Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Back to your Roots (ask)

Basaba Willamina

A'den and Alor be aliit Willamina

The Yaim'la was in orbit of the planet and for a time Basaba sat with the other sisters in the cockpit. THey had come here for one reason mostly but there was always fun things that could be done on this world and not all of them involved ewok punting.She fiddled with the knife spinning it on her hand while she slid it back into her boots sheath. A smile forming under the helmet though as they started to head down towards the planet. Any other mando's who wished to come along and join had been invited and there was plenty of space aboard.

"Alright you know what we are looking for, lets try to avoid making a mess and only kick the ewoks, no killing unless it is the last possible thing. They are still recovering from that attempted genocide." She had wondered about that but moving now as she went about the ship and Sayuri brought it in she only took up a few weapons. No need for the heavier Horak rifle yet, they needed to move fast and hope there were no Fringe bases on world near the plants. "Move out." The ramp opened as they touched down and Basaba made sure her armors plates were activated as she became invisible.

Running into the forest with three sisters they were flicking their eyes back and forth stopping as needed and watching for any movement. She stopped at a ridge and overlooked the large forest taking in all of it while the sight of the mountain they were on with its twin streams coming off and the distance sounds of something. There were many mysteries on the planet, many things including dancing flowers as they came up in her electrobinoculars and those wisties... She had heard rumors of talking mountains and rocks even. "Keep tight and look for the plants."

Basaba Willamina

A'den and Alor be aliit Willamina
Basaba continued to stare off the cliff and then they were moving, grabbing the rock wall and attaching grapples to head down. Her team were staying on the look out though for gliders and rocks, the Ewoks might be peaceful but armored soldiers coming to their home might provoke a defensive attack to make sure they were safe. One could never be certain what small creatures with things would do and her head flicked around taking in the sight before continuing down the side of the mountain. Her boots crunching the ground underfoot as she came down the last few feet and turned.

The silence from the forest was the first thing to register while she moved walking with the others. "Spread out but keep line of sight." They moved, spacing out and proceeding slowly forward while their eyes flicked around. To see each other and to watch the trees for traps. The caves of this world she wasn't wanting to go into with their bottomless pits and large spiders or worse dealing with a gorax and having no heavy weapons to combat it. Then there was a sound and Basaba's head flicked to the side bringing her attention to one of the men who was holding up cloths.

That got Basaba to stop and pay attention as she looked around and motioned for the others to fall in. Moving carefully over to the man while he pointed to the other stuff on the ground and Basaba touched the ground looking at the tracks while she moved forward. This didn't feel right and her eyes flicked around looking for a trap while the sound of singing came in the distance just out of hearing. Then they were moving again towards the voices low and ready for anything while the field of moving flowers with wisties caught her attention. Frak they were going to get lost in the field of the dancing daisies or some sugary poodoo like that.
[member="Basaba Willamina"]

This she didn't know why she was here with the Aliit Willamina clan but it didn't matter. All the time now she was training wanting to learn and became that warrior that she need had to be brought more out of her. Feeling the forest under her own boots as she looked around to come to the where they would be going. It was only a matter of time before she could feel the armor that was now her skin.

Basaba Willamina

A'den and Alor be aliit Willamina
[member="Countess Calum Teramo"]

Basaba looked and her eyes flicked around, she was taking it all in while walking towards the fields. Then she saw the countess and gave a nod of her head with a small smirk. She actually liked having her sister around the woman knew how to do somethings and was willing to learn the rest. That impressed the field marshal who was glad if anything she was simply there for her sisters to help out. Be it with equipment or seeing to the clan coffers.... Mostly the coffers cause they aren't as good with credits as other clans or as caring. "Stay close and be careful." Basaba entered the field and was looking at the small flowers that were moving but against the wind.
Stay close no problem with that but also there was something else to stay on her toes. Feeling that any more she stay on her toes as always. To the fact of what happening at home. Once she thought as haven for her to go of peace only to find those plotting behind her to take over the Greater House for themselves. Just who didn't know but soone she would find out for herself some how she would get to the bottom of this all. Then she would call upon not only [member="Basaba Willamina"] but all her clan sisters.

Basaba Willamina

A'den and Alor be aliit Willamina
[member="Countess Calum Teramo"]

Basaba kept movign and then stopped quickly and held her hand up, the flowers that were moving against the wind perked up as well. There was more movement and she watched the grasses shifting before a large creaure stood up and went after them. Fields of the dancing flowers was toooooo sugary for her liking and she moved now grabbing a pistol and speaking while the warriors and trekkewr engaged. "Move" She looked to the countess and pointed to the treeline opposite where they had come in and started running towards it. She was here for a purpose and the warrior with her took off rushing with her. Watching for movement but it was comign from the warriors attacking the large creature.
Could have to tell her to turn run. After all she wasn't a fool to take on a creature of that size for this matter it was bigger then the creature. "Im having a blast how about you, sister.", after all this wasn't a matter of anything but of common sense. As she got a little bit of warriors starting to form what she could only guess was a way to combat the creature of great size.

At less it wasn't after her booty will at less yet as she herself watch to enjoy how these warriors would face such danger head on.

[member="Basaba Willamina"]

Basaba Willamina

A'den and Alor be aliit Willamina
[member="Countess Calum Teramo"]

Basaba was having fun, the thrill of the fight meant sometimes knowing when you weren't needed and that creature was fighting the others as she moved going towards the woods and jumping when there was a downed tree. Her boots clearing it while she moved coming down and looking at an incline heading down into the shadows. It was as good a place as any to lose whatever might be chasing them so it could go back to fighting the flowers... Yeah why not, Basaba dropped and used her armor to protect herself from the rocks while she moved about. "Come on we'll find a real fight." Maybe a Gorax she could find and kill.
Finding herself using her jet pack after all her sister had much longer lender legs she she did with her short stubby ones. After which she hear she couldn't wait to see this battle to come if one did in these woods. AFter which seem to be a long time after all she still hadn't a full clue what they was after but that was find with her she was after all still learning right a mandalorain teaching and learning was for a life time.

Finding her way to what seem to be somehting other then woods it seem that there was a small meadow with a small creek running through it all. After all she knew that this many seem peaceful but one thing she had learn about being around Basaba nothing every stay peacefull for long. There it was a be crashing or what she thought she heard coming from the other dirction making its way out in the open....

"Well sister just what you order right."

[member="Basaba Willamina"]

Basaba Willamina

A'den and Alor be aliit Willamina
[member="Countess Calum Teramo"]

Basaba slid down and rolled at the bottom of the hill, she was listening to her sister and pushing herself further while she popped her neck down at the bottom. Standing up and ready while she drew a knife. Basaba was walking and looking at the plants around them, she gathered several of them to test. She wasn't fully certain what shadow root looked like but slowly uprooting the plants and having the men do the same she was glad to find a good amount of it. Now all they had to do was find something large to fight and get this trip taken care of. She was moving to the trees and looking around for more as she spoke. "Come along we are going to find one of those Gorax and punch it."
Couldn't help herself but to laugh about her sister wanting to punch a Garax as she knew it wasn't just a saying to her. After all when her sister she wanted to punch it was physical. "Oh that sounds like a load of fun." as she once again found herself smiling at her sister under her visor. After what seem to be getting now where fast as she begin to see a little track there or here. Holding out to wanted to see what would happen next only thing stop her in her track was the call of something very big and deadly.

[member="Basaba Willamina"]

Basaba Willamina

A'den and Alor be aliit Willamina
[member="Countess Calum Teramo"]

Basaba looked at her and now she was moving as it all came to her. The audio receptors in the armor picking up the sounds of something nearby and she moved. There were large spiders attacking one of the villages while she moved looking at her sister with a grin on her face. Now was the time to tear ito them and spiders needed to be smashed or followed they lived in the caves with the goraxes and that was what she wanted. "Come on we'll handle this and smash a few things."

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