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Approved NPC Baik Rimmer

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Grandmaster of the Imperial Crusaders

  • Age: 63
  • Force Sensitivity: Master
  • Species: Human (Lothal)
  • Appearance: Baik is an aging man which shows in the wrinkles and spotty coloration of his face and his gray hair. He is not tall, but his physique remains fit despite limited stamina due to illness.
  • Name: Baik Rimmer
  • Loyalties: Imperial Crusaders, @Tackla Tane
  • Wealth: Independently wealthy as result of decades of pirating Hutt transports.
  • Notable Possessions: Personal possessions are hidden away known only to him and his next of kin.
  • Skills: Naval tactician, lightsaber duelist, well rounded Force practitioner, no extreme talent, many average skills.
  • Languages: Galactic Basic, Imperial Basic, Huttese
  • Personality: Almost mechanical. In his youth Baik was ambitious and aggressive, with age he learned patience. In all things Baik allows others to come to him and he takes his time to consider every decision.
  • Weapon of Choice: Fleet of capital ships, or a lightsaber
  • Combat Function: Naval Commander/Duelist
  • Force Abilities (Force Users Only): While not extremely powerful in any talent, Baik has a wide range of force abilities that he is able to use over decades of training.
  • Master Tactician
  • Extreme Patience, waits to see all the field before acting
  • Lack of Stamina due to illness
  • There to do the job nothing more, nothing less
Baik was an Imperial Knight in one of the many old Empires of the galaxy. His specialization was in naval warfare. In his twenties he led a special attack force for the Empire in the Second Hyperspace War. After the war ended and the Empire fell, Baik put his talents to use as a pirate. Terrorizing Hutt transports in and out of Hutt Space. For decades Baik and his pirates took and took from the Hutts. He won several large battles despite being outnumbered by Hutt forces. During these decades Baik amassed quite a bit of wealth, married the love of his life, and sired two sons and a daughter. Life was happy. Until Baik and his wife were infected by a Hutt engineered disease, after being caught in a trap. Baik’s wife died relatively quickly. Baik used the Force to keep the disease at bay. He isolated himself, allowing his children to continue his pirating endeavors. Eventually Baik was able to learn the nature of the disease and contained it within himself. It still takes a good deal of his stamina to keep the disease from doing further harm.

Able to get back out into the galaxy, Baik found that he was unwilling to usurp the power he had given his children. Instead as luck would have it he was approached by the apprentice of an old “friend”. The Empire of the Lost was on the rise. They needed an Order to counter the Jedi and the Sith however. The Crusaders were just beginning so Moff Teckla Tane recruited Baik to develop a naval strike force that would serve the Crusaders. It has been months, but the force is ready to unleash on the enemies of the Empire of the Lost.
Grandmaster of the Imperial Crusaders
Judah Lesan Judah Lesan

Weapon is Open Market.

Also, creator posted his wares on EotL factory thread.

If more is needed I will have to search Faction Discord history. Let me know if this will suffice. This has been the standard EotL blaster pistol for a while.

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