Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Balgruf Lothbrok

NAME: Balgruf Lothbrok
FACTION: Freelancer
RANK: Mercenary Commander
SPECIES: Valkyri
AGE: 29
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 8 ft
WEIGHT: 255 ( 90% muscle weight )
EYES: Bright Yellow
HAIR: Blonde
SKIN: White


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+ Strength and Endurance: Because of Balgruf's race he is naturally fit and stronger then most, another fact that contributes to this is that Balgruf was a tribal warrior before becoming a mercenary for the galaxy.

+ Leader: Balgruf is a natural leader who has lead men into combat before therefore he is a skilled leader. In the toughest of situation's somehow Lothbrok was able to inspire his men to continue fighting. His leadership has extended to the point of to where he has created his own fighting force in order to get his employers job done. ( This has been acquired threw the use of contracts, and recruitment deals with other Valkryi who want to fight beyond their home planet)

+/- Cold Blooded: Being a Valkryi, Balgruf cam easily survive colder mountain climates. The downside to this is that hotter climates are almost impossible to live in.

+/- Personality: Balgruf Lothbrok is very loyal to his friends, but very ruthless to his enemies. This Warrior for hire always loves a good fight, and will not take down the opportunity to fight if given the chance. Unfortunately, problems have occurred because fights Balgruf cannot win generally are fought anyway. The Valkryi is also very ambitious as well, and one day hopes to unite his people to rule more then just their home planet, and father spread their traditions.

+/- Huge: This feature can be considered god and bad for many reasons. For instance, while being huge tank could be good in a close and personal fight, it can also make him a huge target on the battlefield causing horrible problems for him.

- Bad Pilot: Balgruf is a horrible pilot who would likely crash into things, he relies on others to pilot him to other area's.

- Is only a Ground Commander: Space combat is not Balgruf's style, the only time this space Viking is ever caught fighting in space is if he is raiding an enemy ship.

Balgruf Lothbrok is extremely muscular and bulky , with blonde hair, and bright yellow eyes; Balgruf also generally has his custom armor which is designed to further help his resistance to colder climates .

[SIZE=medium]Over the years this bulky, muscular, war machine had fought on his home land as a revered leader for his clan/ tribe. In those years, Balgruf had gained the reputation of a fair, but ruthless leader in battle, in those years he earned the command of fifty Valkyri warriors in his tribe. These men revered him for his strong feat in close quartered battle, and Balgruf’s ability in unit ground tactics. Balgruf’s life was not always the life of a warrior commander ,during his life on his home planet. When he was a child, he had to face many trials placed forth by his father. In order to fight battles even wars, Balgruf would have to learn how to live off of the land if he was separated from his fellow warriors. Not only this, he would need to have brute strength and endurance in order to overpower his enemies, and he would need a smart mind in order to fulfill his ambitions with strategy. Therefore, his father turned him into the fearless, big, bulky, mountain of muscle that makes him a true Valkyri he is today. After years of glory, the warrior realized that the gods had a bigger destiny in store for him. Balgruf would become a feared mercenary, and pirate with riches beyond imagination. Balgruf Lothbrok, decided to have a meeting with his band of warriors, in this meeting the warrior wanted to leave his clan, and gather his fame and glory in the galaxy. Unconditionally every warrior wanted to go with their fearless leader, they would then form their own clan called Lothbrok named after his father who had taught him everything. This would be the first Valkyri clan to leave their home planet in an attempt to seek fortune throughout different parts of the galaxy. Not many recognize their clan’s existence such as The High King. But none the less clan Lothbrok has made a name for themselves as one of the most feared mercenary units in the world. Balgruf Lothbrok is a fearless berserker not to be taken lightly along with his men, they will tear you apart if the chance is given. Balgruf’s story begins ….. [/SIZE]

SHIP: Shadow-Class Corvette ( custom painted with a black circle having a sword go through it which is located at the top center mass/left center mass/right center mass)

Crew: 50 Valkyri Tribal warriors with modern gear, 8 hired crewmen

Weapon: Vibro- Axe

KILLS: Many other enemy adversaries in battle.



ROLE-PLAYS: none yet

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