Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private "Bad Choices" you say? "Fighting" you say?

If the abyss stares at you, don't blink

LOCATION : Anaxes | OBJECTIVE : Investigation
TAG (FRIENDLY) : Capris Halcyon Capris Halcyon | TAG (FOE) : @​


Repli Implants that would be for the limbs
Bonemer enhancements to strengthen structure of the body
Muscle enhancements.
Hemo enhancements for blood flow
Hawkeye implants for eyes
Advanced Medical Implant

"In my experience,
when you think you
understand the Force,
you realize just
how little you know"

Connel had already landed on the rocky planet (which was little more than an asteroid belt at this point) of Anaxes, his updated combat shield humming at his side. The wind whipped through his dark robes as he scanned the desolate landscape for any signs of the Dark Side presence he had come to investigate. Getting on his speederbike, the young Jedi Knight set off.

As he made his way through the rugged terrain, Connel's senses tingled with the familiar feeling of malevolence. He followed the dark energy to a small corner bistro nestled among the rocky outcroppings. As he approached, he could hear the sounds of laughter and chatter coming from inside. Something was “off” about the laughter though, somewhat humorless, and more related to a position of power, and chatter related to a position of fear.

Steeling himself for what he might find, Connel pushed open the door and stepped into the dimly lit establishment. The smell of stale ale and sweat assaulted his senses as he surveyed the room, his eyes quickly falling on a group of rough-looking individuals huddled in a corner.

As he drew closer, Connel's heart sank as he realized what was happening. The group of men were haggling over the price of a young woman, her eyes wide with fear as she clutched a tattered shawl around her shoulders.

Anger flared within Connel as he strode forward, his Light Shield igniting with a snap-hiss. The men turned to face him, their faces contorted with surprise and fear as they recognized the Jedi Knight standing before them.

You will release her immediately, Connel commanded, his voice cold and authoritative.

The men hesitated for a moment, sizing up the Jedi before them. But Connel's resolve was unwavering, his blue eyes blazing with righteous fury. Surprisingly, only two of them were dumb enough to level blasters on him. Connel easily deflected the shots with his lightshield, and the two men dropped their weapons and fled in terror. He then turned his attention back to the woman, who was standing bound in the corner. He released her, and she collapsed into his arms, sobbing with relief. The others just stood there, dumbfounded as to what to do.

Speaking of “dumb”...

The two that ran, they came back with blaster rifles. With a swift motion, Connel disarmed the men, sending their weapons clattering to the floor. Connel gave them one last chance to surrender, but they simply stood there, mouths agape and eyes wide with fear. Connel then activated his lightshield, and with a flick of his wrist, he sliced through the ropes that bound the woman and banished the men from the room. The young woman looked up at him with tear-filled eyes, gratitude shining in her gaze.

As Connel escorted the woman to safety, he couldn't shake the feeling of disgust that lingered in his heart. The Dark Side presence he had sensed was not just a mere presence – it was a vile corruption that had seeped into the very fabric of this desolate planet.

From her position in one of the more abysmally lit corners of the bistro, Capris couldn't help a surprised hum. The lightsaber-toting man handled things with a higher measure of restraint and decency than she had the capacity for. From benneath her cloak, an arm sleeve of runes burned like incense. The esoteric markings held the promise of flames, and violence, and collateral damage. If not for Connel, every single one of those men would be dead or dying right now.

Her eyes tracked the woman as the Jedi whisked her away to safety, posture stooped like a beaten dog. As punctuation to her increasingly darkening mood, Capris lifted her glass to her lips and finished it off.

The bounty hunter typically wouldn't occupy herself with such altruistic matters as tracking down a slave ring…but this was a unique circumstance. After her little trial run with Talin, Capris hadn't been able to shake the depravity they'd unearthed. She'd done her research, and unfortunately Cade's reach proved far more extensive than just that one revolting den in Coruscant.

Her eyes returned to the man. If the Jedi had sent one of their own to investigate, it likely meant he had information she was short on.

Decisively she moved from her booth, kicking up one of the discarded blaster rifles as she did. The girl regarded it for a moment, turning it side to side as if debating its worth. Eh, she could always use a spare. The girl slung it over her back and then regarded Connel in full.

"You handled that well." she commented as if taking note of the weather. "A bit too pacifist for my taste, but still."

Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor
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If the abyss stares at you, don't blink


| OBJECTIVE : Investigation
TAG (FRIENDLY) : Capris Halcyon Capris Halcyon | TAG (FOE) : @​


Repli Implants that would be for the limbs
Bonemer enhancements to strengthen structure of the body
Muscle enhancements.
Hemo enhancements for blood flow
Hawkeye implants for eyes
Advanced Medical Implant

"In my experience,
when you think you
understand the Force,
you realize just
how little you know"

The kidnappers ran off, scared to death, thought they really had no reason to be. Connel was satisfied that at least this moment was over with, but it wasn’t over. This was just the beginning and in fact, he was counting on it. He knew that if his plan was successful, it would make all the difference. He was determined to see it through, no matter the cost. He was determined to succeed. The woman was clearly shaken, but as Connel called for transport for her, he knew that she would be alright.

Now, as for the aura of The Force he was sensing when he walked in here.

There she is.

A woman who looked like she could handle herself… wait a minute…

I know you… Master Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble spoke of you in the past…

Now it was his turn to do the sizing up. She was tiny, but her musculature made up for that. Connel wasn’t one to judge but she looked to be the type to not want to “put the work in”. She might have some skills, but not enough. Oh well… she has to walk her own path.

Reaching out through the Force, Connel crushed the weapons on the floor and looked at her.

It’s not a Jedi’s obligation to kill. They were no threat to me, so I gave them the option to leave. They took it, no doubt heading back to their bosses and planning some sort of retaliation. He shrugged. Not that it will matter. Now, that rifle you think that you are claiming. Are you going to hand it to me, or shall I show you how I can take it from you without even moving?

How’s that for “pacifist”?

She clearly knew what she was capable of, and had skills, Connel was not in the mood to press matters, but she was not leaving with the gun as it was involved in a crime.

Anyone here knows where a gun shop is? His eyes were locked on Halcyon as he spoke loud enough for everyone to hear. You desperate for a rifle? I’ll buy you a rifle… but that one is seconds away from being a paperweight.

The mention of Kahlil sucked all the nonchalance and indifference from her body. The girl briefly seemed like a deer in headlights, frozen and entirely unsure of what to say. Kahlil had talked about her? What did he have to say?

What would he say if he could see her now?..

It took an admittedly prolonged moment to rebalance, but when she did, there was only apathy in her eyes, "Then I'm sure he must've mentioned my tendency to be stubborn."

Her hand rested on the stolen rifle, brow arched. She regarded the enormous man before her, a serious and dwarfing figure who would have almost reminded her of her own Master if not for the slightly off-putting eyes. Whatever pseudo-friendly approach she'd taken to this interaction fell away to a distrust. Connel had likely already read her as a darksider. Whether he would take action because of that was something of a blind gamble.

"This is a dumb battle to choose. " Given she only had one arm, she couldn't exactly cross her arms in objection, but a pointed look sent virtually the same message. She honestly didn't need nor want rifle particularly bad, it was just that wounded ego of hers.

Either way her attention turned towards the exits the men had fled out of, a bitter look in her eyes.

"Maybe they aren't a threat to you, but they certainly will be to whatever unfortunate soul they try to get their hands on next."

She turned back to Connel and stuck him with a look, "Their deaths would be a net positive. That's not an argument."

This was a mistake, he wouldn't be able to help her. She seemed intent on leaving it at that, turning away from the man. Though not without a final bit of snark.

"That's what you guys never seem to get. You Jedi are always too preoccupied with your holier-than-thou dogma to see the reality everyone else has to live. Sometimes mercy backfires."

Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor
If the abyss stares at you, don't blink


| OBJECTIVE : Investigation
TAG (FRIENDLY) : Capris Halcyon Capris Halcyon | TAG (FOE) : @​


Repli Implants that would be for the limbs
Bonemer enhancements to strengthen structure of the body
Muscle enhancements.
Hemo enhancements for blood flow
Hawkeye implants for eyes
Advanced Medical Implant

"In my experience,
when you think you
understand the Force,
you realize just
how little you know"

Connel actually grinned as he listened to the girl try and establish herself. It was cute, rhetoric that had been rehearsed and regurgitated by many. Many who just didn’t get it. He let her speak her peace, and get it all out. There was nothing wrong with that, she was entitled to what she had to say.

… until she tried to leave.

We’re not done here.

She would see the door shut before she could leave.

Master Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble actually spoke highly He shrugged, again. Said you had potential and would become a great Jedi./COLOR] He chuckled, a humorless chuckle, one meant to get into her head. So much for that, right?

There was a definitive change in him, one that was not only verbal… but slowly physical… he was not growing exponentially, but where he was “athletic”, he was now becoming “jacked”.

Killing those idiots would have done nothing but take two lives unnecessarily. Slipping a tracker on one of the ones that fell, well now, with the datapad built into my vambrace. I can go find where they hide. I can hunt them down. I can also potentially save even more lives. Mercy does backfire at times, but… one thing “us Jedi” do get is issuing “Justice”, not mere “Vengeance”.

Then the door flew open.

You can go now. The adults have work to do.[/COLOR]


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