Elom Caverns:-
Darth Sephi
In the mountainside caverns, the harsh wind still flooded inside. The Elom themselves remained shielded from the elements with their thick coats of fur, and the Elomi relied on their more material coats instead in order to ensure their warmth; even if the few scattered about the cavern shuddered from the wave of air that crashed over them, and hissed at the bitter bite. Situated in a mountain ravine, the fall was certain to ensure death should someone fall beneath the mist and vanished beneath it, the distant thud of their collission was all one ever needed as confirmation. Yet, to marvel at their vicious mother nature was not the focus of the meet between them.
Rakaan motioned forwards, further on with a torch in hand held over his head.
"He claims that there's buried structures in these caves," the Elomi woman near rolled her eyes in answer to the Elom and his uttered speech that best resembled clicks. "Built well before now, he says they're ancient."
The Imperial half-rolled his head over his shoulder to see them mid-stride, the clicks continued.
"It's where all the noise comes from, his people say. Says a Force user of some sort is down there."
"Sith, or Jedi." He lofted his brow as he marched forwards.
But all of them came to a halt then, no more had the lot of them continued forwards. The Elom clicked and clicked, and clicked. "Sith, he fears. Explains the disappearance of some of his people, too." She said with a touch of sympathy in her eyes, a sorryness for her fellow inhabitants of Elom, even if not of her blooded nor tribe. "But this is as far as we take you. If there's a Sith down there, we want no part of it." The Elom nodded in agreement.
Rakaan nodded, "I understand. I'll handle this from here." He watched them leave, their own torches held over head to illuminate their path. It was not until the light from their flames had vanished that he turned back to traverse the unsteady, dangerous terrain. His booted feet collided with rock, on the verge of a slip second after second until he came to a harsh drop. Blackness, that was all that he could see, and even the Force made sure as to warn him; those senses fired off like a hail of bolts, as much as it poisoned the air around him - someone not so nice dwelled down here. Rakaan let the flame fall, and fall a considerable distance it did. The Knight stepped off the ledge himself and landed beside the torch with a thud, distant light within reach.
He exited the enclosed space and arrived in an opening, old and downtrodden ruins of a temple of harsh design lay almost embedded into the stone as luminous plants and gems illuminated the underground. Rakaan was not alone here, he could tell that much.