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Approved Starship Baleen-class Missile Frigate

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  • New Intent: Reconfigure Design first used for the Black Sun into a Closed Market economy.
  • Image Source: (x)
  • Canon Link: (x)
  • Restricted Missions: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Manufacturer: Corellian Engineering Corporation (x), Have Gun Will Travel (Modifier) (x)
  • Affiliation: Closed Market
  • Model: Baleen-class Heavy Freighter (x)
  • Production: Minor
  • Material:
    Duralloy (Hull Plates): (x)
    Transparisteel (Viewports): (x)
  • Classification: Missile Frigate
  • Length: 426 Meters
  • Width: 186 Meters
  • Height: 65 Meters
  • Armament: Extreme
    100 M-G-2 General-Purpose Warhead Launcher (x)
    Each Missile Launcher Bay Container Holds: 20 Concussion Missiles, 10 Proton Torpedoes, 5 Mag Pulse Torpedoes (x), 2 Proton Rockets (x).
    20 Point Defense Laser Cannons
    10 Tractor Beams
  • Defenses: Average
    Deflector Shields
    Duralloy (x)
    Life Support
    Micropoles (x)
  • Hangar Space: Very High: 3
  • Hangar Allocations:
    2 squadrons
    Support Craft: 1 squadrons
Maneuverability Rating: Very Low
[*]Speed Rating: Very Low
[*]Hyperdrive Class: Average: 2

All Standard Features

220-SIG Tactical Sensor Jamming Device: A Sensor Jamming Device used to limit the starships in the area from scanning the Baleen-class Missile Frigate until they are within 1KM of range. This is used to hide the Baleen-class Missile Frigate primary function and appear to only be a Baleen-class Missile Frigate. (x)
840.z Holo-Targeting Suite: In conjunction with the targeting computer, the 840.z Holo-Targeting Suite allowed improved accuracy for the missile systems in the Baleen-class Missile Frigate. This was a necessary upgrade as the targeting computer itself was strained from the large amount of weapons systems, the 840.z allowing it to balance out the strain. (x)
ANs-9.5w Wide Range Sensor System: A wide range sensor system used to detect starships in the vicinity, up to 100km of its current location. Used for detecting starships and studying commonly used Hyperlanes. (x)
Hyperdrive Signal Interceptor: The Hyperdrive Signal Interceptor detects flucations in the local area though not of its destination nor the type of ship. This sensor is used against Piracy, allowing those at stations to be more prepared for an ambush or assault. (x)
Micropoles: Used to fix the glaring issue of the shield generators weak spots. (x)

  • Hidden in Plain Sight: Utilizing an older design, the Sensor Jamming allows the freighter to get in close to unleash its payload. In addition, each M-G-2 General-Purpose Warhead Launcher is hidden from plain view, inside the cargo containers.
  • Overwelming Firepower: The amount of missiles it shoots out at any given time is unbelievable, making it an extremely deadly foe from afar or up close for even Star Destroyers classification.
  • Limited Ammunition Stores: While it can fight for a while, it needs to have a restocking ship in order to keep being used in battle, limiting it to the rear of the fleet if used in a fleet action and if it runs out of ammunition, it is a sitting duck.
  • It Moves Slower than Most Heavy Freighters: With all the upgrades done to the weapon systems, it meant scaling back on engine power to the extent that it moves slower than most heavy freighters on the current market. More so, the maneuverability is so dreadful that commanders have to take care of starfighters getting to close to blind spot areas.
  • Exposed Hanger Bay: When the door is open, it leaves for a very exposed area inside due to how large the hanger bay area is. It can be shot inside for devastating effects, possibly even hitting the command center from inside.

The ship in question was more of a bet, a bet that Haon Hafey lost at a card game. Design a fighting frigate with the Baleen-class Heavy Freighter. It it was a laugh as Haon Hafey pulled out a Pure Sabaac while the Vigo put out an Idiots Array. Defeated, he went about in a single day to produce a blueprint that would use the framework of a Baleen-class Heavy Freighter and turn it into a missile frigate. When presented with just the general broad idea, it was approved for production to Haons surprise, never suspecting it get further than simply the design stage.

When it was being designed, they decided to make it as annoying as possible to identify, pulling once again the 220-SIG Tactical Sensor Jamming Device for the job while also starting to set up a network of 840.z Holo-Targeting Suites to ensure that each missile launcher had a fighting chance to eliminate an enemy starfighter or capital ship. Adding in also the ANs-9.5w Wide Range Sensor System and the Hyperdrive Signal Interceptor, it started to become the modern equivalent of the Type-K Assault Corvette in its own right. Adding in some of the starfighters and support craft bays, they realized how undefended the hanger bay would be to attacks so the entire shield array was more focused on the front, which did not sit well for the rest of the ship, being now more poorly defended.

While it still required an overhaul of the engine and a new reactor once again, making it very unbearably slow, it now had the fighting capabilities of most modern frigates and possibly against most cruisers along with some Star Destroyers. Plus with it just seemingly being a rather old looking freighter, it could move up close before unleashing its devastating payload by raising up the hidden container and then firing upon them from on top, beside or below. The only issue was the supply chain as it had only enough ammunition stores for each container to hold so much. With that, it had ammunition issues during the trial run but presented itself as devastating, even damaging on accident one of the nearby space stations due to the amount of explosives used though only breaking one of their docking ports.

With that, the design was approved for production at a Minor stage, knowing that most probably would not mess with it full time but the idea of being able to transport goods while also having a large missile deterrent was almost something needed to happen.

After a year when the Black Sun had fallen apart into disarray, the design was brought back home for a new look. One of the few key things was to add micropoles all over the Baleen, effectively reducing one of its glaring weaknesses to a grinding halt. Another was with its new designs, increase production to mass production status, making it now more widely available than ever before. Hopefully with this, it would jump start the missile frigates design and put it back on the front lines shortly.

  • New Intent: Reconfigure Design first used for the Black Sun into a Closed Market economy.
  • Restricted Missions: N/A (Somehow was missed, added back in)
  • Affiliation: Closed Market (Black Sun Defunct)
  • Production: Changed back to Minor
  • Defenses: Average
    Deflector Shields
    Duralloy (x)
    Life Support
    Micropoles (x) (Added to increase Defense to Average)
  • Hanger Bay: Size correction along with starfighters changed to two.
  • Advanced Systems: Micropoles: Used to fix the glaring issue of the shield generators weak spots. (x) (Added in to explain its use)
  • Weakness Removed: Poor Shielding
  • Added in Last Paragraph:
    After a year when the Black Sun had fallen apart into disarray, the design was brought back home for a new look. One of the few key things was to add micropoles all over the Baleen, effectively reducing one of its glaring weaknesses to a grinding halt. Another was with its new designs, increase production to mass production status, making it now more widely available than ever before. Hopefully with this, it would jump start the missile frigates design and put it back on the front lines shortly.
  • General Clean Up: (Spacing issues and glaring enter mistakes)
Last edited:
Factory Judge
[member="Haon Hafey"], According to your ratings, you are a bit underpowered by 3 ratings by my count.

If you would like, you are more than able to add to them if you wish.
[member="Vigil Rostu"]

Was trying to keep it balanced at all possible, my submissions tend to be the NUKE ALL button as one roleplay judge once described it to me. Regardless, I have uped my Squadron count from Average to Very High, adding in three more fighter squadrons.
Submission Name: Baleen-class Missile Frigate
Link to Submission: (x)
Reason for Pre-Factory Request: Update Ratings, Change Affiliation to Closed Market (Black Sun now Defunct), Make it Look Neater

Submissions moved as per OP request. Please remember to include a list of changes when you tag a member of Factory Staff to move the submission back to live judgement.
Okay, so I'm seeing a couple of balancing issues here.

First and foremost you've set the Hangar rating for your ship as Very High with five (5) squadrons.

Hangar Space
: Very High: 5

For a ship with the length of 426 meters the maximum number of squadrons, as per the Factory Template, for the Very High rating is three (3).

200m [Base: 0 | Very Low: 0 | Low: 0 | Average: 1 | High: 2 | Very High: 3 | Extreme: 4 ]
500m [Base: 0 | Very Low: 1 | Low: 2 | Average: 3 | High: 4 | Very High: 5 | Extreme: 6 ]

Additionally, I have your ship as being overpowered by one (1) rating.

To fix the squadron issue, you could either increase the ship's length to 500 meters, or reduce the number of squadrons to three (3). To fix the rating issue, you could lower one rating or lower the production scale by one.

Please let me know what you decide to do/make the necessary edits and tag me here when you're done. As always, if you have any questions or concerns don't hesitate to let me know either here or via PM. Thanks!
I feel like I had this argument recently with another person on ratings. This is my math.

Running Totals

+ = Over
- = Under

Mass Production = 0
Armament Extreme = +3 +3
Defenses Average = 0 +3
Hanger Bay Size Very High = +2 +5
Speed Very Low= -2 +3
Manuverability Very Low= -2 +1
Hyperdrive Average = 0 +1

Ratings So Far = +1 Over

S = Strength = +
W = Weakness = -
Strength Total = 2
Weakness Total = 3

S - W = -1

Strength/Weakness = -1
Ratings So Far = 1

1 + -1 = 0

By my math, it should be equal and I will elaborate on top of the weaknesses that will make it viable to be so.

Limited Ammunition Stores: As it says, it can do several volleys but after a while, even the roleplayer must understand it does not have unlimited ammo. It will run out and while it can combat a Star Destroyer one on one in terms of firepower, it will still have to reload for several seconds versus the outstanding firepower of several dozen turbolaser batteries that are pumped out nearly every second. In addition, each missile can possibly be shot down by point defense lasers, making it somewhat unreliable in a huge volley up front but practical in the back where it can target multiple ships to fire at that either get a little to close or possibly concentrated fire effort. Plus, it has to restock missiles at some point during combat as it does not have an unlimited storage amount of it which I will also remark why that is a glaring weakness on Exposed Hanger Bay.

It Moves Slower than Most Heavy Freighters: Simply as the letters prescribe it. Once again another reason it must stay in the rear. Even a star destroyer can most likely get the upper hand and flank it which is embarrassing in on itself. Starfighters can exploit it for all of its weakness being that slow and those skilled frigates can easily get the upper hand. Hell, those with long range weaponry on cruisers and even star destroyers could pinpoint onto this and it is a literal sitting duck in terms of defenses. It will be obliterated as if it was nothing if a fleet was specalized into it and bombers would have a field day destroying such a large ship that barely can turn to even get a shield facing strong enough to withstand even one good volley of proton rockets. Speaking of it...

Exposed Hanger Bay: This is the critical and most damning of the entire submission. If asked why, it is very simple. In the movie, we know it is a large cargo hold area and doubles as a hanger bay area. Well in this case, if it doubles as a hanger bay area, it also doubles as an overflow missile compartment. Can you imagine at all what would happen if it decided to open its jaws to take a restocking ship or even unleash just some starfighters? The damn thing would explode with a simple concussion missile or some lucky spray laser cannon fire. It would create a chain reaction that would give an almost immediate shockwave into the entire frontal area of the ship which would include the reactor, bridge area, several quarters, hell even the structures that hold the entire design together. It is a critical weakness that was added in so the submission would be completely be balanced out. Shoot inside the Hanger Bay, watch the fireworks go out!

Now as for the Hanger Bay Size, that is my apologies and was still on the old system with that one. That has been changed accordingly to three with starfighter compliment reduced. I say it would make a bit more sense to be given that extra space to the cargo hold even with length and width wise to the cargo bay.

Regardless, I await your criticism Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr but I do need to remind that the Spreadsheet does not generally include Strength/Weaknesses as one of the other judges found out after I pointed it out in a previous submission.
Okay, so first of all thank you for making the edits to the Squadron section.

Regardless, I await your criticism Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr but I do need to remind that the Spreadsheet does not generally include Strength/Weaknesses as one of the other judges found out after I pointed it out in a previous submission.

I feel I should point out to you a couple of things.
  • First, all submissions are judged on their own merit each time they are put up for judging. Previous submissions, judgments and precedents are not taken into consideration.
  • While you're correct that the Starship template does not take strengths/weaknesses into account, I need to also point out that not all strengths and weaknesses are created equal, and as such should not be considered on a one to one basis with rating balancing. Certain weaknesses can make up for rating imbalances, but that is up to the judge's discretion. I appreciate you taking the time to expound on the weaknesses, but in my opinion they are not significant enough to justify an unbalanced ship, with an Extreme rating, at the Mass-Produced production rating. An exposed hangar can be detrimental, but it is countered/mitigated easily enough by some forethought prior to any planned engagements and the same could be said about limited ammunition stores. As for its slow movement, that's already accounted for in the ship's ratings.
So where do we go from here? I am happy to approve this submission if you reduce one of the ship's ratings or production scale by one (1). An easy fix, in my opinion, would be to simply produce the ship at the Minor rating or knock the Armament rating down to Very High. You're welcome to also alter one of your weaknesses to something that's a little less avoidable, or create a new weakness in addition to the ones you already have.

Also, I should point out as well that if you feel I am being unfair here you're welcome to request a Second Chance at any point along the approval process. If you choose this option, just let me know here in this thread. The thread will be archived and you'll have to fill out the request template in the thread (whose link I've provided) and another judge will take a look.

In any case, please let me know what you've decided and/or make any necessary edits and tag me when you've done so. Thanks!
Starting to feel like I am having a bit of flashbacks.

But you are right, you are the final person to make that choice that says whether or not a weakness constitutes a rating or not. However, it does say also that if it does show, perhaps it can be noted that the weakness before saying there is a rating over one, does not constitute the necessary requirements to let it go down a level in rating. If this was probably brought up earlier, it probably would been cleared up much sooner.

Regardless, the Production has been changed to Minor. I will just have to watch how many of these are sold and to how many parties.
Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr
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