Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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NAME: Ballen-Ist
FACTION: The New Order
RANK: Knight
AGE: 17
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 5'12''
WEIGHT: 150 lbs
EYES: Yellow
HAIR: Black
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Blade Work: Ballen enjoys using bladed weapons, proved by his short sword that he carries. Out in the wild, he developed his own fighting style, which involves aggressive, quick attacks backed by his physical body.
Trained Body: Living a life of combat, Ballen-Ist's body has been trained to a high peak in his physical capabilities, given it may not be it's full potential. After combating several others and beasts, fighting is like a second nature.
Sith Blood: Ballen-Ist is of the Sith species, giving him a genetic predisposition to the dark side of the force. This enables him to adapt and learn it at a much quicker pace.
Rapid Thoughts: Ballen-Ist likes to think, a little too much. While in combat, his thoughts can betray him if he over-thinks the situation, causing him to get distracted.
Disobediant: Ballen-Ist does not like to take orders. Depending on the requests given, they can sometimes cause Ballen-Ist to disobey. If anything goes against his goals, he won't do it.
Being a Sith in blood, Ballen's skin is a red tint. He can usually be seen wearing dark clothing, along with his slicked back black hair. His eyes are a strange yellow colour.

Being raised on Korriban, the ways of the Sith were no secret to the boy. As a pure blood of the planet, Ballen-Ist fit right in with the others as they survived. Living a life of combat was nothing unusual either, for they were required to fight the beasts that roamed the planet's land. The small villages would work together to thrive, often making sacrifices in the name of their gods. However, as battling continued, their population dwindled, causing the few survivors to spread out, leaving the area for good. Ballen-Ist was amongst those that survived that battling, making it out onto the dunes, in search of civilization. He had heard of a Sith Academy, created by the New Order. Where was it set up? He would find out soon enough, equipped with nothing but water and his short sword.

After roaming the planet, he would eventually catch word of the Academy, heading for it's destination. After enrolling, he would seek a master, looking forward to the difficult trials that lay ahead.



Telekinesis - Knight
Pyrokinesis - Acolyte
Force Barrier - Knight
Controlled Rage - Knight
Force Scream - Acolyte
Force Sense - Knight
Force Speed - Acolyte
Force Jump - Acolyte
Juyo - Knight
Soresu - Knight

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