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Approved Ranged Weapon Balun's K-16 Bryar Pistol

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Manufacturer: Tingel Arm Coalition
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Unique
Weight: Average
Size: Average


: To create an alternative weapon and side-arm for Balun Vale.
Image Source: Click Here.
Canon Link: K-16 Bryar Pistol.
Permissions: N/A.
Primary Source: K-16 Bryar Pistol.


: The Tingel Arm Coalition.
Affiliation: Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell .
Market Status: Closed-Market.
Model: K-16 Custom.
Modularity: The following modifications can be applied/swapped/upgraded:
  • Improved Iron Sights.
  • Scope/Optical attachments.
  • Enhanced Power Cells.
  • Rapid-Fire Modifications.
  • Cooling System.
  • Suppressor.
  • Barrel Modifications.
  • Stock & Grip Modifications.
Production: Unique.
Material: Poly-alloy, Durasteel, Blaster components.


: Blaster Pistol.
Size: Average.
Weight: Average.
Ammunition Type: Power cell.
Ammunition Capacity: Average.
Effective Range: Personal.
Rate of Fire: High.
Damage Output: High.
Recoil: High.

  • Burst-Fire Modification: A bespoke enhancement empowers the K-16 Bryar Pistol to unleash three successive rounds with each squeeze of the trigger, maximizing its firepower potential.
  • Charged Blast: A fundamental feature of the K-16 Bryar Pistol enables a single, devastating blast that proves exceptionally lethal at close quarters.
  • Non-Fatal Stun Setting: This non-lethal firing mode effectively immobilizes targets upon impact, making it ideal for apprehending wanted criminals.
  • Enhanced Power Cells: Specially crafted enhanced Power Cells offer a substantial increase in ammunition capacity, significantly extending the duration between reloads.
  • Versatile Firemodes: The K-16 Bryar Pistol offers versatility with its ability to seamlessly transition between single-shot, burst-fire, charged plasma discharge, and stun modes, ensuring it remains a dependable sidearm adaptable to any scenario.
  • High Output: This specialized pistol has been meticulously tuned to harness increased energy output with each discharge, delivering a potent punch with every round. As a result, it possesses the capability to rival heavier-duty armaments, surpassing the performance of conventional blaster pistols available in the market.
  • High Recoil: The sheer force of each round discharged from this formidable blaster pistol results in a pronounced recoil. When opting for burst-fire mode, this recoil severely compromises accuracy.
  • Short-Range: In contrast to the Blaster Rifle, the Pistol serves as a compact personal sidearm with limited effective range. Shots aimed at targets from mid to long distances experience reduced momentum and stopping power accordingly.

The K-16 Bryar Pistol, a veteran of countless battles, rests heavily in the hand, its worn grip molded to the contours of a seasoned warrior. The elongated barrel, a menacing extension of the wielder's will, promises a swift and decisive end to any foe. Its bulky body, a testament to its robust construction, is adorned with a network of exposed wires and metal components, each scratch and dent a badge of honor earned in the heat of combat.

A large cylindrical chamber, nestled near the muzzle, hums with barely contained energy, its glow a promise of explosive power. A symphony of clicks and whirs emanates from the pistol's intricate control panel, a testament to the advanced technology housed within its weathered shell. The battle-worn finish, a blend of matte black and gunmetal grey, speaks of countless encounters with blaster fire and harsh environments. This is no mere weapon; it's a relic of a turbulent past, a trusted companion in the ongoing struggle for galactic freedom.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create an alternative weapon and side-arm for Balun Vale.
Image Source(s):
Permissions: N/A.

Technical Information

Affiliation: Balun Vale
Model: K-16
Modular: Yes
Effective Range: Average
Rate of Fire: Selective Fire
Material: Poly-alloy, Durasteel, Blaster components.
Ammunition Type: Power Cell
Ammunition Capacity: Large
Damage Output: High
Recoil: High
Ranged Class: Pistol
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