Image Source: Giant Bomb - Grenade Concepts
Intent: To serve as a long range method of healing injured soldiers
Development Thread: N/A
Manufacturer: Csillian Labs
Model: Bacta Grenade
Affiliation: Open Market
Modularity: None
Production: Production: Mass-Produced
Material: Aluminum
The bacta grenade is a tool used for long-ranged healing. In the heat of battle, medics are sometimes unable to reach all injured soldiers on the battlefield. This Bacta Grenade was created to remedy that situation.
Using one of these devices was simple. The medic would activate the grenade by pressing the red button on the side of the grenade. There are 5 lights around the button. These lights change from blue to red each second. When all the lights turn red, the grenade goes off. Before that, the emdic throws the grenade in the vicinity of the injured soldiers. Once the grenade goes off, it splits into two halves, unleashing the bacta inside. The bacta would spray in a 5 meter radius, covering the area in bacta and healing injured soldiers.
Primary Source: N/A