Alecander stared down at the formidable weapon with obvious worry. Yes, the possibility of such a tool was intoxicatingly intriguing, but if it killed the men firing it then there wouldn't be much point. The mention of dampeners eased his worries somewhat, though he retained the suspicion in his gaze.
"If what you say is true, then I'll give it a test," he finally relented. He held the terribly heavy weapon in one hand, and took the ear-protection with the other. He'd never liked wearing such things, but this weapon was relatively untested. It might pop his eardrums if he did not wear any form of ear protection.
It only took him a moment to find the safety on the weapon. The switch was held at the bottom of what Alex was hesitant to call a rifle, just above the magazine. He flipped the switch and turned the weapon downrange with deadly purpose. Adjusting his stance, the former commander drew in a deep breath and leveled the prototype.
"If I lose my arm, I'm going to use it as a club and beat you to death with it, and you'd better record the murder Xil," He shook his head. "We'll use it as propaganda for...something."
Then came the blast. A sound like a gunship letting its payload loose shook through the range. The gelatinous figure at end of the hall exploded in a mess of jelly and shrapnel. Alex was sent reeling back. He stumbled and tripped, falling to the floor with a curse. After a moment's silence, he flicked on the safety.
"Lot of kick," he groaned, "Fix that."
[member="Nicademus Blith"], [member="Xil Nevin"]