Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ya, kinda vanished for a time, school and rest and so on.

Im back looking for a number of things to do and some stuff to get clarified as far as events during the time i was gone.

In the interest of keeping things quick and easy, focused on just moving towards new stuff, i will use a quick list to help handle what im looking into.

  • First, whats been going on if anything around Kesh, id like to make sure to keep up on the details of my favorite planet.
  • Second, I need to get in contact with the Sith, not sure how the Onderon situation ended but if [member="Vrag"] or who ever is in charge of the Sith, i need to talk to you if you have the time. PM or Skype, which ever is easier for you is fine to me.
  • Third: ON The subject of Characters, i have a bit of a craving to create one and i was hoping someone might give me a bit of help in this fact. I mean, i can create characters on my own but what im interested in is a project to kind of create for once a sibling character with someone that i haven't really done since Alexandra. If someone could (Or multiple peoples) craft a sibling character or family in total and then see what can be done from there. (Keep in mind, i want to do a completely fresh family character, so i would prefer that it not be with a preexisting char that mine is the sibling of.)
  • Fourth, Im curious in turning one of my characters into a Sith, if anyone is in need of a student give me a shout, i got quite a few characters that are sitting around.


The Second Seal, broken.
[member="Solan Charr"]

Vrag handled the Onderon negotiations. [member="Quietus"] retains most of her autonomy over the planet. [member="Darth Pyrrhus"], [member="Darth Ophidia"], and [member="Isamu Baelor"] are in charge of the OS.

Probably one of the last three you're looking for, not me. :)

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