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Approved Starship Balthazar Long-term Interstellar Settlement Station | B.L.I.S.S.

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Manufacturer: Krinemonen Hydraworks
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Semi-Unique
Length: Extreme
Width: Extreme
Height: Extreme
Size: Titanic



  • Extreme defenses.
  • Anti-missile equipment onboard.
  • High ION/EMP resistance.
  • Self-sustaining internal structure.
  • Small craft production capabilities.
  • Can support a population of up to 1,000,000 people.
  • Extremely slow.
  • Minimal maneuverability.
  • Can only produce 50 starships at a time with a limit of 400 meters.
  • No armament.
The Balthazar Longterm Interstellar Settlement Station, or B.L.I.S.S. for short, is a titanic space-fairing vessel intended to maintain prolonged dwelling within the vacuum of space within a self-sustaining station. The ship was manufactured by Krinemonen Hydraworks in the shipyards of Krinemonen III, developed under the direct instruction of their CEO Pazarro Krimenon III Pazarro Krimenon III , taking well over 20 years to be fully constructed. They would be offered to the Tingel Arm Coalition as a binding business contract, ensuring that a cut of the profits generated by the vessels returned back to Krinemonen III. Three vessels exist at present day, St. Maldra, St. Baros, and St. Atollon, intended to serves as spaceports to prop up local economies and facilitate as the platform for settling more hostile territory. Each vessel acts as their own semi-sovereign state, ultimately falling under the regulation of Krinemonen III. They maintain their own economy, business infrastructure, small-scale starship manufacturing, and artificial ecosystem. The vessel's shape from the outside is visually similar to other works of Mon Calamari engineering, sporting a striking red hue.


  • Residential District: Located towards the middle-section of the vessel, the residential district is contained in a large outer ring filled with artificial ecosystems and homes of varying quality. Those dwelling in the Residential District live aboard their B.L.I.S.S. 24/7, typically made up of those who work aboard the station and their families. Species commonly inhabiting the vessel include: Humans, Mon Calamari, Quarren, Blubreen, Iridonain Zabrak, Smarteelian Zabrak, Twi'lek, and Duros. There are various locations of note in this district...
    • Green Belt: A continuous ring of artificially maintained flora and fauna set up on an artificial light cycle, advertised as a park of sorts. It's kept in pristine condition to ensure that those dwelling in the intergalactic void for prolonged periods of time remain mentally healthy.
    • Aquaponics: An artificial river connected directly to the hydro district, serving as a way for the vessel to cultivate oxygen and clean water. Artificially maintained fish allow for some fishing.
    • Committee Housing: A section dedicated to leadership of the vessel, be it political or opperational. This section is secluded from the rest of the Residential District with a direct line to the Committee District.
  • Commerce District: The primary space of business located in the top section of the vessel, directly connected to the docks. This section is a giant bazaar, populated by on-station and intergalactic trade goods alike. Goods are laissez faire, as the stations tend to have loser regulations, though they do still have regulations. As a result many goods here are more exotic. There are various locations of note in this district...
    • Auction House: Sponored by Krinemonen Hydraworks, which takes a cut of the overall profits, the auction house is made for the bidding of luxury goods from vehicles all the way up to private property. The eccentric tend to gather here to display their wealth and rub elbows with those that share their fringe interests.
  • Committee District: Located at the top-middle section of the vessel, the Committee District handles all of the internal affairs of the B.L.I.S.S. This includes ship maintainance, navigation, internal laws and regulations, and security. It's the smallest portion of the vessel, not open to public access for the safety of the crew. There are various locations of note in this district...
    • Bridge: The command deck of the station, where the captain and the highest-ranking officers oversee the primary systems of the vessel.
    • Logistics Suite: A space where maintainance and navigation is planned. Information is broadcasted through this space to the rest of the station.
    • Security Suite: The primary barracks and office of the station's security team.
    • Cabinet Suite: The space for the management of internal legislation, ulstimately overseen by Krinemonen Hydraworks.
  • Entertainment District Top: Located in the middle of the vessel, the layer directly below the Residential District. This is the center for the majority of entertainment, maintaining facilities such as restaraunts, clubs and hotels, theatres, a short swoop-racing track, and various smaller shops. There are various locations of note in this district...
    • The Tipped Bantha: The bar frequented by workers on the station and travelers passing through, where men and women from all walks of life go to drown their sorrows in drink. This is a franchise that exists on all three vessels, each varying in quality. St. Atollon's is passible, St. Baros's is top of the line, and St. Maldra's may leave you with food poisoning if you go late at night.
    • Public Hall: A space dedicated to events on the station.
  • Entertainment District Bottom: A space dedicated to less-savory activities located below the Entertainment District Top, primarily hosting gambling. Various casinos are maintained, as well as the vessel's seedier nightclubs. Should you turn down the wrong alleyway, you may find yourself at a black market deal or gang meeting.
  • Production District: Located on the bottom of the vessel, the Production District is dedicated to the creation of all goods aboard their respective B.L.I.S.S. This is anything from clothes, home appliances, foodstuffs, and some minor starship manufacturing. There are various locations of note in this district...
    • Shipyard: A limited space where small crafts are constructed, right at the belly of the vessel. These spaces can only produce 50 starships at a time with a limit of 400 meters.
  • Hydro District: A space towards the bottom of the vessel where the water cycle of the station is maintained. Waste water is collected and purified here to be sent to Aquaponics and then to the rest of the vessel.
  • Docks: Where transports from near and far dock when boarding the B.L.I.S.S. There are 10 docks in total.
Art: Fandom


Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a self sufficient civilian space station
Image Source(s):
Canon Link: N/A
Primary Source(s):


Technical Information

Affiliation: Tingel Arm Coalition
Model: N/A
Starship Class: Other
Starship Role: Colony
Modular: No
Material: Durasteel, Impervium, Glasteel, ION shielding, Radiation shielding, Nanoforge, Molecular Furnace, Garment Fabricator,
Armaments: N/A:

Civilian Spacestation
Defense Rating: Extreme
Speed Rating: Very Low
Maneuverability Rating:: None
Energy Resist: Very High
Kinetic Resist: Very High
Radiation Resist: Very High
Other Resistance(s):

ION/EMP: Very High

Minimum Crew: 100000
Optimal Crew: 300000
Passenger Capacity: 1000000
Cargo Capacity: Very Large
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