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Bait for the sandworms! (open)

Gluk, Stock, and Two Smoking Lasers

The dunes shuddered under the old vehicle's all-terrain wheels. Jerec took a risk, looked away from the rocks and old wrecks ahead, and glanced over his shoulder. A sandworm the size of a politician's ego leaped out of a dune and burrowed into another without slowing down. Jerec floored the accelerator, but it was already floored. He was going faster than he could safely control, skidding over the Blenjeel desert. The alternative was digestion.

Like the cantina that the worms just ate. And half a dozen of the speeders and all-terrain wheelers that managed to get away.

Now every surviving vehicle was making a mad dash for safety: a distant set of wrecked ships too big to eat. And at least a dozen hungry happy sandworms were right behind them.

The wheeler refused to go faster. Jerec slewed around a dune and into a gully. One wall shifted as a sandworm burrowed its way through, and he caught a glimpse of gigantic teeth in a round lamprey mouth. Then the old vehicle skidded out of the gully and back into something like a rocky straightaway.

Happy hungry sandworms followed.
tarrik is strolling through the desert to clear his mind, when he sees a wheeler speeding followed by sandworms. tarrik jumps on the wheeler just before a sand worm rises from the ground attempting to devour tarrik. tarrik unleashes a wave of force lighting on the nearest sand worm, nearly disintegrating the worm. tarrik tries to figure out how many sand worms are following him, he counts 8 or 9 sandworms. he tries to mind control one of the sand worms, he manages to for a few seconds causing that sand worm to attack one of the smaller sand worms. while he is focusing on the controlled sand worm, another sand worm latches on to the back of the wheeler.
Gluk, Stock, and Two Smoking Lasers
[member="tarrik unok"]


There aren't many eloquent ways to respond when a Sith Lord decides to ride shotgun. Jerec slewed the wheeler up a rocky slope. Hair prickled on the back of his neck as Force lightning zapped out behind. Then a big lamprey mouth clamped down on the vehicle's back end, just as the slope terminated.

The wheeler had a roll cage and he'd buckled his seatbelt, but the seatbelt buckle snapped and the cage groaned. The wheeler tumbled off a ledge into a dune. Barely hanging on, Jerec glanced back to see that the vehicle's tumble had twisted the 'neck' of the sandworm latched to its posterior. Now the sandworm was trying to untwist, and it wasn't going well. That motion brought the spinning wheels back up against rocky sand. The wheeler took off again just as a bigger sandworm bit the back half off the first one.

Trailing half a sandworm, the wheeler accelerated across the dunes.

"Who the gorram hecking - what are you?" he yelled over the wind at the Sith Lord in the shotgun seat.
Gluk, Stock, and Two Smoking Lasers
[member="tarrik unok"]

"I'm the dude who's gonna get his face burned off next time we hit a bump! Put those glowsticks away, I'm beggin'ya!"

Jerec steered around a stone pillar and hit a patch of soft sand. The wheeler's transmission groaned and made other unhappy noises. The truncated sandworm's mouth section detached from the cargo panniers out back, and the wheeler got a lot lighter. Good in some ways, bad in others, especially for traction.

"I'm just the guy with the dune buggy, man." Sand stirred nearby: here came another worm. Jerec took a hand off the wheel and pointed. "Sith Lord the heck out of that thing, please."
tarrik unleashed a deadly blast of lightning into the nearest sand worm

" I think that's the last of them "

" hey you can handle yourself pretty well, you looking for work? im planning something big and could use someone like you "
Gluk, Stock, and Two Smoking Lasers
[member="tarrik unok"]

The wheeler skidded onto a stretch of sandy rock, finally safe from the worms if there were any left. For about half a second, Jerec thought of mentioning that he already had a job as a shipwright with Gallofree Transports. But when a Sith Lord tries to hire you, saying no isn't an option.

Besides, this sounded interesting.

"I'm down," he said as his heart slowed down. He kept watching the dunes for sandworms, though, just in case. "My name's Jerec Asyr. I'm a ship designer, a pilot, and a general tinkerer. What's your project?"
Gluk, Stock, and Two Smoking Lasers
Jerec listened as [member="tarrik unok"] explained his plan. It was a very Sithy kind of plan: ambitious, aggressive, frightening. And the role that Lord Tarrik offered him fit each of those boxes to a T.

How do you say 'no' to a Sith Lord?

'Ah..." He desperately tried to gather his thoughts. "I'm immensely flattered, of course, but I don't know that I'm the man for the job. I know what I bring to the table, and I'm more than happy to help your people design starships and so forth, but that's about as far as my ambitions extend. Anything beyond it would lead, uh, inevitably, to me screwing up at a job for which I'm not qualified, at which point you kill me. But hey, I will design the utter heck out of ships for you and your people."

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