Aithne Charr
Heir of Fire
Pre-interest Note: I will ask now, that no one request an Invite into this RP Idea if you Plan to just show up and cause trouble. This is meant to be a relaxing RP in which no fighting occurs unless both parties ask permission in a PM. And only then will you be allowed outside of the party. Now with that said, let me begin.
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The End of a Long Night.
Hello Everyone, this thread will look familiar for those who were at the last one but for those that were not well im here with a common type of RP but still a fun one. You see, i will be once more holding a ball on Kesh but not for one singular reason. You see this will also act as the public announcement of the Confederacy of the Outer Realm's creation. But of course only as a minor faction for the obvious fact of neither our playerbase being high enough and the knowledge i have been afforded about another faction. So if anyone is looking to have a good time and be there for the formation of a new Minor faction officially IC wise. Do post.
Now the setting will be Kesh's main palace complex. Two places in particular will hold those that arrive, either in the main hall or the expansive garden kept outside of the main hall. Drinks will be wines of varying origins as well as other types for which someone else to take a taste of including alderaanian vintages that are being taken from storage for such an occasion.
Really though, the food and drink are all up to you guys because i honestly cannot think up enough things for everyone to have their characters satisfied.
So ya, if you all just want to have some fun, do some dancing, talking. Make some connections. You know the deal. Post below and i will tag you when i throw up the thread.
Main Hall:
Palace Garden