avoid detection while still having a great economic pool to the idea. After pondering the idea idea Mythos nodded and conceded the point. "I agree with your idea Erebos and this all sounds fantastic... " Mythos said rising from the chair and nodding to both his former apprentice and his old friend. "So i say we stop planning about it, and start acting on it, first we will need the ground works and layout which you already have"

Mythos moved to the window port view on the lament and smiled at the sight of the cold unforgiving planet. "All we need now is the materials and the workforce to begin the operation." He turned to face them, giving his back to the view of the white orb that was the planet. "We should establish a perimeter beside the mountain I climbed back in the last visit we made, it's structure should give us a solid foundation for the skeleton of the citadel and we can build from there, after we are finished with that, then we can plot the details of what you seek to accomplish Erebos... but first... we need a base"

Mythos crossed his arms over his chest and shot his comrades the telltale smirk that let them know Mythos was going to see this done. "I will send the calls, if you need me i will be in the communication officers lap..." Mythos said with a chuckle as he made his way to the Lament's communication command center and would begin to order a relay of construction and workforce teams down to his location.
[member="Darth Rapax"] [member="Darth Erebos"]


Rapax simply stood and spoke in a deep tone " I shall make some calls and begin what we have well as ask another if she could join us...this will take some time.." Was all he said before walking off to his ship to make a few calls and try and get in touch with [member="Darth Azurea"] to see if a meeting in person between her and him would be possible. ...despite their blood ties it will be a risk to ask her to join @Lord Mythos and [member="Darth Erebos"] and himself in this creation but she will prove useful if she joins them.
Erebos chuckled at [member="Mythos"]'s little quip and was about to turn to ask [member="Darth Rapax"] of what he wanted to do when he replied. "Sure if this [member="Darth Azurea"] is willing to join in on this cabal then by all means, just please make sure she knows of the secrecy we wish to have this in and to not reveal our location until she is willing to join." Erebos replied and then stood up as well as he looked out of the view port towards the planet bellow.
Pulling out a small comlink from his pocket he called his captain. "Pelarious please by all means send the signal to the small construction fleet we had stationed just out of the Kelsier system, I wish for it to join us in orbit." With that he broke the connection and looked over his shoulder towards the hologram in the center of the talbe. "Seems things are falling into place." He said with a smile on his lips.

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