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Character Bains Turro

  • Thread starter ZZ-Bains Turro-Inactive
  • Start date

ZZ-Bains Turro-Inactive


NAME: Bains Turro

FACTION: The Elysium Empire

RANK: Corporal

ROLE: Trooper - Explosive/Heavy Arms Expert

SPECIES: Theelin hybrid

AGE: Mid 20s

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 6’3”

WEIGHT: 255 lbs

EYES: Brown

HAIR: Bluish

SKIN: Pale Pink


  • Expert in demolitions (arming & disarming)
  • Advanced heavy arms
  • Novice pilot
  • Advanced Hand-to-hand & melee combat

  • Below average to poor marksmanship with anything smaller than a heavy blaster rifle
  • Naive/romanticized idea about a stormtroopers role in the galaxy
  • Must stick to a strict plan or total chaos. No improvisational skills

Bains is a large intimidating man. His coloring however can make his appearance somewhat comical to some people. A big burly man with neon blue/purple hair and pastel pinkish skin is a bit of an odd combination. In armor it would be hard to tell, but he is rightfully quite proud of his physique. A lot of the time he goes helmetless as his horns are not typical. He has a custom helmet, but he doesn’t like to wear it.

Bains was born on (insert backwater planet) in the camp of small-time pirate captain Byram 'Ghostly' Raven. His mother was a dancer owned by Raven, his prized possession. Never to be touched was how it went until a bigger pirate, Captain Burleigh 'The Bull' Bradford, “visited” to negotiate terms of tribute for Raven to operate in his territory. Bradford took a night with Bains’ mother as his first payment.

Bains had a decent first few years of life. He lived in a pirate camp, but since his mother was “sullied” by a rival she no longer performed as a dancer for the crew. During this time Raven grew his crew with the sole purpose of competing with Bradford. A rivalry that often resulted in sabotage by both parties.

The earliest memory that Bains has is finding an old propaganda holovid from Palpatine’s Galactic Empire urging young men to join the Imperial Army and glorifying stormtroopers. From that day on a stormtrooper was all he wanted to be.

He was not the only child in the camp, but he was the youngest and the only non-human. Several of the other boys teased him for his aspirations telling him the Empire would never have made him a stormtrooper with the horns sticking out the side of his head. They also bullied him repeatedly. Soon after his tenth birthday little Bains quickly became big Bains and turned the tables on his bullies.

When he was eleven Raven stole a score from Bradford. As a result the tame rivalry became a war and Bradford rained down hell on Raven’s crew. In the assault Raven, all his pirates, and Bains’ mother were killed. Bains was taken in by Bradford and was made part of his raiding team where he learned to fire a blaster, place demolitions and fight in close combat.

At eighteen he heard the “King’s Speech” by Heath Valhoun. He is so inspired that he convinces a friend to help him hijack their transport and make their way to the Elysium Empire. He enrolled in the Imperial Military Academy where it was quickly learned that he would be a grunt and was trained as such.




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